Chapter Three

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Trinity held onto Sams arm probably a little tighter than she needed to as he navigated her back through the woods, quietly. He and the other guy with him (that she had punched) both kept on alert, pausing every few minutes and looking around, listening. She knew her body was still shaking and she was still holding back a big crying session but she managed to hold on so far. Her mind flew a million miles per hour. Was she safe now? The attacker surely couldn't know who she was. So as soon as she got back to the motel she'd be fine. He wouldn't be able to find her. Her right hand left Sam's arm and reached for her neck, feeling her camera still there, hanging from the straps, she hadn't even felt it this whole time. Thinking of all of the times she fell, she hoped that it wasn't broke. As they got closer to the clearing where her car sat her fear returned at full force. She returned her right hand to Sams arm and gripped, stepping closer without thinking about it. He looked back at her and reassured her it was ok and they were almost out. They stepped out off the trail and onto the flat dirt where her car sat further ahead. She looked at it and let out a slow sigh, almost forgetting about the slashed tires. 

"Jacob will be here soon with the car, in fact he should have been here already. I'll call Henry out in the morning, he owns a tow place in town, and he can bring it to the shop to be fixed up for you. In the meantime, I'm sure you need a few things out of your car. So you can go grab it." He finished, nodding to the car. Trinity let go of his arm and went to take a step forward. She froze and looked around, eyes scanning the dark woods to her left and right, even glancing behind her. "It's ok. Seth will come with you." He said, nudging the younger guy next to him. Seth stepped forward and put his hand on Trinity's back. She slowly walked towards the car, turning to look as Sam walked back into the woods. She let her eyes widen and opened her mouth to say something but Seth cut her off. 

"Don't worry about him, he can handle himself. He's just going to see if he can find anything" Seth spoke, hand still flat on her back. As awkward as it should have been it was comfortable. She nodded her head and glanced at Seth. He was younger than her, but not by much. Maybe only 2 or 3 years. He was tall, hair about ear length. "You've got a hell of a punch.." He muttered, touching his nose again. She smiled and apologized. They approached the car and she felt her stomach knot up as she opened the door. Her purse was dumped in the seat, as well as her camera bag. Her wallet lay open in the middle of the mess. She grabbed it and went through it quickly, surprised that there was no money missing. 

"So then what was he wanting.." She kept her eyebrows furrowed together as she shoved everything back where it goes, even pausing to put her camera in the bag so it wasn't around her neck anymore. She grabbed her purse and camera bag and was shutting the door to the car when she seen headlights. A car pulled into the lot. 

"Must be Jacob" Seth spoke, nodding to the car. Trinity nodded her head once and then paused. Jacob..the only Jacob she remembered living in La Push was Jacob Black. Her very best friend. She watched as the car approached and the driver got out. Once he stepped into the headlights she found herself observing his face. When he got closer she almost screamed with delight, and maybe she would have if the past few hours hadn't happened. It was Jacob alright. His hair was shorter now, instead of the long locks he used to have. And he got taller, way taller, and more muscular. But damn if he didn't still have that same goofy grin he was sporting when he stuck out his hand to her. 

"Can I take those for you?" He asked, referring to her bags. She just looked at him, allowing herself to smile. 

"Jacob, right? Jacob Black?" She asked, just doubling checking. He glanced at Seth and lifted an eyebrow. before slowly responding 'yyeeesss..?' She grinned harder and set her bags down before she hugged him. Her head was up to his chest now and she almost couldn't get her arms around his toned abdomen. "5 years has done you good, Jakey.." She said. It took all of 7 seconds for his mind to register the nickname and the five year comment. 

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