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One year later


It's been a year, the search is over, it's been over everyone stopped looking. People say she's gone. I know she's not. 

A lot has changed in a year... Luke adopted a really sweet kid named Destery, he's 17. Oliver went to jail, he was caught doing drugs, Ashton had a kid with his girlfriend Hailey. I am happy for him. Luke got married, Calum he ran off with some guy. I haven't been to good... I've been trying to slow down on drinking I've achieved that. I stopped smoking, but I just can't wrap my head around that fact that she may never come home... my baby girl is gone.


I was sitting in the living room Luke was cooking and I heard my phone ring.


Michael Clifford?


Yes hello. This is Sydney Police Department.

What's going on?

We need you to come down to the station. It's urgent.

I'm on my way

I put my phone down and ran to the car speeding off.


I sat in my car in front of the station for 20 minutes scared... what if she's hurt. What if it's worse than that? 

I got up and went inside. 

I saw a very small girl standing talking to a officer, she had blonde hair it was long. She turned her head and you could see her bright green eyes. 

"Dad?!" She yelled

"Bea!" She ran over to me and hugged me.

My baby is finally home.

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