All I Wanted Was You

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*Ricky's P.O.V.*

I rested my hands gently around Sienna's waist and her's around my neck as we swayed back and forth for our first dance. I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and smiled down at her, to which she gladly returned.

"You have such a contagious smile, " she said to me.

"I could say the same back to you, " I replied as my smile grew bigger.

"Awh, you're smile is so beautiful. I love it when you smile, " she told me.

"You make me smile, " I responded, resting my forehead against hers. I saw her blush at my words, causing butterflies to swarm through my stomach.

"After all this time with you, you still manage to give me butterflies, " she giggled. I chuckled along with her.

"Fuck butterflies, you give me a damn zoo, " I chuckled, causing her to laugh. Soon, the dance was over, and I gave her a sweet kiss. We both smiled into the kiss before pulling away and exchanging smiles.

"I love you, Mr. Horror, " she smiled up at me.

"I love you too, Mrs. Horror, " I replied, kissing her once again. All of a sudden, my tux jacket was tugged on, and Sienna and I both looked down to see my 4 year old nephew, Reagan. He looked up at me with his innocent blue eyes.

"Mommy said you two were having a first dance, and I wanted to have one too, " Regan said. Everyone who heard him laughed a little at his words.

"Go for it, little man, but don't steal my wife, " I answered, looking at Sie and winking when I said the last part. I watched her blush and smile even bigger than she had been smiling. I gave her one last peck before walking off to stand with Chris and the guys. I pulled out my phone immediately and got ready to record, much like a lot of other people. The DJ turned on the song "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" by Jet. Sienna started dancing with Reagan, and neither one of them could wipe the smiles off of their faces. Nobody was able to quit smiling. He was jumping around and singing the song at the top of his lungs, and Sie decided to copy him. They earned lots of laughs, whistles and cheers as he and Sie danced. When the song was over, she picked Reagan up and spun him around, causing him to let out an adorable string of giggles. She sat him back down and walked over to me as everyone crowded the dance floor. We stood off to the side a little to talk.

"You and Reagan were so cute, " I chuckled.

"He's so sweet. I'm glad I can be his aunt now, " Sienna smiled. I returned the smile and pecked her once again.

"Yeah, I recorded you two. I'll have to show you later when you can hear it, " I told her. She nodded her head, eager and excited to see the video.

*one hour later*

It was an hour later, and we were cutting our wedding cake. Sienna was holding the handle on the knife, and I had my hand on top of hers to guide her. Once we cut a piece from the cake, I put it on a plate while Sienna set the knife to the side. While she wasn't looking, I got some of the icing on my finger. When she turned around, I leaned in to give her a kiss, but before our lips met and her eyes were closed, I wiped the icing onto her nose. She jumped back and gasped at me, and I couldn't help but laugh at her. In return, she wiped some icing off onto my nose. We both laughed at each other before grabbing a fork. I got a bite of the piece of cake and held it up to Sienna. She opened her mouth and allowed me to feed it to her. She did the same back to me with the for, I had used, and we both smiled. She then grabbed a napkin and wiped away the icing. Instead of getting a napkin, I licked it off her nose, causing her to scrunch it up and giggle. After that, everyone got in line for cake as Sienna and I sat at one of the tables we had set up. We continued to feed each other until the cake was gone. The guys and girls sat at our table one by one.

"You two are really fucking cute, you know that?" Ava said as she sat down across from us next to Vinny.

"Yeah, it was so gross, dude, " Vinny whined, causing Sie and I to laugh.

"Alright, well, next time you come to me asking how to be cute with Ava I'm going to send you away, " Kylie teased him. Vinny's eyes grew wide and his cheeks turned a deep shade of red. Ava was also blushing.

"I've never done that. I don't know what you're talking about, " Vinny said quickly in a monotone voice. Kyle rolled her eyes and smirked at him. Soon, everyone was done, and it was time to for Sie to throw out her bouquet and me to throw out her leg garter. We walked over to the dance floor, and Sienna stood up on a chair. All the single women here crowded together on the dance floor and waited patiently for Sienna to throw the bouquet. She tossed it back and stepped down. Leila caught it and looked a bit shocked with herself. Sienna went over to give her a hug and congratulate her. Leila smiled and thanked her before all the women walked over to the side. All the single men gathered to the dance floor as Sienna sat down in the chair she had previously stood in. I got down on one knee, and Sienna lifted her dress all the way up just below her underwear. I smirked and grabbed the white lace leg garter before pulling it down her leg. She put her dress back down and stood up for me to stand in he chair. I turned around and tossed it back blindly. Ryan was the one who had caught. He cheered before stuffing it into his pocket so he would loose it. Sienna and I laughed at him as everyone crowded onto the dance floor again.


Everyone held up sparklers as Sienna and I walked underneath them hand in hand and big smiles on our faces. They cheered us on, and we walked underneath them towards the car that would be talking us to the airport for our honey moon. Once we reached the car, we waved goodbye to everyone and got inside. Sienna and I both buckled up, and the driver pulled away.

"I love you so much Mrs. Horror, " I said, looking over at her with a smile on my face. She returned the smile.

"I love you too, Mr. Horror, " she replied. I cupped her cheeks and kissed her softly as we prepared for the next chapter in our lives, which was: forever.


*A/N: Sorry if that sucked. Writing wedding reception chapters is A LOT harder than it looks. Anyways, next chapter is the last chapter, and I don't know what to do with my life anymore because it's already written.*

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