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Nobody pov
"And I had crushes fo dat human too." Marcus said throwing another cross on Mateo.
Mateo screeched in pain.
He now had about 13 crosses all on him.dayum unlucky number..
Mateo began feeling weak.

Ayleo pov
I rubbed Mariyah's back while Key hugged her as she was crying.
"She can't stay." Key said looking at me.
"Where can she go?" Zavi asked.
There was suddenly a howl.
We all froze.
There was a sudden blur, and Mariyah screamed.
Oh shit.
I suddenly find my self on the ground, and I turn to see Trevor.
Ugh. He a wolf too.
"Get her far from here." I say getting up.
I watched as they got Majesty and walked away.
Trevor watched.
He looked back at me with an evil smile appearing on his face.
He suddenly tackled me to the ground, and we began fighting.

Mateo pov
This shit hurts breh!
My arm started to disintegrate.
Oh no.
I used all me strength and got up, burning my self even more taking the crosses off me.
Marcus smiled evily.
My arm began going back to normal, and gaining it's shape.
I stomp hard on the ground causing for his legs to go weak and fall.
I kick him continuously. I went and kicked a police car at him but he rolled right before it him him.

Nobody pov
Marcus charged at Mateo, and Mateo disappeared.
Marcus heightened his senses, and hear Mateo deep in the forest.
Marcus turned into a wolf, and jumped from the highway running into the dark forest at full sped with his eyes a bright yellow.
The trees swayed as he ran.
There was sudden blurs, but Marcus continued running.
A tree suddenly fell right in front of Marcus but he kept running following Mateo's scent.
He kept running until he smelled Mateo's scent on a tree.
He looked up and saw Mateo sitting on a large branch.
Mateo jumped off the tree and began running as Marcus chased him.
Mateo ran jumping over dead trees, bushes, and punched beaches that were in the way.
Mateo suddenly stopped and climbed up another tree.
Marcus laughed. "Little bitch is scared."
"I'm never scared." Mateo said smirking.
"Then fight me. You stay tryna run, and throw shit at me, why don't you fight me." Marcus said continuously laughing.
"Because you don't wanna see me fight." Mateo answered.
Marcus laughed again turning into a human. "Stupid bitch."
"I never fighted you in action as a vampire because would beat the fuck outta you. I only fist fighted you." Mateo nonchalantly answered
Marcus growled, and kicked the tree causing the wind to blow, and the tree to sway.
"You ain't ever seen me in action either!!" He yelled.
"Yo momma was a dumb ass bitch who committed suicide because her sons fucking are dead for doing stupid shit and not listening to they momma."
Mateo tried to keep his composure as his eyes began to turn red.
Mateo's weakness is when he doesn't listen, and his mother.
When people tell him he doesn't listen, he gets flashbacks on how he died, and his mother.
"You don't listen Mateo, dats how you died. I made the bridge fall. I died in 1653, and I made the damn bridge fall Mateo, at 1717. I killed you! I ain't even kno you or yo family I jus didn't like y'all so I killed you but little did I know you would become a vampire." Shoulda listened to mama." He said smirking.
"Lil nigga is mamas boy." He added on.
Marcus turned around to leave but he saw Mateo clenching his fist with pure black eyes.
Marcus swung, and Mateo dodged it and kicked him with his super strength causing him to collide into a tree.
"Why the fuck would you do that!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.
Marcus turned into a wolf and tacked Mateo to the ground.
Mateo grabbed his mouth, and closed it shut with all the strength he had, and kicked Marcus again with super strength. Mateo sprinted up to him and continuously kicked him, and Marcus began coughing blood as he became a human again.
Mateo bent down and scratched his face, and Mateo bit his arm causing Marcus to yell in agony.
Mateo went and got a large tree and hit Marcus with the tree with all his strength and anger, until he wasn't responsive. Mateo once more hit him with the tree, and left it ontop of Marcus in his own pool of blood.
Mateo walked out the forest, and he used his senses knowing where Mariyah is.
"Bitch said ion think I could fight bitch whet?!" Mateo yelled to himself.


Mariyah hugged Mateo, and Mateo hugged  in missing him so much.
"Aye you know what kid of mine I liked the most? Zay Jr." Zay said.
"When Zay Jr. Die?" Ayo asked.
"80 years ago." He answered.
"Me too. I stay fucking bitches in my death. I have 34 kids, buh they all dead. The youngest one died 30 years ago at 97 years old." Key said.
"Ha! I got 32 kids, buh the youngest one is 89, and still alive, along with 3 more who are still alive, buh the rest of them dead." Ayleo said laughing.
"Exactly that means I'm a uncle of damn 32 fucking kids Ayo." Mateo said rolling his eyes.
Zavi laughed. "I got 29 kids, and they all dead. I still fuck females, but I make sure I got a condom now, and I make sure that condom ain't got no holes, or expired." Zavi said.
"SAME!" Key yelled.
"Well I'm about to be an uncle of 1 for Mateo. Buh the kid, and Rhiyah gone die at some point." Ayleo said.
"Why don't you jus turn her into a vampire before she turn 18 Mateo." Zay suggested.
"They still gone come for me." Mateo said.
"So! I want precious and the kid to live forever!" Ayo yelled.
Mariyah looked at him. "Nigga PLEEEAAASSSEEEE !!!!"
He shook his head no.
"Please please. I'm yo first girl you actually love like that. Out of all the years you were dead, you never fell in love with a girl, or fucked around until now. You wouldn't wanna give that away." She begged.
He stared at her.
"Maybe." He finally said.
She groaned, and sat back in the couch.
"I'll think about it on the car ride." He said looking in her eyes.
His eyes turned gold.
"Awwww lovey dove typa shit." Key cooed.
"Let's just leave and go to Atlanta. Because we can't stay here." Ayo said getting up from the bed.
We all got up, and Mateo interlocked his hands with Mariyah as they, and the rest walked out the hotel room.

Mariyah pov
"Bitch we're all awake." I say with a 'dafuq' face.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Key yelled.
"Stawp! My baby is kicking because he hears you...he said shut the fuck up."
Oh yea it's a boy I forgot to say.


"Fuck a bitch kick her out and get a new bitch every day yay yay!" Zay said dry bumping a wall.
I look at him weirdly."The fack."
"You got issues buh imma jus mind my own business and go along with my 6am morning."
Mateo said walking away.
I roll my eyes.
I wanna be a vampire though.
Word on errthing I wanna be a vampire.

Comment if y'all think Teo should turn her into a vampire.

Opposites Attract (Shmateo love story)||COMPLETED||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora