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Trinity took a deep breath as she spun in a circle, moving her feet slowly so as not to trip over the roots twisting out of the earth. She looked through the camera lens as she spun, taking in the beautiful lush green acreage that was in the heart of her hometown, La Push, Washington. She had grown up there, at least mostly. She was raised by her grandparents and when she was 15 they passed away so she went across America to live with her cousins in Florida. She stayed there until this yesterday, when she packed her bags and began her drive. Shes 20 now and decided to come back and just visit for a bit. She had a pull to come back, and she couldn't explain why. Maybe just for some closure, after her grandparents died it had all happened so quick. She didn't get to say goodbye to her friends. She figured sometime before she left (although she didn't really have a time she was leaving) she should look her old friends up. She had so many friends she loved dearly. Trinitys heart stung a bit as she thought to a specific brown eyed boy who broke her heart, but she shook it off. It was 5 years ago and she had dated plenty since then. So hanging onto a first love needed to stop. She decided that just because she was back in the area didn't mean she had to give in to being 15 again. 

She lowered the camera after taking a few shots of the trees and roots, one looking straight up at the sky peeking through the dense tree tops. Trinity walked about another mile, nearly getting scared that she was lost because she didn't remember the woods as well as she thought before she found what she was looking for. There was a small cliff over looking a stream and the most beautiful sunset you'll ever see just straight ahead. She sat for a few moments, dangling her feet over the cliff and letting the sun set a bit more before she lifted the camera back to her face. It wasn't 3 seconds after she had begun taking pictures that she heard a loud CRACK. She jumped nearly fell off the cliff. She scrambled back off the edge and peered down towards the stream in time to see a man in a ski mask kick a body into the stream. On instinct she gasped and lifted the camera to her face, snapping a photo. The man must have heard her gasp because he yelled and pointed up to her before running towards the trail leading up to her. She nearly screamed as she took off running back to where she came. She did her best not to trip over the thick roots and tried to estimate in her head how far she was from her car at the end of the trail. She heard the sticks cracking and heavy footfalls getting louder as the man got closer. Thankful for the dense forest, she took off to the right, off of the trail and prayed she was still small enough to crawl into the hollow part of the old dead tree that sat there. She dropped quickly and slid in backwards, resting on her knees and elbows for what felt like hours. Once it was nearly fully dark she crawled out of her hiding spot and silently thanked that boy who broke her heart for showing her the spot years ago. 

She was careful to navigate quietly back to the trails and as she neared the clearing to her car she paused before stepping out of the coverage of the woods, and she was glad she did. Her car sat where she parked it by the entrance, but it was different. The tires were slashed, preventing her from leaving. She gasped and heard a twig snap to her left, she jumped and took off to the right, her heart was racing as she swerved around trees and ducked under branches, being so dark she knew her best option was to wait until morning. She grew up around those woods but it'd been so long she had no chance of getting out alive. She scrambled up the nearest tree and waited a long 10 minutes before she heard the man run by below, his breathing as ragid as hers. She held her breath and tried to draw her legs up. She was low enough he could probably jump and grab her if he knew. His footsteps moved away.

"Come out, bitch! I just want to play!" He shouted out. She could tell her was close but not close enough to see her up a tree. After another 10 minutes she remembered she had a phone. She wiggled it out of her pocket and hit the home key, lighting up the screen and immediately turning the brightness down. She held the phone against her a few moments, waiting until she was sure the attacker hadn't seen the flash of light. Her fingers shook as she lifted the phone to her ear, waiting for the emergency dispatcher to answer. When they didn't she almost audibly groaned. Of course. With a few more seconds of thought she dialed 0. When the operator answered she quickly whispered the first name she thought of. 

"I need the Blacks residence please...quickly.."

A/N: I feel like this is THE worst intro ever and probably super confusing because I wrote it at midnight, LOL, but give me your thoughts and ideas, PLEASE!! I swear it will get better!! And thank you for reading! :)

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