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Lord knows how the fuck youngjae got into this situation. He walked into the room for his dorm and he sees his enemy (from elementary- highschool. Interesting) standing right there unpacking. Youngjae walks over to the bed and ignores the older boy but somehow the stupid prick had to see WHO exactly was walking through the damn door.

"Hello there i'm Im Jaebum i'm the swim team's captai-" Jaebum stopped as soon as he saw who it was. "Oh. It's you." He hissed out. Youngjae turned in spite and force a cheerful smile. "It's nice to meet you Im Jaebum. I'm choi youngjae!" Jaebum gave the swimmer a weird look and walked over to him. "Yah- did you get hit by a truck and lose your memories?"  Youngjae huffed and rolled his eyes, purposefully pushing past him to put his books on the shelf. "I know who you are dumbass. I just wanted to make a good impression so that way I wouldn't have to start the rest of our college career on such shit terms." Jaebum walked back to his own stuff and huffed. "What a joke. Still as fucking nerdy as you were in highschool." Youngjae picked up some socks and threw them at jaebum. "Shut up fuckboy. I don't want another word about highschool." Jaebum growled and picked up the socks, throwing them back at youngjae. "Yah!" Before anything could happen, mark popped in and so did jackson. "Hey youngjae come on. Orientation is about to start we're doing the hazing rituals to the new freshmen. Let's go!" Youngjae nodded and grabbed his swim suit, before flipping off the captain and leaving with a smirk on his face.

"Welcome to initiation!!! If you make it through, you get to join the swim team. If you don't, don't even think about joining. Got it?" Jackson yelled. The freshmen nodded and looked down as if they were scared. "Alright we're doing a race to see who the fastest among you lot are. So get in line and we'll do it like so." The freshmen began lining up at the diving blocks and stood there in anticipation as they waited for a signal. "ON YOUR MARK....... GO!" And soon the races started. "Hey jackson." Jinyoung and youngjae came out wearing there swim suits. "Hey guys. You're looking cute today." Jackson teased and smiled wide. Youngjae stood there and watched the freshman raced. "They're all pretty fast huh?" "Yeah they are. I might add half of them to the team because the time is split pretty evenly. They control their breathing properly but the bigger ones are faster so we should get some of the smaller ones so they can get better too." Youngjae nodded and looked up. He saw a boy get out of the pool with soft pink hair and was muscular as well as thin. Youngjae watched as the male as he came up to the three of them. "Hi. I'm Mark Tuan. I transferred here from UCLA. It's Nice to meet you!" He smiled and shook the other two's hand before coming to youngjae. Youngjae stood there and looked on at the most beautiful boy he's ever seen. Mark smiled "You like what you see?" He teased followed by a wink. "U-uH Oh! Hi! Im Youngjae. Nice to meet you!" Youngjae stuttered and shook mark's hand. There was a quick shock going through his body when he felt the taller boy squeezed his hand. "I'll see you guys around." He waved them off, walking to the locker room. "Jackson we have to add him to the team." Jackson laughed loudly and then went serious. "He's already on the team. Coach wouldn't let us say no. " Youngjae put his hands together in prayer and mouthed a 'YES'. Suddenly the air became thick and heavy and youngjae's good mood turned sour as he watched the captain walk through the doorway. "The fuck? Just when this day was supposed to be good he's here." Jaebum walked up to the three of them, a soft smile on his face. "Hey jackson. How's the races been going? Do we have any candidates?" Jackson smiled and nodded. "Yeah we have .... kim seokmin, park kibum, yoon jisung and a few others." Jaebum nodded with a proud smile. "That's good." The captain looked down at the smaller boy and bent down a little, his face close to youngjae's "You forgot your underwear in the room so i brought you an extra pair" He mumbled softly. Youngjae looked at the captain with a weird look and then a smile. "Ah thank you captain." Jaebum smiled and smacked youngjae's butt before walking away "No problem jae." Jackson and jinyoung looked at eachother and then at youngjae who's body was now full on flushed a light pink. "You okay there youngjae?" Jinyoung asked. "The hell was that?!" The co-captain and his friend began laughing as youngjae looked completely confused as to what the hell just happened.

