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"Youngjae, i just want to tell you something."

"Jaebum... you've been acting so strange for the past couple months. Are you okay? Did coach hit you too hard for not cleaning the deck properly?"

Jaebum just chuckles as he looks at the latter.
There. That expression. The same expression youngjae keeps seeing. He could never pinpoint what exactly what was being shown in jaebum's eyes but it was something inviting and warm.

"No. Coach didn't hit me you dork. Something's changed in me. I've noticed it. And honestly I'm so glad that im changing youngjae. Sure I'm acting strange but how can i help it? I stare at the most beautiful boy everyday. I wake up and go to bed thinking how lucky i am to sleep next to you. And it's been making me think-"


"I want to wake up next to you.... forever."


"Youngjae, Will you be mine? forever? Even if we've had our fights and our fucked up moments, even if i can be the biggest fucking loser in the world? Will you see past all of that? Will you marry me?"

"j-jaebum... i- i do-"

"Jaebum I do not fucking care if you feel like sleeping in you need to get the FUCK up you idiot! WE'RE GOING TO MISS MORNING PRACTICE"
Those words echoed in jaebum's head before they registered. He got up and hastily got ready, Putting on an adidas sandal and a nike flipflop and dragged youngjae by his wrist to the pool. When they had finally gotten there, he sighed in relief seeing as no one was in the pool yet. "man did you see LilCTuan's new stream?" "No I didn't! What happened?" "Apparently he got a new partner to be his little experiment. Once everyone saw the new guy his views and money skyrocketed!" "I'll have to watch it when i get home then!" "Dude yeah. Plus the cambaby? the cutest little sub you'll ever see. I damn near fell in love with those beautiful moans." "Nice~~ I can't wait!" "He kinda looked familiar though..." "how so?" The two boys continued the conversation out of earshot of the roommates. Suddenly youngjae felt a wet hand grope his ass, causing him to yelp. "Y-Yah! who do you think you a-" He turns and looks at the blonde smirking down at him. "Those are noises i never wanna stop hearing~" Mark says cooly. Jaebum rolls his eyes and sees that youngjae is done changing. "Well too bad he's going to stop making them. Right now. Alright youngjae let's go practice." Youngjae doesn't notice how possesive jaebum had been that day. Throughout practice the younger would find himself looking at the now red haired captain. His eyes would wander his body and would stop at his face; he felt like his breath had just been stolen. The captain had the youngest in a head lock and was laughing audibly. That's something youngjae doesn't think he's ever seen before. Jaebum's genuine smile. In that instant jaebum looked over to the younger and they locked contact. Youngjae watched as jaebum's hyper smile became softer and in his eyes, a new emotion that was foreign to both swimmers.


"Him." "what youngjae-hyung?" "It has to be!" "go ask him." "what no-" "i'll pay you 100,000₩" "deal." The brown haired male walked to the edge of the water and gestured to youngjae. "youngjae-ah i need to ask you something personal... can you come with me to the locker room?" Youngjae looked up and nodded with a sweet smile. Jaebum looked up from the wall and through the flipturns of other teammates, watched as the brown haired male took youngjae by the hand and gently walked him into the locker room.


"was that you in this broadcast?"

The older male held up his phone and youngjae watched the video. Yep. That was him.
"Y-Yes it's me but PLEASE don't tell anyone okay? I'll do anything please. Im so close to making olympic team- Anything going wrong and i'll be crushed." The older male looked at youngjae and saw how his puppy eyes were almost filled with tears. His heart went and did backflips, he just smiled reassuringly and petted the younger's hair. "i wont tell anyone youngjae-ah. But can you do me favor?" Youngjae looked up waiting for the request. "Just act like my boyfriend for one date. It can be anything you want. But just for one day." Youngjae thought for a moment. This was certainly new but he didn't mind. He thought it would be fun. "Okay!" The male blinked and smiled. "really?" Youngjae nodded sweetly. "Of course. I've never been on a date before so i'll be looking forward to it!" The male's face lit up and on impulse, hugged youngjae tightly. He released him after a little bit. "Sorry... probably should've asked." Youngjae shook his head. "it's fine! i love hugs. Wait so what's your name?" The man chuckles and smiles. "My friends call me big matthew. BM for short but you can call me matthew." "Well matthew... can i ask you a question?" Matthew nods. "do you think i could start acting like yout boyfriend till that one date? Like hanging out and kissin n stuff?" Matthew pulled youngjae close and smiled, looking down at him. "Of course my love. Anything you want." He kisses youngjae softly and smiles, intertwining their fingers together as they walk out. Jaebum sees that Youngjae's smiling wide as matthew was holding his hand. The older sneaks a kiss on the cheek and some of the teammates whoop and cheer.

"So you two are dating now?" Another teammate asks. "Well it's complicated but technically its just a trial run. Youngjae this is my friend J.Seph." Youngjae smiles and shakes the younger's hand. "alright well we have to get back to practice so i'll come find you when it's over okay?" Youngjae nods and blows him a kiss.

"So you've got a boyfriend now?" Youngjae flinches and turns. "Kind of yeah. Why?" Jaebum just shakes his head. He was extremely angry... if thats the emotion? it was something new and he really didn't understand what it was. "I'm happy for you. Even if it's a trial run, You deserve happiness." Hearing those words, youngjae became flushed and flustered. "H-Hyung shut up. you sound so sappy." "What you want me to say "Darn now i cant tease you or fuck you anymore!"" "yeah! that's exactly what I want you to do!" "God you're so fucking weird." "shut up you idiot" "I'm the idiot?" "Yeah! you are!-" The two bicketed, splashing and arguing and throwing old insults at each other.

"So is he the man behind the mask?"
Matthew thought back to youngjae's little thing in the locker room and he smiled to himself.

"no. It wasn't him"


hi uh ive been getting into k.a.r.d STAN KARD

Groups ive been getting into more:
red velvet

Like all of these bands ive stanned for while or since debut but like ive slowly started falling in love with them again and i want you all to experience the love bc its p great

also youngjae and BM?? 👀👀👀👀 boiiiii they're gonna be sappy as fuck but some shit with jiwoo will come up in the future. Here's a hit

"Yuzuru Hanyu Holds Olympic records for highest scoring short program in figure skating"

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