Chapter Five

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After a quick but quiet lunch, Trinity offered to help with the dishes. Emily refused but Trinity insisted, rolling the sleeves on the flannel up more and turning on the water. About half of the group had filtered out and gone home, the rest were either outside or sitting around the TV. As Emily silently did dishes side-by-side with Trinity, she couldn't help but wonder if she should say something and step into business that isn't hers. She knew Sam would tell her not to, which honestly just made her want to do it. As she picked up a plate she turned and glanced over to Trinity.

"You know Paul lives out towards the police station and Henry's shop, I bet he'd be more than willing to drive you that way instead of someone else going out of the way" she said, scrubbing the dishes handing it over to Trinity who just shrugged a little bit as she rinsed it. Emily was quiet for a few moments as she thought of a different strategy, deciding to be bold and cut right to the chase, she asked "Why don't you like him?"

"I like him." Trinity answered quickly, before hearing her own words and shaking her head. "That came out wrong I mean... I don't not like him. It's hard to explain I guess.. just some unresolved stuff" she said glancing and Emily and hoping the conversation could be over, but by the questioning look on Emily's face, she guessed it was far from over. "We dated back in high school..he basically got mad because I was trying to be nice to some new kid in school and went off the deep end and accused me of cheating and not being committed to the relationship.. he broke up with me over the phone and told me that he didn't want to see me again if I was going two be that way. A little less than a week later my grandparents..." Trinity paused and looked around for a second realizing that she didn't say this phrase very often and that it's still brought pain to her chest to think about it "My grandparents died in the accident and I left La Push" she finished, rinsing the last dish and drying her hands. Emily just nodded and was quiet as she wiped down the counter.

"You know..Paul can be annoying, short-tempered, cocky, and dominating, but he can also be really sweet and helpful. He cares a lot about his brothers...err...the guys, his friends. And I can say hes so protective over me." She paused, watching Trinity. My dad used to say something that I thought was really smart.. He used to say that your past mistakes are meant to guide you, not define you." She paused and let a soft smile grace her face. "I know it doesn't mean much coming from me but Paul's not as hot headed as he was a few years ago. I met him when he was in his senior year of school. And he was always getting into fights. He's really calmed down a lot. And I'm not trying to say you should give him a second chance, I know you have a lot on your plate right now, I'm just saying maybe it wouldn't hurt to let the past be in the past. Holding on to grudges keeps too many doors shut, ya know?" Emily finished as Sam walked in.

Trinity just nodded her head and walked back out to the living room. Jacob had already gone back home, he had something to do for Billy but Quil was still there to bring her back to Jacob's when she was ready. She couldn't help but look over at Paul, who just sat on the couch sprawled out watching TV. As if feeling her eyes on him, he turned his head and looked at her. They locked eyes for a few moments before he just sent her a soft smile and turned his head back to the TV. She turned her head away and made small talk with Seth. About five minutes later Paul stood up and slid past her before leaning into the kitchen. She heard him thank Emily for lunch and tell Sam that he would see him later. When Paul went to slide back past her she reached out and grabbed his arm. He stopped and looked at her. She bit the inside of her lip a few seconds before working up the courage to speak out loud.

"If you're not doing anything too important right now, do you think you could stop me by the police station and then over by Henry's so I can get my car? I can pay you back for gas. If not it's totally fine I... I do understand" she said, suddenly feeling really stupid for saying anything to him after being so rude to him earlier. Emily's words just made her think. Paul just looked at her for a few moments, as if trying to decide whether or not he heard her correctly. Eventually he nodded his head and said 'of course' before stepping towards the door.

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