"You worked hard guys we'll post the list tonight so if you didn't make it, try harder." The freshmen nodded and were dismissed. Youngjae went to go changed and went to his locker. He opened it up and reached slowly for the red cloth ontop of his swim bag. He pulled it out slowly with a disgusted look on his face.
Some of the guys began to 'OoooOooo' and whoop in the background and soon began to laugh. Youngjae sighed and walked over to the bathroom to change. "IM JAEBUM YOU'RE DEAD!!" Youngjae yelled. Somewhere farther in the locker room, jaebum smirked at the response of his little gift. He got dressed and went down to the mess hall, as if nothing ever happened.

"I'm so fucking embarrassed." Youngjae smashed his head into the table, barely missing his food. "I'm also fucking angry as hell. Like this is way too much. Even for jaebum. Ugh im so pissed" jackson looked up from his food and put the chopsticks down. "He was probably doing it as a joke yknow just to make amends for how shitty he treated you." Youngjae looked up with an annoyed expression. "By giving me firetruck red lace undies? I dont think so." Jinyoung looked down with a smirk on his fave as he continued to eat. "Are you wearing them right now?" Youngjae's deadly gaze flickered over to to the older boy and nodded reluctantly. "You're gonna have to explain that to your boyfriend mark" youngjae's face lit up like a Christmas tree and he started to angrily shove food in his face. "Mark isn't my boyfriend! I just met him today jinyoung give me some sl-" before he could say another word, mark walked over with a tray of food and a smile. "Hey is it okay if i sit with you guys? I can't seem to find my friend so I figured he would just find me with you." Youngjae nodded his head frantically and scooted over to make room. Mark smiled at the three of them and began to eat his food. Youngjae had stopped stuffing his face and he was pretty sure that mark could hear his heartbeat beating out of his ears. He looked over at mark and took in the american's features. He looked absolutely angelic with that pink hair and he watched as mark ate. He snapped out of his gaze when he heard jackson clear his throat. "So... mark, how come your korean is so good? Not to be offensive or anything i just, usually Americans don't really have good accents. The ones i know don't at least." Mark took a sip of water, youngjae's mouth went dry. "Oh i studied korean at my middle and high school in LA. They had summer traveling programs so i spent all my summers down near mokpo and busan. Most of the time we went to busan for the beach and then we just stayed in seoul the rest of the time. My summer of senior year in highschool i was scouted to be a model for Puma Korea so I decided to take it. I ended up making some money for myself so it's pretty good." They boys looked in awe as the pink headed boy spoke. "And what about your last name? It's chinese right?" Jinyoung asked. Mark nodded with a soft smile that made youngjae's heart clench. "Yeah. My taiwanese name is yien. So over all its yien tuan." Jackson's smile grew wider and he stared wide eyed at the american. "That's so cool!! Finally another chinese person!" Mark's eyes lit up with excitement. "Where are you from!?" Jackson stood up straight and did the attack on titan salute ( the poor boy watched too much anime). "I'm from Hong Kong! My name is wang jiaer. Nice to meet you yien." Mark chuckled softly and bowed his head slightly. "Nice to meet you too jiaer" mark looked behind jackson and stood up. "Hey! I thought you'd never find me! I was just over here making new friends!" Youngjae looked up from his food and made direct eye contact with his captain, causing him to get chills. "Hey jaebum!" Jackson said happily. "Hello jaebum" jinyoung said in a monotone voice. "Jaebum have you met youngjae?" "Yes it's like we keep meeting." They both say at the same time, causing everyone even themselves to do a double take. "Woah.... well i'm glad you two know each other! Now we can hang out with eachother!" Mark said his presence now becoming more comfortable. Jaebum and youngjae glared at eachother but there was a hidden spark in jaebum's eye that made youngjae feel a spark ignite somewhere in him. "So youngjae... is the underwear i got you comfortable?" Youngjae bit his lip to prevent him from saying anything too harsh. "Oh yeah. It's really comfortable Jaebum! Where did you get it? Your closet?" Jaebum choked on his beef and rice and started to cough. "You fuckin wish youngjae." Youngjae smirked and took a sip of his tea. "Well all i own is boxers in my side of the closet. Im pretty sure these are yours because I don't own womens underwear jaebummie~" jaebum snapped his head towards youngjae who sat there with an amused smile on his face. "Woah jaebum you pervert your into that shit?" Jackson laughed. "No! I'm not. Youngjae is the one wearing the underwear i gave him-" youngjae continued to eat his meal and took another sip of tea. "So you're saying that you bought these.... for me? Of course im wearing them! They're a gift from my captain." Jaebum could feel his anger spiral out of control as he realized what youngjae was doing. "Let's change the topic."

Im anti jaebumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora