Chapter Four

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Billy watched as Jacob paced back and forth in front of their kitchen table. He had been the first awake, and had woken Jacob on the couch to ask why he wasn't in his room. After a bit of breakfast and an hour and a half later, Jacob had fully caught Billy up on what was happening. It was now a bit past noon and Jacob had already checked on her about 5 times. He turned and started down the hallway when Billy's voice stopped him.

"Jake....I'm sure she's fine. She was about 15 minutes ago when you last checked. She had a rough day yesterday, let her body rest. It knows how much sleep she needs." Billy spoke, Jacob turned to argue that it had been almost 12 hours but stopped when he realized his dad was right, she went through a lot. He sat down at the table across from his dad. "I am eager for her to get up too, I've missed her. I remember how rough it was when she got pulled from us..It was awful." Billy said, the room was quiet as they both thought back to that time. Her grandparents were killed by a drunk driver. Trinity was staying at Jacobs at the time and the two had snuck out and went exploring through the woods, like always. They got back and there was a police cruiser outside of Jacobs house. Jacob had freaked out thinking his dad had called the cops because they weren't there but Trinity had just stopped, not wanting to go in the house. It was like she knew. And that was the last time they saw her. The social worker came a few hours later for her and just took her. Billy took a drink of his coffee and cleared his throat. "Wasn't she with Paul back then?" He asked, Jacob just nodded his head in response, remembering how excited she was when her grandparents said she could date and she was 15, almost 16. She called Jacob right then. He didn't approve of who she wanted to date but she was determined to get what she wanted. "What ever happened to those two anyways" He asked.

"I want to say they only went out a few months, which isn't a long time but for being so young it wasn't awful. Basically Paul was even more of a hothead than he is now. There was this new kid in school...uhhh..." Jacob paused, wracking his brain and trying to remember the name. "I think it was Nathaniel. He didn't stay longer than a month. He kept trying to befriend Trinity and find common ground so she would talk to him. He ran this whole story about how his parents had died and he was living with his uncle and blah blah. I guess Paul had seen him somewhere with his parents and basically blew up on Trinity about it, saying she must have been cheating and all of that because he has parents. I don't know how that made sense, anyways.. they actually broke up a week before the accident." He finished, looking out the window and into the driveway. Billy just sighed.

"That boy really is crazy, I think" He said, Jacob burst out laughing, nodding his head. Billy just chuckled and glanced up at the clock. "So how is today going to go? I'm sure he will be there at Sams." Jacob shrugged at his dads words. He knew that they all already knew she was coming, or at least he was sure because Quil had been blowing up his phone asking when 'they' were coming. He glanced up at the clock deciding he might go check on her again when he heard the door down the hall open. He looked back as she walked into the room. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a messy pony tail, and her face looked loads better. Still scratched in a few spots but not awful. She looked more rested. She had on a hoodie and a pair of Jacobs sweats. She rounded the corner fully and Billy spoke first. "Girl, don't you know its 80 degrees outside?" He asked, smiling at her.

"Billy.." Her face split into a smile as she moved around the table and bent, hugging him. He gladly accepted it and squeezed her back, making a comment about how at least she hadn't gotten any taller. She just laughed and stood back up straight. "Nope, not like your boy here. Must be almost 6'4!" She said, looking at Jacob who just smiled.

"I'm glad those kind of fit you, I was worried they;d be way too big" He said, she just raised an eyebrow at him and got a playful smile on her face. "Really, Jake? I know you see how big my hips are. Clearly they would fit. I've chubbed up a bit" She said, smiling. She wasn't downing herself. She was completely comfortable with her body. She wasn't drastically overweight but she was bigger, just a bit. She always stayed athletic so it kept her chub at the perfect amount to just be super curvy instead of overweight. Billy cut in and said 'ain't nothing wrong with some meat on your bones. Women these days are too skinny' she laughed and high fived him. Before turning to Jacob.

"Speaking of chub, you said we were going to lunch somewhere? I am starving." She said, hearing her stomach rumble on cue.

"Yep, we can leave whenever you're ready. It's only a short distance so we can walk." He said, Billy cleared his throat and gave Jacob a look. Trinity just walked out of the room and into the bedroom to grab her purse before stepping into the bathroom. She brushed her hair down until it was straight and made an honest attempt at makeup before doing an extra swipe of deodorant. She hated wearing the sweatshirt but as she moved it to the side in the mirror all she could see was purple around her neck. A tshirt doesn't cover that. So she wore her red camisole under, it wasn't appropriate for her to wear out anyways without it being under something because of how well endowed she was in the breast area. So a hoodie it was. It just sucked that it was mid summer. Trinity decided to shake off her jeans and put those back on so at least she wasnt in sweats and a sweatshirt before heading back out to the kitchen.

