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I'm sorry I haven't updated!! I feel bad I'm sorry! I am a bad person! I love you guys so much!! I'm a bad person! Ahhhhhhh!!


I pulled Oliver into another room and pushed him against the wall, "I swear to Christ! I will kill you if you hurt my baby girl! She hasn't been hurt enough! She is my only child! Probably the only one I'll ever have! If she gets hurt! I swear! You'll be in the ground!" I yelled and he smirked.

"I have that girl... as you would say in a way... wrapped around my finger... I make her happy... but you see... she's mine... she loves me... you can't stop me here Michael..." he smirked

"I'll kill you" I growled

"And break her heart?" He asked laughing

"I won't do anything like that!" 

"Act like nothing happened... then I'll think about this..." 

"Whatever..." i sighed.

I can't let her get hurt... she's my world... not this time around...

Next chapter will be longer

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