QnA Answers

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Why didn't you tell your dad who took you?: My dad can be really aggressive especially when it comes to me... he is extremely over protective. He hates seeing me in pain. As much as I hate my mum she is my mum and my dad will potentially hurt her, which can get him in huge trouble, he will go after her then go to the police about her.

Do you like Destery?: i mean kinda... Des Des is sweet and nice and i honestly dont know what id do without him.

What was it like being gone for so long?: it was different... I missed my dad a lot. Imagine losing everything you've ever had and your world crumbles down and you have no way to stop it because youre tied to a bed. Imagine having a mum who wants to kill you because thats what i delt with... And it wasn't fun.


What are you gonna do when you find out who took Bea?: I'm going to kill a bitch, I'm not the type of person who tends to get violent, but when it comes to my little girl if you hurt her I will beat you until you can't breathe and you're in the hospital then I'll go to the hospital and beat you some more. Then go to the cops tell them it was self defe- wait are you a cop trying to test me? If so I didn't mean any of that...

What if Bea dates Des?: I like Destery a lot sweet kid... But NO BOYS


Were you nearly going to cry when you saw Bea?: honestly yes, Bea is my best friend... her missing for a year killed me, seeing her it felt like this weight was taken off my shoulders, between you and me, after dinner I went up to my room and cried and didn't let anyone in my bedroom. 

Do you know about Destery's problem?: problems? Yeah i do? He was abused by his birth parents... Why what problems does he say he has?!? What am i missing?!


How did you feel about Oliver doing drugs?: it crushed me... I took him in because he was a troublemaker and I just wanted to help him... I feel like an idiot because I couldn't help him. I turned on the news and it was talking about a huge drug bust and two known suspects one was 20 the other was 26 they said 20 year old Oliver Irwin. That both people will be serving about 5 years and it was a $15,000 bail charge... it broke my heart.

Whats your new babies name?: AJ


When do you plan on coming back?: I don't know yet 🤔🤔

Where'd you go?: I dont know

Are you gay?: yeah soo what?


Why do you only now want to get into Bea's life?: why not? I mean she is my daughter and I feel bad for not being in her life for so long... 

Why are you such a bitch?: you must be a fan of Michael or my stupid daughter.... Bye honey i dont like drama *sips tea*


Why did you break Bea's heart?: Why do you care? What are you gonna fucking sue me?! She was a bitch and she was annoying, and honestly really ugly. I wish she would've died that fucking bitch! *get brought back to the jail cell for being to aggressive*

Why did you go on drugs?: i lost myself... Bea left me and Vi did them i thought i could too... Just to be with her...

Why are you a prick?: uhm what the fuck


On a scale of 1-10 how much do you like Bea?: uhmmmm. I-I... w-well... I-I dunno... s-she's really p-pretty and she f-funny, I-I love her laugh, and h-how she g-gets mad o-over v-video g-games... s-she's also really d-down to earth... I-I also l-love w-when s-she talks h-her accent is so c-cute... and her voice is l-like an angel... S-she doesn't j-judge e-either... s-she d-doesn't k-know i-i said this r-right...? Or m-Mikey? H-he will be m-mad i-if he finds out i-i like Bea... wait w-what w-was the q-question... o-oh... uhm maybe e-eleven... b-bye d-don't t-tell Bea p-please.

Are you socially awkward?: w-well i-im not sure... I-im n-not a s-social b-butterfly, i a-am a-awkward. But s-socially a-awkward... I-is that bad?!? A-am i a f-freak?!?

Do you know you can trust luke with your problems?: i t-trust my dad a lot b-but ge thinks i-it's just the abuse, thats not the c-case... I j-just can't tell h-him n-n-now.


Do you plan on having a girls day with Bea?: it'd be really nice to... she's adorable, I really hope I can be close to her.

How long have you and Luke been marired?: about a year now (:


How much is Bea like Michael?: so god damn much... she's literally the girl version of Michael... she's annoying, yet she can be funny, she doesn't listen half the time, she runs off, she will literally jump into a crowd of fans when I tell her we don't have the time to stop and do a meet up. She has that devilish look in her eyes just like Michael when she's about to do something she shouldn't. Plus the talent... she gets it all from her old man... she can play acoustic and electric guitar, the ukulele, piano, 4 and 5 string bass, drums, trumpet, and her voice is amazing. Plus she's so loving just like Michael...Michael would do anything to make a person happy... Bea didn't get any traits from her mother... everything is all Michael. She's definitely a Clifford. Oh and don't get me started with video games....

Did you know you're a goat?: you must be one of Bea's friend hi how are you?

Author (me)

What's your favourite TV show?: I actually have a few, I love love love Shameless! Omg I've watched every season maybe 15 times! Lip is literally my dad and so is Carl! The Walking Dead... I was Negan for Halloween... I made my own Lucille and my whole costume was homemade except I didn't make the clothes lol, I even made it look like I had a beard! Supernatural! I just started watching it! It's amazing! High key obsessed! Also I've been watching 13 Reasons Why... haha. Oh and Pokémon and black butler and bobs burgers... I have a problem someone help me... 😂😂😂

Did you know I love you?: i love you too💕

Where'd you get the inspiration for the book?: well My Girl was souley from my book not so punk husband where michael has a kid so i thought about it and i wanted to make a book completely about mikey and his daughter. I thought it was cute that he was so young but he still wanted her ya know. The book ends with her on tour with 5SOS so i thought maybe skip a few years and make it so shes on tour by herself... Im so proud of both those books and honestly theyre my favorite books so far.

Is Destery the same one from What The Fuck Five?: that is where he is based because Destery Smith is my dad and i love him. He is the inspiration for the name of the character.

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