"Oh thank goodness you fixed your hair, the rest of the locals would have thought a bear stumbled into town" Billy spoke, a smile on his face. She just laughed and hugged him again. "Your hair looks like it's longer than mine. Impressive. You win this time" he said. Jacob moved her towards the door, obviously hungry, even though he had just eaten breakfast at 10 something. As he maneuvered her out the door and into the bright light she stopped, looking around and instinctively touching her neck. Jacob looked at her neck as she did it and felt his mouth drop a little at how bad it looked. She said last night the attacker tried to strangle her but...dang..

"So that's why youre wearing a hoodie then?" He asked. She nodded a bit and looked down. He just put an arm around her shoulder and moved her towards the truck in the driveway. Before she could protest and fight to walk he said "this is probably safer than walking in plain sight". She agreed and got in. This trip wasn't going as planned at all. She wanted to come back to LaPush and remember what she'd forgotten and find herself again. But all she managed to find so far is a killer.

It didn't take long for them to pull into a driveway. She looked up at the house and remembered seeing it as a kid. It was beautiful, and fairly large. There was only 2 other vehicles in the driveway, one being the car she recognized from last night. She got out of the truck and turned as she shut the door. She paused as she looked at her reflection. Her hood and long hair did well to cover the bruises but she was so hot. She looked down at her pants and decided at least these were a pair of her decent jeans, thin enough to keep her legs cool. 'you look fine, c'mon in' Jacob said, motioning for her to follow him. Trinity moved up the steps and onto the small porch quietly, pausing to listen to the rambuctious laughter and noise inside. She looked at Jacob with her eyes wide, how many people were in there? Jacob just smiled and reassured her before opening the door and stepping in. All conversation stopped as she stepped in behind him. All conversation came to a halt as they entered and she instinctively slid so she was slightly behind Jacob.

"Well geez guys, make her feel like any more uncomfortable she might leave" a females voice spoke. Trinity looked over and seen her, a girl about her height with long black hair, a deep jagged scar across her cheek."I'm Emily, welcome to our home. Are you hungry? Lunch is almost done" She finished. Jacob responded before Trinity had a chance.

"Hell yes" he said, before glancing around the smaller living room that had a bit over half a dozen guys in there, almost feeling relief when he didn't see Paul, she didnt need that kind of awkwardness yet. He noticed Quil wasn't there, which was funny because he was blowing up Jacobs phone all morning asking when they were coming. Embry stood though, looking at Trinity. Trinity looked at him for a moment before stepping forward and opening her arms.

"Embry Call! Oh my gosh I've missed you!" He hugged her and she squeezed him tightly. He pretty much looked the same as he did 5 years ago, just a bit taller. "Still pretty much skin and bones I see! And you cut your hair too! Damn. Am I the only one who let mine grow??" She asked, smiling. Embry just shrugged a bit.

"Some of us had to grow up, Trinnie. And if I recall your hair was shorter than mine back then. 5 years did it good" he joked and she just smiled, she did used to have a pixie cut. She liked her long hair better. She looked around at everyone else in the room as they all one by one lifted a hand and said their name. She smiled softly and lifted her hand back.

"Obviously I'm Trinity..sorry to just barge on in on your lunch." She said, Jacob slid away from her side and into the kitchen to talk to Emily. Embry slid an arm over her shoulder, squeezing her again. A girl sitting on the couch, Leah, spoke next.

"Aren't you hot?" She asked, motioning to Trinitys hoodie. Trinity just nodded her head in response and noticed a few of the guys were shirtless and the rest were in just tshirts and shorts. She was really hot, sweltering. She just couldn't take it off because of her boobs. She would just leave her hair down to mostly cover her neck but didn't really feel like coming into a new house and flashing some serious cleavage. The only reason she didn't wear the flannel that she had on yesterday was because it was ripped. So hoodie it was. "Well take it off. Whatever reason you've got it on for doesn't matter here" she said, they all just nodded their head, agreeing. Another girl, who Trinity just couldn't remember her name, stood up off of the one guys lap, Jared. She moved towards Trinity holding a finger up.

"Hold on, I may have something in my car that'll help. Come with me" she said, stepping outside. Trinity gladly did, following her down the steps. They got to the other car in the driveway and Trinity paused, asking the girl her name and apologizing again. She just laughed. "You're fine, this group of crazies is a lot to take in. I'm Aliyah, with Jared." She said, digging in her backseat. She came back out with a grey flannel, almost exactly like the one Trinity was wearing the day before. "Us well endowed women have to look out for eachother, i sure that's the reason you didnt want to take the hoodie off. But don't worry, these boys in here don't dare misbehave around Emily." she said, laughing. Trinity just smiled back and thanked her, quickly stripping the hoodie off and buttoning the flannel up. Aliyah had looked at the marks on her neck but didn't bring them up, which Trinity was thankful for. They walked back in the house and Trinity leaned up against the wall in the living room making small talk with Embry, who was super curious about what she been doing. Sam walked in the room and turned in Trinity's direction.

