About me..

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Before I make the next chapter, I just wanted to say a few things about myself.

My name is Brianna Cianela Wright, and I'm born on April 15 2004, I'm 12 and turning 13 this year, and I'm 5,3... That's tall for a 12 year old. And I'm in 7th grade.
Everyone calls me Cianela because I tell them to, but sometimes on some apps or social media I use my real name, so on Wattpad, I used my real name as a username. Both my parents are mixed, and my father has hazel eyes, buh he moved to Atlanta and has new kids wit another girl and shit now. I have a lighter complexion buh i do not route for #teamlightskin and stupid shit like that like others. I have Germans, and Italians in my family and I have 3rd and 2nd cousins from Puerto Rico. My favorite color is red. I love everything red lmao. I also like a reddish pink color too. I live in Stamford Connecticut......I know, the boring state, BUT, I live in the West Side HANNN, that's where them corner stores be at lmao. But I was mainly born in Manhattan New York. I dance, and been doing it since 8 years old. Lots of my family dance. I FUCKING HATE DONALD TRUMP!!!! ION EVEN KNO HOW THIS PUNK ASS NIGGA WAS ELECTED!!!! Anyways, back then I didn't write like that, but I got started with Wattpad when my Language Arts teacher told us to write a story that's different, and thrilling. That's how my first story Psychopath was made basically because I told myself to make a Wattpad story as soon as I got home lmao because I got inspired. I have 5 sisters and 2 brothers, and 2 out of 4 sisters have the same mother and father as me, and everyone else is half. I have 2 dogs, and they annoying asff. 2 pitbulls ya'll 2 FUCKING LARGE ASS MILITARY BUILT ALMOST THE SIZE AS ME GAURD DOG PITBULLS!!!!Well, that's it really ....ill make another chapter for y'all now. Byeeeee

What I look like is on the top......I fucking hate my smile, and I was tired asf in that picture I looked high lmao

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