[Continuing] Chapter Four ~Project Nines Training (Part 2)

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Zane P.O.V

"Project Four, I thought you agreed to the rules of this room. Only five minutes till the session starts..."

I squeezed Travis's hand tightly as small flashes of what happened earlier popped in my head...

The heat that surrounded my arm and my throat becoming soar from my screaming...

The smirk on Sebastian as he poured more of the liquid onto my arm, that time a bit closer to my face. I felt the flames slightly grazing my skin inching closer and closer. All I could do was scream...beg...cr-

"Come, we should get ready, I don't want you to get hurt especially by them...can you promise me one thing?" Travis said the last part weakly, like he was about to plead.

I nodded, feeling the cold air devour my hand as soon as he let go of it. "Whatever you do, please don't refuse to fight. The least you can do is protect yourself..." He paused, offering a smile that I returned. "I've got your back and you better have mine or else I'll beat you myself!"

I laughed with him at his horrible attempt at humor but in all honesty it seemed anything could lighten the mood, being in a place like this and all. I took a glance toward Project Four, the blonde guy, he recovered quickly. Laurance and Vylad seemed to be trying to sooth him as he clenched his fist, eyes closed while a few tears rolled down his tan cheek.

Leaning against the concrete wall, I reached up to touch my scars. I slowly traced the letters that I knew would never be forgotten. What would others out side of this prison say about it? Was everyone like Sebastian out side of these walls? My eyes widen slightly, why didn't I realize this before?

The walls were only concrete...

There are hatches that connect to every floor...

All of us had abilities...

Sebastian was only human...

Sabstian is left alone and most importantly...

Sebastian always left the building...

"Travis, I have an idea! It's no-" I shut my mouth when he placed his hand over it as he pointed at the tinted glass, Sebastian grabing his clipboard.

Everyone seem to tense up, waiting for his next instructions. My eyes followed his hand which pressed a purple button that set off red pillars while the metal doors closed. I made eye contact with him but only a second later he broke it and turned toward Vylad, "P-9, Only two others will be fighting with you, that being P-4 and P-2..." I raised a brow at his words. "The rest will be against the three of you...Begin."

In an instant the sound of  bones cracking and reconnecting filled the room. I stared in horror as a giant black wolf ran towards Vylad along with the girl with unique hair said a spell that caused P-4 to be thrown against the wall.

I felt useless as I stared at the event that seem to go in slow motion, Vylads taking out a red sword and held it in front of him causing the wolf to pull his opened jaws back so he didn't bite down on the blade. I attempted to back up further into the wall behind me from all the growling and clashing swords as the disturbing sound of flesh being sliced, bones breaking but this time wouldn't reconnect right away, filled the room.

I heard a loud thump and I quickly turned to the source of the growl. Travis had trouble standing straight, his skin as grey as the horns on his head and his now purple eyes held pain. Vylad held his sword tightly, almost hesitating before swinging it down.

"Travis!" I yelled, my heart sped up. I ran towards them feeling my skin changing color as I grew taller. Anger conquered my anxiety, standing in front of Travis and grabbing Vylads blade. His eyes widened with fear when I ripped the blade from his grasp and kicked him to the ground. P-4 stopped me from stabbing Vylads, staring at me with sadness in his blue eyes.

"Zane, what are you doing?" He spoke to me as if I was doing something wrong and I might have been but I couldn't just watch Travis about to get hurt.

"Don't you remember Vylad?"

I shut my eyes, anger still rushing through me as the others stopped fighting. "I don't know who he his."

"What? Do you remember me? I'm you're older brother, Garroth."

"I don't know!" I screamed, falling onto the floor.

Tears. They rolled down my now pale face as I looked down at my throbbing hand and saw a cut across my palm and thumb...

"I really don't remember..."

Project One and Project Two ~Zanvis FF~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat