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"Wait so you just sat there and cuddled with him after studying?" Youngjae nodded. "Yeah pretty much!" Jinyoung scoffed and shook his head disappointedly. "You know as a mother im disappointed that you didnt fuck. I was going to give you the talk." Youngjae dry heaved and rolled his eyes. "I dont need a talk thank you. And i barely met the cutie so im not just gonna fuck him right off the bat." Jackson looked at the other swimmer. "But didn't you want to fuck that guy from the track team?" "Listen that was one time and i was about to politely ask that fly honey from the track team if he wanted to get rowdy in the back of my dad's prius." The boys laughed loudly over the noise of the gym room. "Excuse me boys but i believe it's time to start private training with youngjae here. Coach's orders." They all looked up at the swim captian. Jinyoung and jackson looked at eachother and smirked before getting up. "Alright. Just don't work him out TOO hard. We want him in one piece please" jackson chuckled, him and jinyoung locked arm in arm as they left the weight room. Youngjae's head shot towards the captain, a sour look on his face. "Are you really here for private training? Or something else?" Jaebum chuckled and shook his head. "I'm disappointed that you dont trust me." Youngjae rolled his eyes for the tenth time that day and got up. "Well Jaebum, point me in the direction we need to go in." Jaebum went over to the weightlifting machine and waited till youngjae was situated. "You know how to use this right?" Youngjae nodded and laid down and blew out before mentally preparing to take the weights in hand. "Ready?" He nodded once more and took the bar in hand. "you're gonna do 50 ups and then after this you're doing 150 squats with 10 pound weights. I'll spot you." Youngjae laid there waiting for his call. "3, 2.... 1" and so he began to lift. After about 50 of them, youngjae went over to the mat and took the weight in hand. "What number did you say again?" He panted softly. "150 jae." Youngjae nodded and got into position. Jaebum sat in a squatted position in front of him and placed his hands on the swimmer's thigh. "Start counting." And youngjae did. With each squat, he counted, letting out a small sigh every now and then from being out of breath. "Do i have to keep counting out loud? It's wasting energy-" Jaebum smacked his thigh from under his basketball shorts. "Don't complain. Just keep counting." Youngjae bit down on his lip, feeling the sting from the slap travel straight to his dick. "Don't worry jae, you're doing good, you're almost done." Youngjae couldn't help but look down at the captain as he continues to count. Taking in all of his delicious looking features. Come to think of it. Now that he was looking at him he wasn't just "evil bully im jaebum. My mortal enemy" he was a lot softer. In features that is. The two eye moles right above his eye made him a little more desirable. His lips were soft and would curl into comfortable thin smile. His jawline was incredible to say the least but his favorite thing over all about jaebum... his eyes. The almond shaped, dark chocolate colored monolided eyes that would mold into a cresent moon shape whenever he became shy or whenever he would laugh. Youngjae felt a warmth in his chest start to grow. "Youngjae?? Youngjae? Earth to youngjae hello??" Youngjae shook his head and looked at the captain. "Ah- yeah sorry im here." Jaebum chuckled and shook his head. "Seems like you had a fun little daydream. Were you thinking of me~?" Youngjae dropped the weights and blushed. "N-no!! I wasnt!! Shut up stop talking jaebutt." Jaebum laughed a little. "Havent heard that since highschool. Plus i can't be wrong for assuming it since after all , you were staring at me~" youngjae rolled his eyes. "Yeah whatever jaebutt. I was only staring at you because you have a zit on your forehead." "Wait WHAT?" Jaebum ran to the mirrored wall in front of him and looked around frantically at his face and neck. "Dont EVER do that to me again! Do you know how hard it is having good skin?" Youngjae shrugged playfully. "I guess i just.... wouldn't know~" jaebum walked back over to his team member, putting the weights back where they had belonged. "Come one let's go wash up. Dinner is on me." Youngjae stared at jaebum. "Yah- are you feeling alright? You always make ME pay for dinner since im the younger one?" Jaebum shrugged. "You worked hard today. You also followed my directions without delay. I figured i should reward you." The younger scoffed. "Reward me? What am i you're sub? Are you gona punish me if i misbehave?" Jaebum just rolls his eyes. "Well you're definitely not dominant thats for sure. And yeah if you do misbehave i might have to punish you." The two walked into the locker room and went to their lockers. Given that it was almost 11 at night and they were the only ones there, they did have time to take showers and what not.

What not

Jaebum was tired. He started becoming tired more often now that he was training for the olympic trials with youngjae. Youngjae... his head turned towards the younger male who still had a towl wrapped around his waist. He sighed softly to himself as the tightness in his chest began to grow. He really did regret treating youngjae like such trash all his life. He wanted to just be able to tell the boy how much he liked him. How in love he's been since elementary. Nothing on earth could tear him away from his youngjae. Not his father, not the priest, not his aunt and uncle. His mom understood perfectly and knew everything. He was in love with choi youngjae. And now that he has him in his grasp he'll do whatever it takes to keep him there. But there was only one problem. How the hell was he supposed to make youngjae..... his enemy and crush.... like him back? Well whatever he was doing now probably wasn't helping.
"Jaebum what are you doing?" Jaebum was broken out of his thoughts by the the boy's soft voice. "I'm just chillin jaejae how bout you?" He said in a teasing tone. "No jaebum like why are you hugging me from behind?" The brunette blinked for a second. That's a good question. He doesn't even know how he got to this position in the first place. "Because its a free country and you looked cute n soft like a teddy bear." Youngjae turned to face the older male, still in his grasp. "Jaebum are you sure you're okay? You've never called me cute or soft before.... did you take some drugs or something?" He chuckled a little. "Youngjae. When you feel a certain way towards someone.... you'll understand." Youngjae gave the captain a weird look. "What do you mean by feel a certai-" his question was cut off by those soft lips pressed against his. The kiss was gentle and sweet. Nothing about it seemed sinful or hot; it was indeed something like the first kiss that people were always talking about. The kiss wasn't an empty one either. There were hidden emotions within the very pressing of their lips. Jaebum was about to pull away when another surprising thing happened.....

Youngjae kissed back.

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