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Jaebum had went about his day. He had forgotten last week's incident but something inside him would churn and make his heart feel heavy whenever he would think about it. "Come ON jaebum you can't still be slumped on that whole fiasco right?" Ask yugyeom. Jaebum shrugged and scoffed. "I'm not slumped. He deserved what he got for running after me like a fucking loser." Yugyeom snorted. "He's the loser?" Jaebum whipped his head towards the younger and glared at him. "You implying something yugyeom?" Yugyeom bit his lip, trying to hold back a smile and shook his head. "No sir. I'm not implying anything ~~" before Jaebum could react jinyoung came running toward the swim captain. "J-jaebum!!" Jinyoung stopped right infront of him. He looked up and jaebum could see that jinyoung had been crying. Immediately jaebum's expression went serious. "Jinyoung what's wrong?" Jinyoung gasped softly. " it's youngjae! He tripped and fell into the pool. Something happened and...and- he wont wake up!!" Jaebum's eyes widened. He moved jinyoung gently aside and began sprinting to the other side of the campus. When he finally reached the pool he looked and saw Jackson, mark and a freshman gathered around youngjae. "What happened?" The freshman shook his head. "H-he tripped into the pool while we were cleaning. I think he hit his head at the bottom of the pool because he's not waking up!" The freshman moved back as Jaebum rushed towards his unconscious teammate. Jaebum felt a weak pulse and he got scared. He opened youngjae's mouth and began to preform cpr. After two or three pumps on the younger, he opened his eyes and jumped up screaming, causing the captain to stumble backwards. "CHOI YOUNGJAE WHAT THE FUCK!" Youngjae and the rest of them began laughing and jinyoung sat in the corner smirking. "What was that!!??" Youngjae got up and grabbed a towel from the rack and dried his wet hair off. "Payback for your little stunt last week. The one that almost cost me my swim career?" Youngjae looked at jaebum and scoffed. "Highly doubt that you would care though but now we're even." Youngjae nodded at the others as they left. His attention went back to jaebum as the space between them became suffocating. "You should go and catch up with the others. I have to change." Youngjae stated. Jaebum waited till youngjae went into the locker room and then walked in after him. He looked everywhere for his roommate but couldn't find him until...

"Yeah. Coach we got the cleaning done. Yeah don't worry. We have everything under control coach!" Out of nowhere youngjae spotted jaebum coming out from around the corner. Jaebum walked up to him. "If you even make a sound i'll make you clean this whole place alone for a week." He whispered. Youngjae looked confused, his eyes following the captain. "Y-yeah no im still here. Yeah sorry coach. As you were saying?" Jaebum kneeled down in front of youngjae, his hands tracing the boy's well toned stomach. Youngjae shivered at his cold hands and he cleared his throat. "Huh? Yeah. I'm ready to come back to practice." Jaebum began leaving a trail of kisses from youngjae's navel. Youngjae bit his lip, focusing a little more on the action then the conversation. "Hm? Oh yeah. Don't worry coach im fine." Jaebum looked up and and bit down on youngjae's skin, earning a loud grunt from the swimmer. "Yeah... coach im fine.... i smashed my toe against the table sorry...." jaebum licked over the now visible bite mark and hooked his fingers into the inside of the boy's swimsuit, pulling it down slowly. Youngjae's breathing hitched and he bit his lip. "Mhm.. yeah. Yeah coach it's all good! Y-yeah." Jaebum looked up once again to see youngjae's flushed and angry complexion. He looked so cute like this. He pinned youngjae to the locker and miraculously, youngjae stayed quiet. "O-of course coach. I can handle anything you give me." The captain kissed the head of youngjae's cock before swirling his tongue around it. Youngjae put his hand over his mouth, trying to keep himself as quiet as possible. "Y-yes sir i understand." He moaned out softly. "W-with who? But sir. Jaebum is complete idio-" jaebum growled and suddenly took all of youngjae into his mouth. Youngjae through his head back and used his free hand to grab jaebum's hair. "Yes sir. I understand.... for how long?" He began bobbing his head slowly, teasing his roommate and groped his ass. "SHIT.... yeah i'm fine just a new homework assignment uH.... o-okay sir. Thank you... i-i'll get started t-tomorrow. Thank you sir. Have a good day." Youngjae hung up and looked down at the captain. He was going to say something but jaebum's mouth felt so good around his dick. Jaebum picked up the pace and let his right hand rest at the base of youngjae's cock. Youngjae moaned loudly and felt a hand softly scratch from his lower back to his thigh. "Shit jaebum.." youngjae groaned out. Jaebum bobbed his head one last time before pulling away from youngjae. Jaebum smirked and stood up, giving youngjae's face a soft pat before walking off. "IM JAEBUM WHAT THE FUCk."

