Chapter Seven ~A Silent Conversation~

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I will be writing in third person but wait don't freak out, I'm quite aware others prefer first person view and some prefer third.

Zane's part will be written in first person like it usually is however, Travis and Sebastian's view will be in third.

I apologize if you don't like the knew writing style but I do not apologize for your unsatisfaction with this story.


Zane's P.O.V

"I thought I'd never have to explain this unnecessary rule to you, Project Two." Sebastian's voice came out careless as he examined my arm. To my surprise, my arm healed faster than I thought.

It'd been out of its cast for a few days, Sebastian told me I might have ruined the healing process because I put to much pressure on it. I didn't give a crap though, what really bothered me was how he referred to Travis and I's affection.

My eye brows raised as I stared at him intently, "Unnecessary rule?"

His dark eyes glanced up at me, almost showing me that he wanted to strangle me. In all honesty, I felt threatened by him and I hated it, we were stronger than him. All of us could take him down, work as a team.

"If you show affection towards another there's consequences for actions as such. I say it not necessary because I don't see why you'll be punished for wanting comfort and although I may not like the rule, it's suitable for a situation like this." He paused and fixed his glasses, still there was no emotion being expressed from his words or face.

He grabbed his clip board, smiling slightly but that faded quickly, "How could you fall in love in a place like this?"

My eyes widen, I wasn't in love. Not with Travis, I couldn't be. He's only the one I could trust, the one who could flirt with me and make his awful cocky jokes. I've noticed recently that he barely talks to anyone except me but that doesn't mean a thing. We both have trust issues...

There's nothing else...

Sebastian rolled his eyes in which caused me to glare slightly in confusion. He was hard to read, just like Travis is and it's obvious he's been here for so long that Sebastian's expressions have rubbed off on him...


Sebastian ran a hand through his hair, stopping midway and rolling his eyes once again, almost holding an amused smile. "It's not that hard to guess that you're indeed, in love with P-1."

"How do you know it's, Travis?" I spat, my face turning red in frustration.

"Who else would it be? You barley know any one else. Not to mention you have trust issues."

I couldn't be in love, not with Travis...

I didn't want to fall for anyone. I care for him and I swear I'd do anything for him but I wouldn't call it love. I barely knew the concept romance. It may seem cliche, a person who doesn't know a thing about love might actually fall for another because that's how most love stories are, from what I've heard, but this isn't about cliche romances. If the world was different, more accepting of people like me, people who don't have the slightest idea of how to control what wants to be free but can't, cause' all they'll be seen as a monster. An unnatural, dangerous creature...

Maybe, maybe I'll consider giving Travis a chance. How ironic is it to fall in love in a place where were treated like worse than aliens, we'll be those monsters who were supposedly born by some satanic ritual and considered...

"Come along, its time for Project Four's punishment, P-9 will be attending as well." Sebastian walked towards the exit of the room, stopping slightly to wait for me to follow.



Sebastian didn't usually pity others, it would only make them feel weak and although he didn't care for the feelings of the "projects", he refused to show any sign that he cared. The only one he truly would love and support is Travis (and his father).

He led the shorter male to the punishment, of course he wasn't going to punish Zane but rather his brother. Entering the room, Vylad stood from where he sat and stared at Sebastian with pleading eyes.

"I already said no, stop acting like a child. It's annoying." Sebastian walked over to the controls and looked at Garroth who was chained to the wall.

Zane's eyes widen at the sight but didn't say a thing.

"You know very well that he's your best subject! Let me see him, I'll be able to convince him to keep going on. You wouldn't want to lose your best subject..." Vylad glared at Sebastian, he always knew how to convince the stronger male.

Silence filled the room as Zane played with his fingers, hoping the tension would drop.

Garroth growled slightly, "Sebastian, just let him see that subject."

"Don't say it like that. Like he's nothing..." Vylad turned his gaze to his blond brother. Garroth only rolled his eyes but muttered a small apology.

Sebastian sighed and pressed a button on the wall behind him, just like the rest, it flashed red continuously. "He'll be here in a bit, the punishment will start shortly. I need to adjust the system for Project Four's level."

Zane watched as a metal door slowly opened to reveal the same blue haired male he saw a few days ago. He was worse than that day, now he had a scratch across his arm and the clothes he was wearing seemed to be new but still had a few holes along with blood that covered most of the grey cloth.

"Vylad? Garroth? Wait, why am I here?" He turned to look at Sebastian with his one un-bruised eye.

"Don't panic, there's no point. Subject fourty, you will not be fighting today."

"Like at all?" Fourty clenched his fist, avoiding eye contact with Sebastian.

"Don't get your hopes up."

Vylad took Fourty's arm, examining the scratch that slowly bled to make a new layer of dried blood later. The brunette glanced over at Garroth who shrugged in response, a silent conversation that Zane wanted to be apart of only, he wasn't as close as them.

"What happened?"

The "subject's" blue eyes widen, pulling his arm away from Vylad. "Nothing important..."

Vylad grabbed the blue eyed male's collar, pulling him down to his level, he leaned into to whisper, "If you don't tell me, I'll be forced to ask Sebastian personally."

Fourty blushed slightly as he stood correctly after Vylad let him go. He muttered fine, "You're training today, right?"

Vylad gave a simple nod and watched as Fourty mouthed 'later', they were in the same training session.

Sebastian waited until the machine was fully powered, once it was he turned it on without warning. He cringed at the sound of startled screaming.

Still, he watched as Vylad scratch at the glass in attempt to getting his brother out and Subject Fourty held him back.

Zane, stared in shock.

The tears in his eyes falling...

Project One and Project Two ~Zanvis FF~Where stories live. Discover now