Just to Relive the Start

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*Ricky's P.O.V.*

We were coming home from tour in a few days, and I was glad I could get back home to be with Sienna. We were currently on our way to Sam Diego. I missed her so much, and I felt horrible for going on tour and not being there for her. She insisted that I go, though, and refused to kiss me until I promised her I'd go. I finally promised after about thirty minutes. All of sudden, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a Facetime request. I looked down at my phone to see it was Sienna. A smile stretched out across my face, and I ran to the back lounge and answered it.

"Hey, Sie!" I greeted her. She was smiling from ear to ear as she sat in her hospital bed with her wig off and the breathing tubes up her nose. She had on her normal make up and wore a pale blue hospital gown. I took a quick screenshot of her to save the moment.

"Hey, Ricky!" Sienna smiled, her smile growing impossibly bigger.

"Babe, I miss you so much!" I whined.

"I miss you too!" She pouted.

"Are you going to get to come and see me for our last show?" I wondered. Our last show was being played in New Jersey, which is where Sienna and I had our first date and where I asked her to be my girlfriend. I wanted to do something special for her after the show, and I already had it all planned out in my mind. I wanted us to go back and relive the start.

"I've been begging my doctor to let me come see you all day today! He said he'd give me an answer before I went to bed to night, so as soon as I know, I'll call you or text you, " she explained. I nodded in response.

"So what all have you been up to today?" I inquired.

"Leila, Lucy, and Courtney stopped by today and hung out for a while. I also had an MRI and chemo therapy," she answered. She's become really good friends with Leila, Lucy, and Courtney. They're really sweet to Sienna, and they've kept her company while I've been gone. I'm glad she's got friends like them.

"I always wonder how you're able to do those MRIs. I'd be claustrophobic as fuck in that machine, " I chuckled. She giggled back in response, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

"I remember the first time you came with me to an MRI appointment, " she mentioned, laughing at the end of her sentenced.

"I only lost it because I was scared you got stuck in that machine, " I laughed in return.

"It's impossible for me to get stuck in there, Richard, " she smirked, noting that I hated my full name.

"I'm going to punish you for using my full name, " I told her, obviously turning her on because she took her lower lip in between her teeth. Whenever she gets turned on, she'll bite her lower lip, and it drove me insane when she did it.

"Fuck, " I whispered, throwing a blanket over my lap to hide my erection.

"What's the matter, babe?" She asked innocently, knowing exactly what she was do to me.

"You know exactly what's the matter, " I answered, trying my best to ignore the erotic thoughts that threatened to invade my mind. Fuck, I'm so ready to be home.

"Obviously, I don't or else I wouldn't be asking, babe, " Sienna stated, still playing innocent as she continued biting her lower lip.

"Just wait until I get home. I'm going to fuck you senseless, " I growled. All of a sudden, I heard shuffling on the other side of the door.

"Hold on, I think someone's eavesdropping, " I informed Sienna. She turned bright red and chuckled as I set my phone to the side before standing up. I walked over to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. All of the guys fell onto my feet, and instantly, I felt my cheeks warm up.

"What was that?" Sienna wondered. I grabbed my phone and showed her the guys picking themselves up off the floor.

"They all had their ears pressed against the door, " I explained. She died of laughter, and her contagious smile spread to me as I couldn't help but smile back.

"Ricky, you might need that blanket again, " she reminded me. My eyes grew to the size of quarters, and I darted back to the couch and hid my erection. Dammit.

"You're cute, Ricky Horror, " Sienna giggled, staring into my eyes. I always loved her eyes. They were a bright teal color, and they were brighter than the sun. I smiled, and she returned the smile. The butterflies came back to my stomach.

"I love you, Sie, " I smiled.

"And I love you, Rick, " she said, smiling back at me. The butterflies in my stomach turned into a zoo, and I knew that I was completely and absolutely in love with Sienna. I took a quick screenshot to remember the moment. I never wanted to lose her, but I knew that her cancer could possibly kill her before she could grow old with me. I wanted to grow old with her, babysit our grandchildren with her, marry her. I wanted her. She's my everything, and nothing could ever stop me from loving her.

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