Chapter Eleven

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Trinity was normally pretty bold. She was usually able to say what she wanted and not care. But this wasn't the case with Paul. It had been two days since she got out of the hospital and had been staying with Pa1ul. The two days has been amazing, movies together on the couch, dinner at the table, honestly it was the security that Trinity needed after such a crazy event. But it was too nice, too comfortable and it was beginning to make Trinity uncomfortable. She found herself sitting on his couch early Wednesday morning as Paul moved around upstairs quietly. He thought she was still in the spare room asleep, but she had woken up about an hour before he did and couldn't sleep, so she came down to watch t.v. Eventually after showering and dressing Paul came walking down the stairs. He jumped when he seen her and glanced at the t.v..

"Hey what are you doing awake?.. it's 5 am" he asked, moving towards the couch. She lifted her shoulders and said she couldn't sleep. "You should have woken me. I could have come down with you" he said, sitting in the chair after grabbing his boots.

"No," she started, shaking her head and sitting up more, pushing the blanket she has on, off."It's ok, you needed to sleep for work." She finished. He lifted a boot to slide it on his foot and paused, looking at her.

"Are you going to be ok today? I can call off again and stay with you." He offered, setting his boot back on the floor and digging for his phone in his pocket. Trinity shook her head.

"No no no," she said quickly, holding a hand out. "Don't worry about it, please. I'm a big girl and can take care of myself. You've taken the past two days off, which I'm grateful for. Besides, Aliyah has been bugging me to hang out so we will probably just do that today since she's got the day off" She said. Paul looked at her a few moments and nodded before sitting forward in the chair and sliding both boots on. The past few days he had been loving towards Trinity, helpful, careful and more than ever she really wanted to know how he felt about her. Did he like her or was he just being nice? She really wanted to ask, but each time she went to, she lost her courage. Trinity watched as he laced up the boots and tied them. Paul stood and walked to the kitchen and she worked on her nerve. As he came back in and set his lunchbox on the chair she turned on the couch and watched him. He patted his pocket and pulled his keys out before lifting the lunch box and pocketing his phone into his jeans.

"Ok, Well I'm gonna get going.I should be off at 4 and I'll be back. If you need anything the shop number is on the fridge, I don't have service inside the shop so my phones no use" he said, Trinity nodded and willed herself to speak. He turned towards the door to open it when she finally got a word out.

"Paul?.." she started, his head turned back to her and paused. Trinity bit the inside of her lip and forced herself to speak. "Do you like me?" She asked, and as soon as the words were out if her mouth she regretted them and began to ramble. "I..i mean you don't have to and it's not a big deal I just was wondering and now I feel stupid because you've been really nice to me so i was wondering but maybe you were really just being nice... I'm embarrassed..oh god.. you can go to work. I'm sorry.." she groaned and put her hands on her face, feeling how hot it was.

Paul just grinned by the door and set his lunch box down before moving toward the couch, he crouched behind it so he was even with her. He reached over and tapped her shoulder. Trinity looked at him, face still flush. Paul had that goofy grin still on his face as he spoke.

"I really really like you, Trinity. I'm not nice to every one, you should know that. You're special." He spoke, feeling a burst of happiness shoot through him when she smiled a bit. "But, how do you feel about me?" He asked back. Trinity grinned and felt a bit more bold as she slowly leaned in closer to him. He sat still, crouched and holding the back side of the couch as she got even closer, nose to nose. He could smell her coconut shampoo and he had to fight touching her long hair, which was one of his favorite things about her. She got closer still and his heart nearly stopped as he finally realized what she was doing. Trinity gently brushed her lips against Paul's before pulling away.

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