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I didnt believe this... My baby girl is hurt she may not live. This is all my fault. If I stayed with her I could've made sure she was okay... I just got my princess back this isnt fair.

I didn't think before running off to my daughter, sure my nephew was hurt but i have bigger problems.

I see her laying there lifeless as i live to belive i put this on her plate and i was sorry.

I love her and once again i lost her. I cant live through this again. Not again please. Thats my little girl.

I was sick of boys, i didnt want her to get her heart broken anymore. I loved her and without her i dunno what id do.

Sometimes i wonder exactly how i eneded up here... I use to be a troublemaker... All i did was skip school and cause a ruckus, when Bea entered my life i dunno something somewhat changed i was young i didnt really give a care until she said her first word "daddy" it changed my ways of looking at life and i knew i was important not only to my fans and my brothers, but to the little human who will look up to me and love me until she no longer can. I had a daughter.

Being a single teenage parent/rockstar was kind of hard... working id never get sleep whenever i did get sleep Bea would cry and wake me up but it was no big deal, she'd see me and automatically smile and repeat the word "daddy." I have never been more proud the day she learned to walk... But my proudest moment as a music trainer and a father... Is when she preformed MSG, she was so happy and she uad made it she knew she did, that night she hugged me so tight and ive never been more proud.

I looked at my baby girl and shed a tear.

Please just wake up

One more chapter and we are done

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