"Henry called and he said he's got your car at the shop. Shouldn't take longer than a day to get all the tires fixed and I already talked to Chief this morning and he said you are good to come collect your stuff from the hotel. So I'm sure you could catch a ride with someone after lunch to go get that if you wanted." Sam finished. Trinity just nodded her head and looked around as everyone got quiet and looked at her, most likely waiting for her to say something about what happened last night. It seemed that they all knew the story or at least most of it and she wasn't ready to talk about it yet.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Jacob helped Emily grab plates and bowls out. He leaned against the counter and sighed, pulling Emily's attention to him.

"Ok what's up?" She asked. He glanced around before leaning in and whispering. 'Wheres Paul?' She just sighed. "I sent him and Quil to get garlic bread. And don't you start anything with any of your brothers over Trinity. She seems like she can handle her own.. Sam told me what all happened. Shes very brave" Emily said. Jacob nodded his head and tried to bring up Paul again. Emily interupted him. "Paul knew before he left that she was coming today, his exact words were 'its in the past'. So let it be in the past. If those two can get along after a teenage break up then you can deal. You don't need to protect her" she said, grabbing the sauce from the cabinet. Jacob grumbled and walked out as Trinity walked in, rolling the sleeves on the flannel up.

"Do you need any help?" She asked. Emily just smiled and shook her head.

"Nope, until the garlic bread gets here it's pretty much just making sure the spaghetti stays warm. But I'd love some conversation if you'd like" she said, leaning against the counter. Trinity sat in a chair by the table and nodded her head. The two chatted for awhile about different things, how Trinity liked Florida and even how she felt about coming back. Emily motioned to her neck and smiled softly. "Everyone thinks you're really brave. You don't have to make yourself sweat to try and keep that covered. I see that you keep pushing your hair in front of it." She said. Trinity smiled softly and looked down, appreciative of the kind words. She went to reply when she heard her name being shouted outside. She jumped up quickly and made her way to the door in time to see a black truck pull up and none other than Quil Ateara leaning out the passenger window. She stepped out onto the porch and smiled as he jumped out of the truck and ran to her. She opened her arms wide and he scooped her up into a bear hug. She just laughed as he spun her.

"Put me down, I'm too heavy, Quil!" She shouted, gripping his shoulders so he didn't drop her. He just laughed and set her back down, squeezing her again. Trinity had received a lot of hugs in the past 12 hours, but she needed them all. "Stand back and let me look at you" she ordered, stepping back to arms length. Unlike the rest of the guys, he looked the exact same. She grinned and messed up his hair before looking at the truck. It was nice. A newer black dodge. The driver got out and Trinity watched as he shut the door and walked to the front of the truck. She felt her heart skip a few beats as she locked eyes with him. She felt her nose snarl and her eyes narrow, suddenly feeling 15 again and angry. He just stopped and stared at her, like he was unable to move. Eyes locked. Quil groaned from beside her and moved towards the house, calling for Sam. She just crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared back.

At first when Paul hopped out of the truck he just checked her out. Noting her longer hair and definitely more grown up body. He was tempted to make a sexual comment, because that's who he was. And damn had she gotten a million times more beautiful than she used to be, which was hard because Paul was convinced she was perfect back then too. But before he could say anything, his eyes locked with hers. His throat closed up and he couldn't move. His heart began to pound in his chest and he barely noticed Quil moving to go inside. Pauls eyes traveled from her eyes to the cuts on her cheeks, and he felt himself start to get a bit mad that she was hurt. He gripped the bag that held the garlic bread and took a step towards her. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, glaring.

"Lahote.." She said, nodding her head to him and acknowledging him before turning and walking away. Sam stepped in Paul's vision, grabbing the bag from him.

"She doesn't like me anymore..." Paul just stood there frowning, letting himself simmer with the knowledge that she didn't like him. He hadn't expected a big hug and laugh like Quil had gotten, but he certainly hadn't expected something so cold. Sam sighed.

"Well Paul, what exactly happened back then? It's clear she's still holding some kind of resentment towards you.. But maybe you can fix it?" Sam said getting ready to turn and walk back inside when he stopped and just looked at Paul. It was strange seeing him, the normally rambunctious and crazy one of the group, looking so upset. Sam walked back to him and patted him on the back, ushering him inside. "Women are made to be loved, not always understood. Just be kind to her and be around her. Eventually she's got to at least talk to you" he finished his sentence as they walked in the house. He turned and made a beeline for the kitchen with the garlic bread as Paul just stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked around. The whole pack was looking at him, they probably already knew. But it didn't bother him because he was too busy trying to nonchalantly watch Trinity from across the room. He had no idea how he was supposed to win her over if she wouldn't even look at him.

A/N: yep, I'm shamelessly referring to my Jared story!:) (when i mention aliyah) if you haven't read it check it out. Although I wrote it back in 2012 so please don't judge it. I do plan on going back and rewriting it and fixing all the mistakes soon. If you are reading this, please tell me what you think! It doesn't take too long to leave a comment and it seriously makes my entire day. Who do you think the attacker is? And is that over or is he going to come back? And while we are talking about men coming back, does anyone have any ideas on how the Paul situation is going to work out? Thanks for reading lovelies ♡

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