Chapter Eleven ~Falling Apart Because of You~

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Hey, so first off thanks to everyone who has stayed this far into the story but I'd like to announce that I genuinely want to write more and continue this story. I'll be on here much more often now and new stories will be coming out, overall all I wanted to say that there will only be two more chapters of this book....

And it moves on to the sequel which I'm already working on! Again I want to apologize to everyone who's lost interest or just doesn't care for the story anymore.

I hope you all will support me through this.


Zane let out a strangled cough and clenched the cloth over his stomach. He felt sick and disgusted with what he just witnessed: a dying subject surrounded with a pool of blood.

Why had this happened to him? He killed someone without a care and it was all because of Sebastian... Because of Travis. No, he couldn't start thinking that way, he couldn't allow the bastard's words get him. Make him believe what he corrupted his own mind with was true and nothing mattered anymore.

Soulmates were just a sick excuse for Sebastian to punish Zane like this, at least that's what he was beginning to assume. It left a bitter taste in the male's mouth, having the urge to punch Travis and yell at him. Scream that it's all his fault that he feels this way. That's it's his fault for causing Zane to feel his body weakening. The hope he once had now drifted away from his soon to be the careless heart.

"I will say I'm quite impressed." Sebastian walked over Zane and examined the corpse in front of him. "Its a lot more damage than last time..."

Zane scoffed and didn't bother to look over at the scientist, his eyes staring down at his pale hands that were stained with blood. He felt the tears welling up in his eyes, burning with guilt and shame. Hatred boiled inside of him but he only shut his eyes and refused to let the tears fall down his cheeks. Sebastian didn't deserve to see him cry again.

"Yeah... I hope you got what you wanted asshole..."

Sebastian continued to write on his clipboard and spoke coldly, "Glad to know you care, Project Two."

Zane clenched his teeth though he remained on the ground before using the wall to climb to his feet slowly. Despite the way the room seemed to be spinning, he managed to stay stable as he glanced over at the corpse once more.


There was that bitter taste again but overall, Zane wanted to see him and hug him. Never letting go no matter what. Here though, he would be forced to separate from the idiot and that scared him the most.

But what was he gonna do?


Travis punched the cell wall and screamed as loud as he could. Pain shot up his arm and he could care less about it. All he wanted was to feel what he deserved for helping his father and Sebastian. So many people have already been hurt- so many people were constantly getting hurt.

"I'm sorry..." His voice was shaky and broken, almost begging for someone to forgive him.

Maybe no one was truly there to hear him whisper meaningless words and maybe it wouldn't matter. If he was truly sorry then why was he still covering for Sebastian? Travis knew he was a bad person.

Because he deeply wanted to hate his father. To hate Sebastian.

Yet here he was, watching the people he should care for the most fall part alongside him. One by one they were going insane or losing hope in any escape. What was the point of going on anymore?

Everyone else would have some reason or none at all to continue being tortured for "good" purpose. Travis' reason was plain and simple, selfish and idiotic.


Travis couldn't admit to loving the male but he did care far too much than he was supposed. At this point, he was sure soulmates had nothing to do with it because although he did want to kiss Zane and hold him, he was slowly growing to know him.

He was falling in love with Zane on his own.

Another scream left the male's mouth, cracking into a sob as he falls to the ground. Ignoring the pain he tugs at his own white hair.

He wanted Zane...


"Please s-stop!!" Zane cried out, backing away from the person he was supposed to trust and remember.

"I'm just trying to help, at least let me look at it, baby brother..."

The raven-haired demon growled and shook his head, "Stop calling me tha- Shit! It h-hurts..."

Garroth cringed at the wound in his brother's leg and glanced over at Vylad who had his arms crossed with furrowed eyebrows. The blondie gestured for his help before turning his attention back to Zane.

The brunette knelt besides Garroth and looked towards their brother, both their gazed soft.

"Please, Garroth can help..." Vylad smiled and paused for a moment, "Travis."

Zane immediately locked his pale blue eye with the green ones that stared at him with concern. He desperately needed to see Travis but Sebastian had separated them to see how soulmates performed when being forced apart.

Warily he cocked his eyebrow, "What about... What about, Travis?"

"Sebastian wanted to keep you guys separated until you healed, right?" Zane nodded, "Garroth can heal you quickly and you'll be able to see him. Trust us... We're your brothers after all..."

It only took a few minutes for Zane to feel the pain sooth once he allowed his brother to heal him. It was almost mesmerizing to watch the way Garroth's entire appearance paled as blue particles surrounded him. The blue specs all traveled to his hands and he carefully hovered them over the demon's leg.

"Hey, Zane?" A small voice broke the silence, the brothers now sitting together on the cold floor.

A hum escaped the fair male, his blue eye giving his younger brother his full attention.

"I know this is weird but uh, have you seen Subject Forty in one of your test or...? He uh, has blue hair and blue eyes..." Vylad asked, his expression falling into a sad smile.

Zane shook his head and stared at the brunette in curiosity. He had always noticed a connection between the two and he wasn't sure whether they were just friends or not.

"Why do you ask?"

"Vylad's just worried because we haven't seen Forty in a few days but I'm positive Sebastian is just letting him recover." Garroth cut in, staring down at the sky blue bracelet on his wrist. "He's always been the best 'subject'. I mean, he can go days with no food or water and he holds up in a fight more than any of us would be able to if we were human like him."

"He doesn't deserve to be stuck here..." Vylad mutters and leans his back against the wall.

Both younger brothers gazed at Garroth when he scoffed harshly.

"None of us do."


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