Prologue ~Project Two~

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?? P.O.V

I watched as project two (or P-2) slowly opened his eyes. He looked around frantically almost tripping as he stood up. P-2 seemed curious and frightened but once he spotted me, I expected for him to attack or back up against the wall. Instead he stared at me, with no expression as if he felt nothing.

"Who are you?" P-2 asked me, tilting his head slightly.

"I created you, using chemicals and other ingredients that you don't need to worry about. The question you should be asking is,

Who are you?"

P-2 looked at his hands then back at me, there was still no expression, no emotion visible. I knew he had to meet Project One but this got more interesting than I thought it would. Usually when he wakes up he's more defensive well that was along time ago before I put him to sleep.

P-2 never meant P-1, which was necessary since I did not create P-1. I'm currently working on Project One and now I have to work on Project Two so it's best and easier if they meet.

"Who am I?"

"Your a creation, a demon warlock. I will be running test on you as you are known as Project Two."

"Project Two?"

I nodded before standing up from the chair, he watched me closely. P-2 is very cautious, of course I would know, that's how I wanted him to be.

"Lets go, P-1 will be excited to meet you."

I took a glance at Project Two, he fixed his Raven black hair over his light blue eye. The clothing was simple, a baggy grey button up with baggy grey pants and tight short socks. All projects wear the same thing as they all should be marked as well. That comes later. Hopefully.

We walked through the concrete hallways, stopping in front of a metal door. I turned to look at P-2, he studied the walls, trying to find a way out I suppose.

Project Twos P.O.V

Nothing. There was nothing. The walls were solid, no sign of a way out. It's dark, a white dim light was the only thing there was in this prison. I looked at the guy in front of me, he had glasses a black button up shirt and pants, with a white lab coat over his clothing. He held a clipboard which he has been writing notes on the whole time.

"Now, now. That's enough observing things. You already know there's no way out. P-1 is waiting, he can hear us." He said, holding up his finger to his lips, motioning me to stay quiet.

I tilted my head as he began to open the metal door. It made a creaking noise that echoed through the hallway. I hesitated before I walked in , it was dark but I knew it wasn't always this dark since there were lights in the room. I took another step in and at first I felt nothing until I hit the ground.

My eye fluttered open to be staring into a pair of emerald green eyes. I assumed  it's Project One who's on top of me, giving me a glare. I would to, if a new "Project" came to say hi. We just stared at eachother, observing each other's features. P-1 had Snow White hair, some what tan skin as for me I have black hair, light blue eyes, and pale skin.

"P-1 get off of Project Two."

"Project Two? Why on earth would you bring him here?" P-1 said, getting up, allowing me to stand up and dust my self off.

"P-1, you know why he's here. I told you before that Project Two will be waking up in a couple of days. Just like you, test will be run on him."

"I didn't know he was stayin-"

"Who are you? Both of you?" I cut P-1 off.

"Just call me Sebastian. It may not be my real name but just for you to call me something. Project One turn around. I'm sure if you studied the clothing closely you will find out who he is and who you are. I'll be back to run some test on P-1." Sebastian said before walking out and closing the door behind him.

"Hurry up and read." P-1 said.

I rolled my eye at him and read the back of his grey button up shirt. It said in bold letters,


And underneath,

Travis Valcrum

"Your names Travis?" I asked tilting my head as he turned to look at me.

"Yes and you are?"

I looked down at my shirt before unbuttoning it reveling my bare chest and stomach. I stared at Travis, he avoided eye contact a light red across his cheeks as he crossed his arms.

"Hurry up..." He mumbled.

I took off my shirt and placed it on the floor it read,

Zane Ro'Meave

"My names Zane..."

I hope you enjoyed the Prologue of 
Project One And Project Two. This is a Zanvis Fanfiction even though I had another idea but that will be for later. Special thanks to she edited the cover and the art belongs to the rightful owners.Vote and Comment. Thank you. (If I spelled anything wrong, feel free to tell me becausen I'm pretty sure I spelled Travis' s last name wrong. XD)

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