Chapter Eighteen

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By the end of the week Trinity was pretty sure their house was being swallowed by blue and green. There was boy stuff everywhere and they hadn't even started in the nursery. Paul had promised to have it done by Sunday, refusing to let Trinity help because of the paint fumes but at least Jared was supposed to come over to help which made Trinity feel better about not helping. Aliyah would be coming over along with Maddox which was nice because she hadn't seen her since they left the hospital. Trinity had tried to stay back and let them adjust to being home (although that didn't mean that she wasn't texting every chance she got). She missed her friend like crazy and it was probably because she felt like she was drowning in a to do list for the baby and Aliyah was the one who always helped her make sense of things. When it came to planning, Aliyah was the queen. So when they walked in the house that night, Trinity jumped up and moved across the room quickly. Aliyah smiled and set the infant seat down as she hugged Trinity back.

"Oh my gosh I missed you" Aliyah said, and Trinity smiled and pulled back, bending down by the infant seat as Paul and Jared went up the steps.

"Hi cute little guy.." Trinity greeted him, looking up at Aliyah. "Can I pull him out and snuggle him?" She asked. Aliyah nodded her head and Trinity carefully pulled the baby out and stood up, moving towards the chair and sitting. Aliyah sat on the couch and stretched out, groaning. "That bad?" She asked. Aliyah laughed a bit and sat up.

"No not at all. I'm tired but it's nothing I can't handle" she said, smiling at the baby laying in Trinity's arms before leaning and picking up one of the onesies that were stacked on the coffee table. "Wow, it looks like a boy puked in your living room" Trinity laughed a bit and leaned back into the chair, tucking her legs under her and snuggling the baby closer.

"Yeah no joke. I've convinced Paul to not do a blue nursery at least, to try to save a little bit of blue for other people." Trinity joked. "The walls are going to be grey, and then with blue and green polka dot stickers." Trinity brushed her thumb against Maddox' cheek as she sighed a bit. "Picking names sucks" She said, Aliyah nodded her head.

"Yeah girl names are easier I think, but apparently these Quileute boys like having boys. It's like a 7-3 population around here. " She responded. The room was quiet for a few minutes as Aliyah rested back onto the couch, yawning again. "So, what ever happened with the trial? Jared said Paul took off work for it but came in anyways yesterday" She asked, moving her messy blonde waves up into a pony tail.

"Miles trial was delayed another month because his attorney claimed he wasn't fit to stand trial and demanded a psychiatric evaluation" Trinity explained, sighing. They were notified the night before and Paul had decided to just go into work anyways. Aliyah snorted out a laugh.

"I personally think that's bullshit. Pleading insanity at the last minute is the way so many criminals get out of trial. Granted they just spent their time locked up in a psychiatric hospital but then he either has to die there or when he's 'better'," Aliyah used air quotes, leaning forward a bit. "they will send him to a trial and he will be sentenced accordingly, so he's buying himself some time for sure". She finished. Trinity nodded her head.

"Yeah, I agree. But whatever I guess. It keeps him off the streets longer and away from us" she said, letting out a yawn herself and looking down at the baby who began to wiggle and root his head towards Trinity's chest. She smiled and looked at Aliyah. "I'm thinking he's hungry" Trinity mentioned, standing from the chair and looking down at the baby. "These are the wrong boobs buddy" She said, bending and handing him to Aliyah who just laughed and took the baby before shifting her shirt up and feeding him. Trinity yawned and looked at the clock. "I suppose I should be starting dinner, also I don't feel like it and will probably end up ordering food" She spoke honestly, looking at Aliyah. "What do you want?" She asked. Aliyah thought for a few moments before shrugging and answering 'food'. Trinity smiled and turned, heading up the steps. As soon as she hit the top of the steps Paul met her in the hallway, having heard her coming. He pulled the nursery door shut a bit and stood in front of it.

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