Chapter Twenty

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When they got home from dress shopping, Paul stood by the door waiting for them. As they got near the steps, he opened the door. Kennedy immediately squealed and waved her arms. He moved so they could slide in before grabbing the baby and bending to press a kiss to Trinity's head. She smiled at him and slid her shoes off, setting the bags down and bending to greet Rosa, who wagged her tail and jumped for a hug. Paul moved towards the kitchen before calling Trinity in. She gave one last pet on the dogs head before following him.

"Ohh.. smells like someone started dinner" She commented, moving towards the crockpot on the counter. He smiled.

"Yep, started it this morning about 15 minutes after you left. And I started laundry. And made the bed. And attempted to fold Kennedys laundry but I ended up giving up because its so small.." He said. Trinity lifted an eyebrow and grinned.

"All that? Sounds like someone is trying to butter me up. Why is that Mr. Lahote?" She asked, Paul smiled and moved towards Kennedys highchair, gently sliding the baby down into it before turning and sliding his arms around Trinity's waist.

"Me? Up to something? Never.." He teased, bending and pressing soft kisses all over her face. She smiled softly and rested her hands on his arms. "But....if you wanted to tell me about how your day went I figure that now you have nothing else to do..." Trinity looked up at him and rolled her eyes before looking towards Kennedy.

"There it is. I knew it. Daddy just wanted me to tell him about the dress." She said. Paul laughed and shrugged a bit and Trinity sighed, stepping away and looking back to Paul. "I did find a dress. And its beautiful. That's what you get to know." She said, sliding up to her tip toes and pressing a kiss to his lips before moving over to kiss Kennedys head. "I'm gonna go shower. And then we should eat dinner and aim for an early bed." She said, turning and wiggling her eyebrows at him. He grinned at her and winked as she turned to jog up the steps. He pulled a chair from the table and sat in front of the high chair before leaning forward onto it, resting his chin on the tray. Kennedy smiled and reached forward, patting at Paul's face. He crinkled his nose and pretended to bite her hand,. The baby squealed in response and leaned forward, stretching towards him. "You want out?" He asked, standing and lifting her out of the high chair. He walked out of the kitchen and walked up the steps to her room. He set her on the pink carpet on her floor and scattered a few blocks on the ground before laying down by her.

Trinity took a long hot shower, trying to relax her excitement from the big day. When she was done she finished drying off and slid into a pair of her shorts and a tank top before walking out and down the hall to find Paul and Kennedy. She got down the stairs to the empty kitchen. She paused in the doorway and looked across to the living room at Rosa.

"Where are they?" She asked. The dog rolled to her back and stretched as Trinity headed up the stairs, she paused in the doorway to Kennedy's room and slowly pushed the door open. Paul was sitting in the rocking chair with Kennedy laying on his chest, belly to belly, both of them sound asleep. Trinity smiled and moved into the room quietly and bending to press a soft kiss to Kennedys head before grabbing her blanket from the crib. Paul's eyes slowly opened as she wrapped the blanket around the baby and gently lifted her, moving towards the crib and bending to lay her in it. Paul stood from the chair and yawned, stretching a bit before walking over and sliding his arms around Trinitys waist. Trinity just smiled and leaned back into him for a few moments, both of them gazing over the rail of the crib. She turned, sliding her fingers between Paul's and tugging him out of the room and down to the kitchen. They plated dinner and moved into the living room to eat.

"So I really don't get to know anything about the dress?" Paul asked, setting his plate on the coffee table and leaning back into the couch, propping his feet up by the plate. Trinity laughed and shook her head, standing and grabbing his plate and taking both into the kitchen, depositing them in the sink before heading back into the living room. She sat by him and snuggled into his side, resting her head on his shoulder.

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