Chapter Nine

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Paul phased quickly and ran into the woods and Sam looked around, thankful they were close to the woods and no one paid attention. He bent and kissed Emily, who just had a concerned look on her face.

"Don't frown, we will find her. Its possible she just walked back home because she was tired." He said, dropping another kiss on her cheek before he walked towards the woods, phasing himself. Paul was long gone, which he had figured. Sam still ran behind him, following his scent. When the sent exited the woods he stopped and phased first, tugging his shorts on before running out. Trinity's house was ahead, with Paul walking out of it, shaking his head. Sam walked up to him.

"She isn't inside..." He said, groaning loudly and running his hands through his hair. Sam just held a hand out.

"Hey...calm down. Maybe she is still walking home. Aliyah said she watched her quickly down her drink, maybe she had a little too much and decided to walk home. You running, phased, is faster than her walking. You know that right?" He finished, trying to reason with him but unable to shake that gut feeling that something was wrong.

"No," Paul shook his head. "No. I could smell her. The smell came through the woods and to her house. She isn't in there though.." He turned and walked back in the house. Sam followed this time, walking around the house. After clearing it himself he turned to look at Paul.

"Run back to the beach, get your truck and drive the town, maybe she's walking on a sidewalk or something" he said, Paul opened his mouth to argue about how her scent came to the house but Sam demanded. "Go. You're losing time and obviously she isn't here" He said. Paul ran out quickly and Sam followed, not surprised that he was already gone. He stood on the deck and looked around, sighing as he crossed his arms..his phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket, lifting it to his ear. Aliyah spoke quickly.

"Sam, I'm almost positive that the guy has her. The guy behind the attack before. After you guys left we all spread out and started asking people if anyone had seen her. Apparently she went from standing and holding her drink by the fire to almost immediately stumbling around. Meredith, Jareds cousin was by the fire and seen her almost fall in but she said some guy caught her and picked her up, seemed like he knew, she didn't fight him, so she looked away and finished her business. It's gotta be that've gotta find her, Sam." She said, finishing her long winded story. Sam just groaned and looked around before thanking her and hanging up. He ran towards the woods and phased, deciding it was about to be a long night. He prayed that they'd find her...alive.

A few hours later found the whole pack in Emily's kitchen, some sitting, some leaning against the counter. And Paul just pacing in the center of them all. Aliyah lifted the phone to her ear and tried for the millionth time to call Trinity's cell phone. Quil just mumbled that it wasn't going to work as Aliyah sighed and hung up. The room was silent, minus Paul's steps as he paced more. Jacob suddenly turned.

"You know pacing doesn't do shit, Paul?" He asked, glaring and annoyed. Paul stopped and turned quickly.

"Well what are you doing to help her, sitting there like a bum??" He responded, voice raised. Jacob stood quickly, the chair falling from behind him. Sam yelled and stepped in between them.

"That's enough!" He said, a hand on each of their chests, Paul stormed out the door and Jacob sat back down. Seth cleared his throat from the corner.

"I hate to say it but...shouldn't we be out there looking for a body somewhere? Combing the woods.. I don't want to be negative but the guy wanted her dead. So if he grabbed her, he's killed her already..." He said, ignoring Leah's elbow to his side. Emily just shook her head, standing by the sink.

"No.. she's not dead yet... Paul would feel it. He told me that all he feels is anger, which is likely from him. And fear, which is likely from her." She said. Seth asked how they knew that the fear wasn't from him being afraid she was dead. Emily just turned to Jared. "Last winter, when Aliyah got into that bad accident. You and I were on the way to the hospital and you told me she was ok. How did you know?" She asked, Jared shrugged and said he felt it, her fear and need for him. "But weren't you also scared?" She asked, he slid an arm around Aliyahs waist and pulled her against him, reliving the whole thing.

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