Chapter Three ~Experiment: Weakness~

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Im sorry I haven't been updating but I've been helping my friend, she's a little better now so thanks to those who understand, who are patient, and are still here to read the next chapter. Feel free to point out mistakes so I can edit them.


Zane's P.O.V

"This test won't take long, depending on how well you stay still." Sebastian's voice already had me irritated as we walked up the stairs. I ignored him unintentionally because all the bangs on the doors and screaming filled me with curiosity.

Who was inside the rooms? What was inside those rooms?

I stopped to read a small plate next to the door,

Room 312
Project Four

I tilted my head, project four? "What does JO9 stand for?" I asked, turning my attention to Sebastian. He stared at the door for a minute before speaking, "It's non of your concern but I will say P-4 has a strong connection with P-8 and P-9."

"What's P-8's and P-9's species?" I continued walking, leaving the door that brought up this conversation. Sebastian, who was writing notes, lead me to where my testing will take place.

"They're Shadow Nights, now that's enough talking. Walk over to that room, and wait for further instructions." I did as told and observed the room. There was a metal door, it couldn't open from inside the room so it was obvious it opened from the controls in the room Sebastian was in. The metal door was big enough for someone to enter.

A red light started blinking causing me to back away from the door, it opening to reveal a dark figure. "Subject 40, you may step into the room."

The figure limped slowly into the small contained space, I saw him clearly now. He had blue hair and dark blue eyes, there was scars on his face, with bags under his eyes. Bruises and cuts on his arms which were visible due to his ripped clothing that stained with blood and dirt.

"Two, attack S-40." I widened my eye and attempted to back away more, "No, there's no way I'm attacking him."

The blue haired male looked curious and confused at the same time as he leaned against the wall. I could tell how bad his leg hurt since he put less weight on it. "Do you want to ask me something?" I said, staring into the dark blue eyes of the male in front of me.

"I-I..." his voice came out shaky, almost hastily, "You're Project Two, right?"

I nodded as he chuckled softly, "Project Four has been asking for you. Asking me if I seen you before."

"What's your na-"

"Quiet, P-2 if you refuse to attack Subject 40 then we have to do things the hard way. S-40, head back to your room, next on your schedule is a potion test then another call for a omvandling session."

Subject forty, rolled his eyes before looking straight into Sebastian's, "Sounds great." He turned to face the door that took him here, he limped in allowing me to see the back of his shirt, it only said

Subject 40

The light started blinking, the door slowly closing as the blue haired male set his gaze on me before speaking, "Project Two, I don't know my name."

The door closed fully, "P-2 I tried to make it easy for you but you choose otherwise. It will take a few minutes for Project 8 to make his way here."

My eyes widened, he was gonna force me to fight, wasn't he?

"How does the whole system work?" I pointed at the metal door in front of me, staring at the glass that separated Sebastian and I.

"There's a hatch in each room, it will open. Once it opens the subjects or projects will know they are being called for a Stridande Session, they will go through the tunnel which will lead all the way to this room or any other room." Sebastian explained as the light flashed red continually.

A brunette walked out as soon as the door opener, his eyes were a light blue. On his neck he had scars that read Project Defense. His skin was a light brown, he was glaring at Sebastian and I could of sworn there was a hint of red in his sky like eyes.

"Project Eight, attack Project Two and don't stop until I tell you to," Sebastian glared back at the brunette, "Even if he doesn't fight back."



"Your names Laurance, that's what it says on the back of your shirt." I stated, smiling slightly at him as he nodded and stared at the ground.

"P-8 attack Two. Now."

Laurance muttered a yes as his hair became a bit darker and his eyes turned red. I quickly jumped out of the way when he swung a punch which hit the wall causing a crack. "Just turn into your other form, that's all he wants." Laurance whispered as he grabbed me by the neck.

The grip on my neck wasn't strong enough to choke me but keep me in place. Laurance raised his fist, a quick sorry left his mouth as he swung. My vision became blurry and my face began to throb in pain, I felt my self begin to change. My senses becoming stable and my skin turning dark.

"Put him down Project Eight. You may head back to your room."

Laurance let me go as he glared at Sebastian again, walking into the tunnel and never turning back. "P-2, a door will open walk in and sit in the chair."

I groaned as I settled on the chair, "I'm still not done testing?" Sebastian sighed, this time he was in the same room with controls on the wall. "It's time to clearly explain to you what your purpose is. A Demon Warlock is very difficult to study because there all different. My experiment is based on different chemicals and elements, these will be used to test. P-1 is Project Magic, the name represents what he will be tested on. He takes multiple test so I can study his magic and discover what makes it stronger and weaker."

I shiver at the straps that hold me down to the chair, fear taking over my wary state. My skin oddly didn't change back to normal.

"You're Project Weakness, you will be going do different test, no matter how long it takes or how easy it is. Once we discover something that weakens you, it will be used for a test on Project One," My eye widens as a strong smelling liquid was poured on my arm causing me to attempt escape.

"Project Two, your purpose is to be beaten down until we find a weakness for every single warlock. Do you understand?"

A blow torch aimed at my arm as I started to panic, "Wait! W-Wait, please g-get me out of th-" flames surrounded my arm as I screamed and begged for him to stop.

But he just smirked...

Project One and Project Two ~Zanvis FF~Where stories live. Discover now