Chapter Ten

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Trinity couldn't stop the yelp that came from her throat when Nathaniel landed the first blow, but by the fourth one she was down to a simple groan with each hit. He stopped after the fifth one and leaned in close to her, his foul breath blowing all over her face.

"Ready to talk about the money yet?" He asked, wiping the blood off his knuckles. She sniffled hard and tried not to cry.

"I...i don't know anything about money" she broke and let herself sob, the tears stinging the cuts on her cheeks. He pursed his lips and nodded his head.

"Alright, we can play it this way." He said, jerking her up by the duct tape around her wrist. She whimpered and sniffled hard, willing herself to stop crying. "You know..." Nathaniel started, still holding a hand on the duct tape, keeping her arms above her head. "There's more than one way to skin a cat.." He said, trailing a finger down the side of her face and to her neck. "Even beat to hell you still look sexy.." he spoke into Trinity's ear, nearly making her gag as he ran his finger down her chest, stopping at the hem of her shirt and running the tips of multiple fingers across the upper curve of her breasts. "I'll let you can either tell me where the money is, or I'll just have to take your pants off and have my way with you.." He ran his fingers back up the side of her neck and behind her ear, she shivered. He took the shiver as an answer and stepped forward more, pinning her to the wall. She waited until he got close enough and headbutted him, but when he let go of her hands and grabbed his face like she had anticipated, she found she really couldn't move, she fell and groaned. She cried, looking around at the darkening room. Even if she could move there was nothing she could use as a weapon. Nathaniel grabbed her and rolled her on her back before crawling on top of her and pinning her to the ground. He grabbed her by the hair and slammed her head into the concrete ground. "I'M DONE PLAYING GAMES, WHORE" He lifted her head again and dropped it down hard. Trinity saw exploding stars in front of her eyes as he landed a blow to her cheek. She closed her eyes as the fist connected with her head and she missed the door flying open. And she missed seeing Paul run down the first 5 steps and completely skip the last 7, landing on the ground. He moved toward them quickly and Nathaniel started getting up, ready to fight. Before he had the chance though, Paul swung hard, fist connecting with his cheek. Jared stepped in Trinitys view and bent, holding both hands out and helping her up. She vaguely remembered Jared asking if she could walk before her world went black. But not before seeing a big dark wolf where Paul was once standing.

When she came back to, she was laying in the back seat of a car she vaguely recognized as her own, she was all scrunched up and had her head on something. Trinity tried to sit up. Hands were on her immediately, gently laying her back down. She tried to fight it but was honestly too weak. She let her eyes shut again and she felt warm hands gently touching her face and after a few moments she realized her name was being spoken. She focused on opening her eyes and groaned again, eyes landing on a familiar face. Paul smiled softly, letting his fingers dance gently down Trinitys face, careful to avoid the cuts and bruises.

"Hey beautiful... can you keep your eyes open? Talk to me?" He asked. She took a slow blink as the car turned to the right. She made a noise low in her throat, trying to clear it and speak. Her throat was dry, like she'd not had water in 7 years. Although it hadn't even been a few hours. The car hit a bump and she let her eyes shut, deciding it felt better with them shut. Paul gently tapped her cheek. "Hey...Trinity open your eyes..please" he pleaded, and it all went black for the second time that night. She remembers the next few hours in flashes. A stretcher and multiple Dr's moving around her, talking quickly. Her eyes being opened and a bright light shined in. She couldn't remember much, but it was a night Paul would never forget. After they had gotten her to the hospital, a swarm of doctors had taken over and Paul just stood by the door while they rushed around her. She flatlined once and Paul was shoved from the room until she was stable but still wouldn't wake up for longer than two seconds so they took her in for test after test. Only 3 people were allowed back in the room. Paul was one and Aliyah fought to be in there for her best friend, as did Jacob. Much to everyones surprise, Paul didn't fight the fact that Jacob would be back there. At about midnight the Neurologist came in to get her and prep her for surgery. Jacob stepped in as Paul just stood there, eyes wide.

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