Chapter Seventeen

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The first few weeks after the whole Miles incident were somewhat calm. Trinity had deposited the check into her account and had only accessed it one time since then, which was to get a new vehicle. Paul had insisted she get something a little bit bigger and safer for her and the baby so they spent an afternoon at the nearest car dealership and she came home with a really nice Jeep. She couldn't really act like Paul insisting upset her, it was a nice vehicle and certainly made her feel safer, considering all of the crazy she has had in her life. Miles was tucked safely in Jail awaiting his final trial and sentencing to happen in the next week, she had gone to visit him once, just to see how he was doing because under all the crazy they were still friends. He spent the whole time crying and apologizing and begging her not to go easy on him. He didn't want to be out of jail considering his options outside were pretty dark. It was the beginning of February and she had made it two days past 19 weeks, almost halfway. They had the 20-week scan tomorrow, which would hopefully tell them the gender, that didn't help Trinity feel any better as she laid her head on the toilet seat at 4:30 in the morning. Paul stepped into the bathroom behind her and sighed softly, bending and pulling a few strands of hair from his face.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked, rubbing her back as she fought back tears. Pregnancy hadn't been kind to Trinity, the first few weeks were fine. But as soon as she entered the 2nd trimester a whole round of the worst pregnancy symptoms hit. The only thing she could keep down were potatoes and almond joy's and even then, sometimes the heartburn from eating would get so bad she would get sick anyways. Paul rubbed her sides as he sat by her on the bathroom floor. "Come here." He murmured as he gently tugged her waist. She sat up more, facing him as she slid into his lap, head on his shoulder.

"Me and baby Beckham are ok." She joked, referring to the constant kicking the baby did. "I didn't want to wake you because you were getting up soon for work...." Her voice tapered off and Paul felt her start to tremble. He let a smile grace his lips, grateful that Trinity couldn't see it, because he knew what was coming and it was always so cute. She sniffled and shifted a little bit, the roundness of her stomach pressing into his. "I'm sorry..." She cried out. Paul just shook his head and rubbed his hands up and down her back, calming her. Trinity hated complaining about being pregnant. Because it wasn't that she hated being pregnant, the feeling of a baby wiggling inside of her was something she never really thought about before she got pregnant but it's a magical feeling. And feeling the baby kick reminds her she is constantly loved and needed. She just didn't expect it to be so hard. She was constantly tired, sore, and nauseous and could cry at the drop of a hat. Her lower back hurt so bad that she couldn't even sleep in bed most nights and she was already pretty big for not even halfway through.

"You're ok..." Paul soothed her, rocking slightly. The more she relaxed into his body, the tighter he held her. "I love you, my beautiful honey" He murmured, turning his head and kissing the top of hers. She sniffled. "And for what it's worth, I think you're doing an amazing job. You're so strong." He said, reassuring her. Trinity fully calmed down and they sat there for what felt like hours. Trinity slid herself off his lap and grabbed the tub sides, pushing herself up. Paul was up before her and helped guide her to her feet before stepping around her and starting the shower. She brushed her teeth quickly and walked back into their bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed and grabbing her phone. She tapped the home key and felt her eyebrows push together as she gaped her mouth, quickly standing and moving to the bathroom door.

"PAUL GUESS WHAT" She shouted, flinging the door open. Steam rolled from around his head as her moved the shower curtain to the side and lifted an eyebrow. "Aliyah is on the way to the hospital right now!!" She squealed, having forgotten her morning pity party. Paul grinned.

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