Chapter Ten ~I Want To Hate You~

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Sebastian's expression soften as Travis walked into his office with a sour look in his eyes. It was bound to happen, Sebastian knew very well how much trouble he had caused him but there was no turning back.

Travis, as expected, clenched his fist and didn't hesitant to take a threatening step towards the taller male.

"You just gonna stare? I'm busy having the time of my life sewing on these cursing letters so either help and talk or yell at me. I'll dismiss you both ways." Sebastian spoke with sarcasm, sitting in his chair.

Travis glared, "Do you expect me to pretend everything's alright? You hurt him more than you needed to, bastard."

"Do you expect me to feel intimidated?" Sebastian mocked, "Help sew these damn letters."

Travis clenched his jaw but sat down in the empty seat, grabbing the 'C' that was handed to him. Sebastian passed the grey cloth before turning to his papers on the desk.

Obviously, he knew why Travis decided to see him.

"What's so wrong about being soul mates." The male demanded for an answer which only caused the scientist to snort and roll his eyes.

Gesturing towards the piece of grey clothing, Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "Not gonna ask who's the new project?"

"That's not something I need to worry about now."

"Not now of course but possibly soon. This new project will be attending Project Two's training."

Travis faltered for a brief moment, quickly going back to his glare, "They must be important, I've never seen rookies being put into a public training session."

"Its true, only important and experience projects are put in such a position however, this one is not a rookie. He's been here for as long as you have."

"Who is it?"

Ignoring the harsh tone Travis spoke in, Sebastian filled out the new projects information and answered with a bored expression,

"You'll see, just finish sewing."

"You're a pain in the ass." Travis let out an irritated sigh.

"And you've got a stick up yours."

Silences made it's way into the room as the white haired male became more angry at himself at the lost of what to say, how can he confront the one who hurt Zane. The slight softness he had for Sebastian was barely there, how could it have gone away. Sure, his view of the guy changed over the year but he couldn't help and feel like the male who hurt so many people was the only comfort he had in this place. Besides Zane, Sebastian has always been by his side and although it's not shown physically or even mentally, he knows that their dark heart cares for him.

"I really want to hate you but I don't even know what to say to you anymore..." Travis gives in to letting himself say what's on his mind.

"How bout, 'Hey asswipe, you deserve nothing good.', sounds right for the situation don't you think."

Travis growled, "Stop with the jokes. We need to have a serious talk, especially about what you told Zane."

Sebastian nodded slightly but his bored look didn't change, "If that's what you wish."

The small glint of exhaustion in the scientist eyes almost made Travis drop the topic. No matter how much he knows Sebastian never wanted this, he still doesn't have the right to be forgiven for what he did to so many people.

"I've never expected to be punished for something that's uncontrollable. Out of everything this is what triggers your panic." His voice turns cold, "What was so risky, huh? Did you forget the fact that I can't leave this shit hole."

"Even if you are unable to leave I cant raise suspicion by not punishing you to. A few of the projects already noticed your connection with P-2 and pretending that I didn't know would only lead to more suspicion."

"That's not the only reason. Were both terrified of the same person, you mentioned my father to Zane."

"I..." Sebastian was the one to avert his gaze, "Out of everyone, I thought you would understand the most. We both know your father..."

Travis could tell how worried and fearful the taller male was. The truth was, he wanted to drop the topic and just go back to his cell. He hated talking about his father just as much as Sebastian got upset over the topic. Of course they both were wary when they talked about things like this, even knowing that Sebastian could -and will- delete the security tape.

"Ki-" Travis cut himself off out of reflex, feeling irritated by still wanting to protect him when it was clear nobody was in the room.

Pushing back his frustration he spoke again, "Sebastian, you've done enough to Zane. I hate begging but please just..."

A sigh, "Alright. Project Two's training will be lowered back to its original difficulty."

"Thank you..." Lifting the grey button up in his hands, Travis asked, "Does that mean you don't need this?"

"It's to late, he's already turning so he'll be forced to become a project."

"What did you do to them?"

"They were bitten by a vampire. It was quite amusing actually, he's still in pain and it'll be like that for a few days."

Travis scoffed, "You're sadistic."

"Sometimes." The male shrugged.

Sebastian seemed to be relaxed again, a very small upwards curve on his lips. It was barely noticeable but anyone who knew him well enough could tell when Sebastian was at peace and calm. Although it was rare, Travis always saw the small smile and couldn't help but feel certain with himself.

When the 'T' was stitched onto the clothing it read 'Project 083'. Curiosity took a hold of him as he fixed his gaze at Sebastian.

"I finished but there's no name."

He opened a box and began to take a few letters out, "I barley started sewing today so I wasn't fully finished but now that you're here-"

"I'm gonna be forced to finish it for you."

"Exactly." Sebastian handed the letters to Travis and crossed his arms, "The new projects name is Dante Ocean."

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