Chapter Sixty-Three - What Could Hurt More

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   "Christopher." I say when he answers the phone. "I need you to tell me everything you can about Nikki Wilton and her family." I sit down on the edge of my bed. "Please."

    There's the sound of motion, the creak of an opening door following by the gentle slam of a closing door, and the crunching of grass underfoot. "The Wiltons have been associated with my family for as long as I can remember. Nikki's mother and mine used to arrange playdates between Aria, Nikki, and I. I can't remember them but pictures say they happened. The Wilton family has been in my family's lives, as distant friends, sending Christmas cards, an occasional invite to something, and a phone call around the holidays. Wasn't until middle school when the friendship between our parents died off and our friendship began. We weren't good friends or really much of friends, but we talked more than we did when our parents were friends. Both girls were odd ducks. Nikki always seemed angry and ready to kill someone, but occasionally really sad and another person. Aria hardly spoke. Any information you're specifically asking for?" Christopher says.

  I try to think of the right question to ask. I choose to go with a lighter question than the big question, "Did you know when Nikki got pregnant?" I ask.

"Not exactly when but while, I knew." He says. "I dropped off a meal when your niece was only a week old."

   I let out a sigh and take a deep breath. I hold on tighter to my phone. "Katie, you can ask." Christopher says from the other side.

"You don't even know what I want to ask." I say with a light laugh. "Unless you can suddenly read minds."

    Christopher chuckles a bit but the sound quickly dies down. I think I hear let out a sigh. "She seemed both happier than ever but there was a misery to her as well. Her parents, there was a bad feeling to them, their smiles were so tight I thought their faces would explode."

"Was Nikki abused?" I blurt out the question.

   Christopher does not hesitate with the answer, "Most defiantly." He follows this with the question of why I asked.

   My breath catches in my throat and suddenly my voice gets unsteady, "I think one of them nearly killed my niece today." I take a moment, silence. "Can you... is there proof of the Wiltons abusing Aria or Nikki?" I ask.

   Christopher is silent for a while. "Not in the way of diaries and their social medias are clear of any signs, I highly doubt either of them made a point to make note of it."

I feel a disappointment, "Okay." I say. "Thank you, Christopher."

"I can find people who might know more. People who could testify." Christopher says. "Say the words, and i'll do it."

"Christopher, that's such a risk-" I start but am cut off.

"You're not asking me to do anything, say the words. That's all you'll be doing, saying words." I hear Christopher gently laugh and I swear I hear a small smile in his voice when he says, "Remember, I'm good with computers."

I smile a small bit, "Okay, use your talent." I say.

"I will." And then the call ends.



  Standing in front of the house door, I hold on tightly to my nerves to prevent them from running me away. I pressed the doorbell and knocked on the door. Nearly a minute later, i hear the sound of the door being unlocked. The door opens up a bit and I see part of a face looking at me.

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