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"Stuart...I fucking swear to God, unless there is a perfect reason - like you have broken into my house to save me from a killer - that explains why you are waking me up at three in the morning, I will become the killer." I swore, holding the phone against my ear as my eyes closed and I could feel myself drifting off into sleep already.

"No! I promise!" His voice shouted excitedly through the phone and I winced, but I was too lazy to even lift my hand to it and turn down the volume, simply opting to lose the ability to hear and conserve that energy. "You remember the interview I took online? The one you sat with me for because I was having a panic attack and you flirted with the guy taking my call? Well, I got it! I got the internship!" He screamed and I chuckled as he rushed his words, desperate to get them out. Before I even had a chance to congratulate him, he was reading me the seven page email that had been sent to him and I crawled from the bed.

Without even having to see him I could tell that he was animatedly throwing his arms around in gestures and then look on his face was one I saw regularly when we were alone and rarely in public. A look of pure happiness, ease and joy. One where he'd completely forgotten all his issues, one he wore proudly painted across his face when he was simply letting himself be happy and care-free, even for just a moment.

I put the phone on speaker, stepping into the bathroom and flipping the light on. I ran my fingers through my hair, snapping it into a makeshift messy bun with the elastic from my wrist and running my brush lazily over my teeth as he reached page three. I was beyond caring about what I was wearing and decided that sweatpants and crop top that definitely didn't not fit, still held back from my days of being a cheerleader in the early years of high school was appropriate to go to McDonald's at this hour, because let's face it everyone else in there at this time would be wearing much the same attire.

Stopping to take a breath, I heard him click over onto page four and scroll down to where he needed to be to read, humming slightly and I grabbed my purse, my shoes and my keys as I headed through the door, slipping each shoe on as I walked and hearing the door automatically lock behind me as it slammed, the elevator dinging loudly as the bright lights flooded the corridor, immediately being available for use because every other person in the apartment block was asleep.

The car started easily and I spun from the car park, tapping my fingers lightly on the wheel and using my hands to plug my phone into the speakers in the car, making it easier for me to talk to him as he waffled on joyously. Despite the fact I wasn't understanding a single thing he was telling me about the seminars they offered on how to differentiate routers and which Trojan horse virus classes were most efficient in his opinion, I let him talk because hearing him in his element was one of the best things you'd ever experience.

Deciding on the empty drive-through, I tapped my order in at the screen and paid with the card, collecting the breakfast foods and treats at the next window, shoving a few fries in my mouth as I drove, head bobbing as I hummed a tune to myself, Stuart reading me the final messages he'd been sent from a man named Ben, telling him where to be at what time for his internship and how the summer was going to go down.

When Stuart had first told me about this, I was upset and I hadn't spoken to him for four days. That of course was back in the final year of high school when he'd first taken up his thrill in computers and computer science, telling me he wanted to move to California and work at Google. Being my only friend, or the only one I truly wanted, I'd been distressed and offended that he'd seen it so easy to leave me. Then he'd left it, both of us graduating and being closer than ever. When he brought it back up these few years later, telling me of the internship program they were offering and the interview he'd signed up for I'd felt my heart sink just like it had that day in math class. 

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