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I'm stuck here... what if I can't go out? What if my dad can't find me? I started crying, tears ran down my face I was scared. I just want to go home. 


I can't believe she's missing

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I can't believe she's missing. Bea is my best, she has always been a great niece.  But not only that she is like my little sister, she has told me so many things. Secrets that if anyone finds out she will kill me. 

To Bumble Bea🐝❤: hey bumble bea. I miss you, I need to know if you're okay... I love you so much, please don't text me back. 

Message received 4:35 pm

What if we can't find her? Will police stop looking? I really just wanna hear her voice again. 


I looked through things and found a bunch of old videos that I recorded along with Mikey of Bea from when she was young.

 I turned one on and Bea popped on the screen she was maybe 5. She was giggling and running around the yard. What was she running from? That was when I ran into the frame chasing Bea. She laughed yelling "uncle Lukey no!" I remember this. 

I ran closer to her then picked her up laughing throwing her over my shoulder running around. And you have Michael in the background yelling for me to be careful.


Hey guys sorry such a short chapter and it's been forever since the last update. I've been really busy with school. I also didn't have any ideas for this chapter sorry it sucks.😞😞 byeee

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