Chapter Two

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Billy nodded his head towards Sam as the younger man headed to the door and he smilled as he glanced back at the dinner bowl wrapped in aluminum foil sitting on the table. Emily always made him an extra bowl (or two) when she made her venison stew. He was appreciative that Sam always brought it over too even though he's said many times that he could just go pick it up. As Sam opened the front door and went to step out the phone rang. It didn't take longer than a few seconds for Billy lift the phone from his lap and put it to his ear. He normally kept the phone with him when he was home alone so that he didn't miss a call because he couldn't get to the other room fast enough.

"Hello?" He answered, pausing to hear the reply and wondering who would be calling so late. "From who?..what's going on? ma'am you're going to have to speak up if you want me to understand you" he responded. Sam, who was halfway out the door when the phone ring walked back into the kitchen and stood there looking at Billy with a confused look on his face. Billy shook his head and handed Sam the phone. "My damn ears, she's talking too quiet. I can't understand her.. someone's running from someone" he watched Sam intently, concerned about how terrified the woman on the other end sounded.

Sam lifted the phone to his ear and said 'this is Sam'. The other line was so quiet he almost thought the woman had hung up. "Hello? Is this a joke? I'll hang up if so" He said, keeping his voice firm. After a few more seconds he decided it was a prank call and went to hang up. But he heard a whimper followed by a quiet 'no..' he paused for a few seconds, listening. 'Please don't hang up..i need help' the voice on the other line spoke a bit louder this time. Sam could hear the shake in her voice laced with raw fear. It was no prank.

"I can't help you if you don't tell me where you are, what's going on?" He spoke while pulling his cell phone out of his pocket. Sam dialed his home number and gave the phone to Billy, only pulling the phone away from his own ear long enough to tell Billy to call Emily and have her send a few of the guys out to Jacobs, now. Sam replaced the phone to his ear just as the woman started to speak.


"I'm in a tree..I was out in the woods taking pictures and...," Trinity paused as she heard a noise in the distance. She covered her mouth and wrapped her legs tighter around the tree branch, looking around through the darkness. After a few more moments she decided it must have just been a squirrel and continued speaking. "I seen someone get murdered....the.." she felt herself getting upset again and she fought to hold back the tears and the sniffles. "The guy seen me..he..he's hunting me down.." she gave approximate directions to where she was and gave the guy, Sam he said his name was, her number, although calling back was risky he needed it in case. He swore he and 'some friends' would be there soon for her. She prayed they weren't just some high school guys that wouldn't be able to help her. She felt awful homesick at hearing Billy's voice again. It hadn't changed much. When she was younger she would spend weekends over with Jacob. He was her best friend.

"Come out come out wherever you are.. I know here, I heard you talking.. Not going to get much help at this time of night. It's just me and you out here sweet cheeks." All thoughts and memories of long ago faded quickly when she heard the sickly sweet voice calling out to her. She bit her lip to keep from crying and tightened her grip on the tree. She seen a flashlight to her left, maybe 20 yards away and got hopeful for a second. She thought maybe she was being saved. And then the voice came again. "Where could you be?" He asked as he swept the ground and around him with the flashlight before suddenly turning it up to the trees around him. "Are you up in a tree?" As well as being nosy and stumbling into things that you shouldn't be, are you part monkey? A trees the only spot I haven't looked.." he began checking the tree tops and Trinity realized she only had mere moments before he seen her. So she stood, as quietly as she could on the branch, deciding that when he gets close enough she was going to jump on him. Her body shook as she took a few deep breaths, willing herself to be brave. It felt like hours that passed before the guy came into view. He began to sweep the flash light up the tree when she said a quick prayer and jumped down. She collided with him and they both hit the ground with a thump. She jumped up quickly and tried to run away but the man moved faster and grab her leg dragging her back down. Trinity screamed as loud as she could and rolled to her back, kicking as hard as she could as the guy attempted to move over her, her right foot connected with the side of his head and he yelled and released his grip long enough for her to jump up. She spun on her heel and ran in the opposite direction. She felt her lungs burning and she must have tripped 1,000 times because of the dark. She couldn't see well enough to know exactly where she was, but she was positive that she was heading further away from town and further into the woods. She decided she would try to double back, but as soon as she finally got herself heading back in the right direction she collided with someone, she felt arms go around her. She screamed again and flailed her arms up, trying to connect with the attacker's face. The guy was talking, more like yelling to get over her screaming. Trinity drew back and landed a solid punch, and it was only after that she realized what the guy was saying.

"I'm just trying to help you, it's okay I'm with Sam" He let go of her and put both hands to his face immediately groaning. Through the breaks in the trees came a few rays of moon light, and she was able to see him better when she focused. A few seconds later another guy came into view.

"Are you ok?" He asked, moving the smaller and obviously much younger guy out of the way. Trinity slowly nodded her head, looking around. He nodded his head mumbled 'good' before stepping in closer to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "I'm Sam and we're going to get you out of here"

A/n: well, how is it? Be honest.. I know it's short with this is more so just a filler. What do you think's going to happen now? It takes like 2 seconds to comment! Thanks for reading!♡♡ love you guys

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