All I Wanted Was You

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*Ricky's P.O.V.*

I sat in the waiting room of the emergency room pacing back and forth as I thought about what could be wrong with Sienna. What if her cancer had gotten worse? What if she was dying? What if I never saw her again? What if she was in a coma and never woke up? What if-

"I'm looking for Sienna's family?" A doctor announced, his voice piercing through the questions that raced through my mind. Motionless and Wasp all stood up. The doctor scanned over us wide-eyed.

"You're all her family?" He questioned unsurely. We all nodded in response.

"Which one of you are closest to her?" He wondered, looking over us once again.

"That would be me, sir, " I answered, stepping forward.

"Come with me, please, sir, " he ordered, leading me through a set of double doors and down a long, white hallway. We reached a door that read "4c."

"I'm just going to get right to it. Her cancer has spread to her lungs, which is why she was coughing up blood. Her lungs were also filled with water, which is why she made those gurgling sound. We pumped all of the water out of her lungs and took care of the blood. She's fine right now, but from now on, she'll be needing a breathing tube until the tumor in her lungs is gone. Nothing is terminal, so she's very lucky, " the doctor explained before walking away. I never saw this coming. Well, some of it I did, but I feel so bad for her. I walked into the room to see Sienna lying on a hospital bed attached to multiple machines. The only sounds in the room were the humming and beeping of an oxygen tank and heart monitor. I sat beside her, and her eyes fluttered open to look at me. She smiled weakly, and I returned her smile.

"Hey, babe, " she greeted me.

"Hey, Sie, " I said, caressing her cheek gently. Sienna placed her hand over mine to keep my hand in its place, leaning into me.

"You always give me butterflies when you touch me, " she giggled. I chuckled, her contagious laughter spreading to me.

"You're adorable, you know that?" I smiled. Her cheeks flushed red and her smile grew bigger.

"Stop making me blush, " she whined, the smile never leaving her face.

"But I love it when you blush, " I argued. She giggled again.

"I absolutely love it when you smile and laugh, " I complimented her. Her cheeks turned scarlet this time, and once again, her smile grew impossibly larger.

"Fuck butterflies, you give me an entire fucking zoo, " she admitted. I chuckled and placed a small kiss on her forehead. She was all I wanted. And I was so happy to have her and call her mine. She was beyond perfect, and I was so lucky. How could someone like her love someone like me? I didn't deserve her. She was too good for me, but for some reason, she chose me. It always blows my mind to think about it. I love her so much. Suddenly, the door flew open and everyone piled in.

"What the fuck?! You scared us!" Josh whined, giving Sienna a hug.

"Sorry, Balz. I didn't know that was gonna happen, " she giggled, giving hugs to the rest of the guys.

"What did the doctor say?" Chris wondered.

"Tumor in my lungs, " she paraphrased. The entire room fell silent, leaving only the humming and beeping again.

"I'm so sorry."

"I hate this happened."

"I wish I could do something."

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