Chapter Twenty One

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Paul was frustrated, beyond frustrated. It was their first wedding anniversary and he had come up with so many plans in the past few weeks and nearly all of them had gone downhill in the span of the 6 hours since he woke up. He had planned on getting up early and making Trinity breakfast in bed, but he woke up to the sound of her humming in the kitchen as she started the coffee pot. Then he had planned on Kennedy spending a few hours at Jared's house so Paul could take Trinity to dinner but Kennedy woke up sick. Then he decided to take them both down to the beach and have a little family time in the warm air where they got married but as he went to bring the idea up, the clear blue sky turned cloudy and rain began pouring and it was really just one thing after another that soured his mood on the wet Sunday. He stood in the kitchen, hands splayed on the counter by the sink as he looked out the window. Trinity moved into the kitchen and leaned against the doorjam, arms crossed and a soft smile gracing her face.

"Hey grumpy gills..." She began, paul just sighed and shook his head, turning and crossing his arms as he leaned against the counter.

"Im not grumpy..." He said. Trinity lifted an eyebrow and uncrossed her arms, moving across the kitchen towards her husband. She gently tugged his arms apart and slid in between them, resting her head on his chest. He smiled a bit and hugged her up against him. "Im not grumpy..." He repeated, this time moreso to himself than to her. She hugged him a bit tighter before stepping back.

"Good, because we have a rainy afternoon inside and a sick 2 year old who wants us to watch mickey mouse with her and I really couldn't think of a better way to spend our anniversary" She said, Paul smiled softly and bent his head down, brushing his lips against Trinity's.

"You know I had plans for today..." He told her. Trinity smiled softly.

"And they haven't worked out. I figured that's why you were grumpy... But Paul," She paused, resting her hands on his cheeks making sure he was looking at her. "When have we ever planned something and it went the way we wanted it to? Normally someone throws a wrench in and we just make it up as we go. That's the fun part of our relationship. Instead of going out to dinner tonight lets order a pizza and watch movies after Kennedy goes to bed. Lets spend the afternoon together with our little girl, whos growing up so fast..This is a perfect anniversary as it is, just being together" She said. Paul smiled softly and turned his head, kissing her hand.

"Alright alright..." He said, grinning. "Lets go in there before Kennedy begins a riot." He laced his fingers in Trinity's and walked out of the kitchen towards the living room. Kennedy was laying on the couch, gripping her favorite blanket and a sippy cup, watching the cartoon mouse dance around the TV and letting out a cough every once in awhile. As Paul stepped around the side of the couch and into her view, she sat up, reaching for him. He let go of Trinity's hand and lifted the girl up, sitting on the couch. Kennedy wiggled a bit in his arms until she was facing the TV, dark curls brushing his chin. Trinity sat next to them, grabbing her phone as she leaned into Paul's side. He slowly ran his fingers through Kennedy's curls, only stopping when the girl turned her head to look at him and put her cup on his hand.

"Stop daddy..." She said, turning back to the TV. Paul smiled and looked over towards Trinity.

"She doesn't get that from you." He joked, Trinity laughed a bit and shook her head, reaching up to let her long hair out of the pony tail.

"No definitely not. It's more so of a 'don't stop' from me" She responded, smiling at Paul, who just winked at her. She grinned and leaned more, resting her head on Paul's shoulder. By the time the episode was finished, both Kennedy and Paul had fallen asleep. Trinity stood from the couch and stretched, making her way into the kitchen, nearly tripping over Rosa who walked closely by her feet. "Why do you think that each time you follow me to the kitchen, ill give you a treat?" She asked, moving towards the cabinet and reaching up towards the treat box. They had to move it to a top shelf because before it was just on the counter and Kennedy had mastered pushing the chair over, climbing up and giving the whole box to Rosa. Trinity turned and made the dog sit before tossing the treat. Rosa caught it in the air and sat, chewing. Trinity opened the fridge and grabbed out a pack of chicken and some vegetables. An hour later it was nearing 130 and Trinity sat on the counter, holding her mug and phone. Paul walked in, rubbing his eyes and walking towards the pot on the stove, he lifted the lid and sniffed, humming his appreciation to the homemade chicken noodle soup that was brewing as he set the lid back down and walked towards Trinity, who shifted her legs open and spread her arms. Paul leaned into the counter, resting his head on her chest and his hands on her thighs, sliding his fingertips under the bottom of her shorts. She smiled and pressed a kiss to his head. "My sleepy husband.." She murmered, he smiled and pulled back a bit.

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