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(TW: Accidental attempt at su*c*de )

There is always a time in a person's life where they never expect something to happen to them.

For some people it was finding out they had cancer, getting a life changing surgery, unexpected child or car crash.

For others it was winning the lottery, getting a promotion and a raise, getting married.

For Im Jaebum, it was something he couldn't comprehend and to be honest it made him angry and upset at the fact that he couldn't pinpoint exactly what the fuck was wrong with him. He knew that youngjae and Matthew weren't actually a THING thing but seeing them together made him a little upset. Sometimes he would go in there and see them cuddling watching stupid romantic comedies which were, for his taste, too fucking cheesy.

Flashback to three weeks ago

"Ah they're so cute Mat hyung !!" Youngjae says as he kisses Matthew's jaw line. Matthew chuckles silently and squishes youngjae's cheeks between his hands. "Yeah they are but they'll never be as cute as you my precious sunshine~" Youngjae squealed and playfully hit the older male, making him feign pain in his arm and being over dramatic. "Ah- youngjae-ah... how could you abuse me like this!" The two played around till youngjae had ended up on top of Matthew, their hands intertwined. The two laughed until it started to die down. They stared into each other's eyes before youngjae leaned in to press those pretty pink lips against Matthew's plumper ones. The two stayed in that position sucking face and jaebum turns around, throwing a pillow at them. "SOME of us are trying to sleep because we have a fucking tournament tomorrow. Get the fuck out matthew." Matthew threw youngjae off of him and saluted the captain before leaving the room, blowing a kiss towards youngjae.

End of flashback.

"I'm fucking tired of seeing them making out in my room." Jaebum groaned as he continued to lift the weights. "Jaebum they're a couple-" "/FAKE/ couple" "Sure what ever helps you sleep at night. Anyway you gotta expect them to do gross... couple shit from time to time. I know damn well J.seph isn't going to let them bang in his room and i know you wont even let them fucking kiss in your room. Just be lucky that they aren't resorting to public sex.." Jinyoung says. Jaebum frowns and shrugs. "Yeah i guess. I was already on the fence when he started to ogle mark but now it's like he's completely fallen for the guy? If youngjae knew what went on between him and jiwoo-" Jinyoung perked up at those words and got closer. "Woah woah woah wait! Who is JIWOO???" Jaebum rolled his eyes, lifting the weights once more. "Jiwoo is Matthew's olympic skater girlfriend. They've been a whole thing since jiwoo first started prepping for the four continents and Olympics. Which was back in their sophomore year of high school? And we're juniors in college now? so that's.... 6 years of dating?"Jinyoung sat there stunned at how much jaebum knew but seeing as how he was a former figure skater it made sense. "Wait... Does youngjae know?" Jaebum shakes his head. "No. And that's what gets me mad because now that they're 'dating' or whatever, matthew hasn't even told him. But jiwoo knows. So it seems like this whole thing to Matthew is really just a joke." "Woah jaebum.. I don't think that's how he sees it... " Jaebum drops the weights, clanging hard on the ground, echoing throughout the empty gym. "Well he's treating it like a joke. All he's doing is playing with youngjae's feelings like it's a fucking toy and i really don't want to see youngjae get hurt like this. Imagine what happens when he finds out. He'll be so heart broken." Jaebum sighs, head heavy in his hands,, and pushing his hair back with the sweat that had accumulated on his forehead. "Since when did you start caring so much for the kid?" Jaebum froze. His eyes wandered from the mirrors of the gym room to his feet as if searching for the answer. "Do you ..." "No i don't. He's just... he's finally my friend after so long. He decided to forgive me for what i've done to him and i really don't think i should take that for granted anymore." Jinyoung rolled his eyes. "Well i think it's time to go. Gym locks up in two minutes and unless you don't wanna be locked in here..... i suggest we go now."

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