"Youngjae where were you?" Youngjae snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at jinyoung. "Hm?" "You were gone for 30 minutes where were you?" Jackson asked. "Oh i got a call from the coach. I have to start personal training for olympic trials. Jaebum's gonna be helping me. Him of all people." There was a hint of anger and disgust in his voice when he said jaebum's name. Youngjae looked and saw the freshman approaching them and got up. "Hey man what's up!?" Youngjae said loudly. The freshman laughed and raised his hand and ran towards youngjae. The two boys jumped up and highfived each other before landing and laughing. Jinyoung noticed a fairly red spot on youngjae's lower stomach. "Hey youngjae, are you okay? Your lower stomach... it's-" youngjae realized what he was talking about and his face became red. "Oh! Yeah it's fine! Haha!! It's just a small irritation. I tripped-" he remembered how jaebum had bit him. His ears started to burn and he smiled at jinyoung "-and fell against an open locker door." Jinyoung looked at youngjae. He knew he was lying and he gave youngjae a small wink. "That must've hurt. Speaking of hurt, Jaebum didn't leave the locker room for a while either. Knowing him he probably would've stormed off to the gym and puched the shit out of punching bags," jinyoung stated. "Youngjae.... do you know where he went?" Youngjae glared at jinyoung when a sudden voice came popping out of nowhere. "Hey guys." "Hey jaebum" most of them said in unison. Youngjae turned to jaebum and gave him a death stare. But that didn't effect jaebum in the slightest. Instead he smiled his usual smile and looked at the rest of them. "I want you to meet a new recruit. His name is yugyeom. The fastest freshman swimmer on the team besides one other guy." The freshman cleared his throat and raised his hand. "That other guy would be me!" Yugyeom looked at the smaller kid and snorted. "Sup shorty." The freshman huffed and smiled. "Hi! I'm bambam." Yugyeom looked at the blonde with a smile. "Hi. I'm kim yugyeom it's nice to meet you." The two instantly clicked, seeing as how they were the same age but bambam, yugyeom learned, was about 6-8 months older than him. "So we got everyone here... you guys want to go clubbing?" Mark asked. Youngjae shook his head and smiled politely. "Thank you for the invitation but i can't. My philosophy teacher isn't giving us a break on the tests so i have to study for that tonight." Jaebum snorted and rolled his eyes. "Nerd." Youngjae turned towards jaebum and snarled. "Fuckboy." Jaebum snapped his head towards youngjae and growled.
'Theres never a time when they aren't fighting' jinyoung thought. "Break it up! Youngjae be a good boy and go study. Make your momma proud. Jaebum, accept it. You're a fuckboy" jaebum looked astonished as well as offended. "How are you gonna tell him to go study but then call me a fuck boy! The fuck jinyoung!?" Jinyoung walked over to jaebum and wrapped his arms around the captain's shoulders. "I know you well enough you idiot." Jinyoung smacked jaebum on the head and went to sit back next to jackson and mark. "So now that that is all settled... let's get ready for the club tonight!" Jackson said excitedly.

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