Chapter Sixteen

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Warning now, This chapter contains descriptions of sexual content. If you dont want to read it, I suggest clicking back now or just scrolling fast! That is all, enjoy and comment please!:)

Trinity sat in Trauma room one while they took Paul for X Rays to figure out where the bullet went in his leg so they could remove it. She had already gotten her stitches and discharged, having another gauze bandaged to her forehead and Paul wouldn't leave to let them check his leg until he confirmed that both she and the baby was ok. Trinity felt a smile spread across her cheeks as she pictured the look on Paul's face when they found the heartbeat. He held her hand, more like squeezed it as they waited, and she could tell he was scared. But very quickly a fast pulsing sound came through the small speaker, like a horse galloping quickly. Trinity had grinned and looked at Paul who just looked confused, expecting a regular heart beat. It was only after she told him what it was that he actually laughed and squeezed her hand again, but a different squeeze this time. And now she tapped her foot and sighed, glancing around, wishing he had at least brought her phone to keep herself busy. It had been 4 hours since they arrived in the hospital and she was exhausted. She grabbed the spare blanket off the chair by her and tried to get comfortable, eventually drifting to sleep only to be roused by talking. She opened her eyes and seen Paul, and the doctor they introduced as Carlisle. Paul grinned at her.

"Hey sleeping beauty" He greeted her. She grumbled a bit and stretched. "They found it. Tiny little chunk of metal smack in the top of my ankle." He said, looking thrilled. Carlisle laughed a bit and looked to Trinity.

"We will be taking him back for surgery soon to pull it out, it shouldn't take any longer than an hour and we will have a nurse come out to update you every so often" Carlisle reassured her. She nodded and stood, moving close to the bed. "We will be back in a few minutes to get him and take him back and then hes going to be moved to a room after the surgery just temporarily. I'll have a nurse take you there." He finished, walking out of the room. She waited until he was out of the room before bending over the railing on the bed and pressing her lips against Paul's, pressing a hand to his face the side of his face. He smiled into the kiss and Trinity pulled back a bit.

"What was that for?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow. Trinity shrugged a bit and rested her hands on her hips.

"Saving my life..again, taking a bullet for me, loving me. Ya know. The list goes on and on." She finished. Paul slid over a bit on the bed and patted beside him, holding his arms out as Trinity crawled into the bed by him, up against him because of the tight squeeze, she laid her head on his chest and sighed. "I'm sorry.." She apologized, reaching down and lacing her fingers with his, careful of the IV. He rested his head against the top of hers, asking her what she was sorry about. She was quiet for a few minutes. "For telling you that way and being wrong..again." She continued, referring to how she told him about the baby. He shrugged a bit and shook his head.

"Nah.. That was my fault mostly. I knew he was off but I freaked out a bit.. I'm sorry" He apologized back, rubbing his hand down her arm and gently kissing her bandaged head. "When did you say the first appointment was?" He asked, resting his hand on her jean clad leg.

"Wednesday. I get a full work up and a dating ultrasound" She said, looking up at him. "So we will get to see the baby" She explained, he just grinned and kissed the top of her head again. Before they could say anything else a few nurses came into the room along with Carlisle, who had traded his doctors coat and fancy clothes for a pair of scrubs. Trinity slid off the bed.

"Ready?" Carlisle asked, grabbing the chart from his bed. Paul nodded his head and turned to Trinity.

"There should be a comfy chair or small couch or something in the room. Please take a small nap. You're exhausted. We will get to go home soon" He said, reaching out and touching her face, as if on cue she yawned and sighed, bending to kiss him. "I love you" He said.

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