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"I'm getting my revenge. I know why he isnt coming back to me. It's because he's surrounded by his stupid friends and.... Jaebum." He says in disgust.
"Youngjae will be mine even if i have to prove it. He'll always.....
M i n e"

It was late at night and youngjae was once again wrapped up in jaebum's arms. But not because they were sleeping, or having sex. It was family movie night and so jaebum's "brother" chose train to busan when youngjae suggested my annoying hyung (kyungsoo was SO FINE IN THAT MOVIE AND BITCH HIS TIDDIES YALL I WAS FED).
So as the movie raged on, youngjae found himself off the couch and between jaebum's legs, resting comfortably against his chest. The suspense and jump scared were enough to have youngjae shaking and hiding and all jaebum did was hug him close and laugh at how scared the swimmer had got.

It was a perfect start to the summer break.

But perfect doesn't always long. And both jaebum and youngjae know that. For hem it will never be a matter of how.... but when.

Youngjae woke up to his notifications blowing up. He checked the time on his phone '6:30 am'
"Yah jae go back to sleep stop moving." Youngjae rolled his eyes and checked what everyone was screaming about. With the swipe of the phone youngjae checked and he dropped his phone to the floor. Jaebum sat up, going on high alert and seeing what happened. He saw as tears fell from youngjae's face and suddenly his heart was flooded with worry. "Youngjae ba-" he cleared his throat and placed his hand on youngjae's shoulder. "Youngjae what happened." There was a long silenece before youngjae turned to his hyung.

"I made olympic trials. I MADE olympic trials. JAEBUM I MADE THE OLYMPIC TRIALS. IM GOING TO THE 2020 OLYMPICS!!!"

Jaebum took a minute to process the information since it was still extremely early. But once it processed he jumped straight up on the bed and yelled loudly with youngjae. "HOLY SHIT CONGRATULATIONS YOUNGJAE!!!" The young swimmer threw a pillow at the captain and laughed loudly. "Go check and see if you made it!" "O H  right!!"
Jaebum ran to go to the bathroom to check his phone. Youngjae waited for the captain to come out but was starting to get worried.

"Hyung.... are you okay?"
"Hyung can i come in?"

Youngjae took a step back and watched as jaebum LITERALLY kicked the door down in excitement. "I MADE IT TOO." Youngjae ran up and jumped onto jaebum, hugging him in a koala hug but unfortunately making them both fall onto the bed. Without hesitation, jaebum cupped youngjae's face and pulled him in for a kiss. Youngjae got comfortable and sat ontop of jaebum as they kissed. Before things could get heated, his aunt bursted through the door with a frying pan looking like she's ready to attack.
"WHATS- oh. Jaebum i thought you said this cutie was your friend!" Jaebum broke the kiss and looked her in the face with an idle almost innocent face. "He is." She smirks and puts the hand with the frying pan on her waist. "So you just make out with your friends?" "MoM" she simply laughs and looks at youngjae. "Im terribly sorry love but im afraid jaebum hasn't told me your name." Youngjae sits up with a smile and goes to shake her hand. "Im choi youngjae ma'am. It's nice to meet you." She smiles back and suddenly her eyes widen. "OH I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! You're my baby jaebum's crush!" Youngjae froze up and turned towards jaebum with a confused expression.
"MOM. I think it's time for you to leave." She waved the pan and shut the door behind her. "I'm... im your crush? You like me?" Jaebum tries to hide the panic that's deep in his chest and he shrugs nonchalantly. "I used to. Back when we were kids." Youngjae nodded blankly.
"Hey hyung? I think im gonna head back to the dorm is that alright?" Jaebum frowned. "Why?" "I need my toothbrush and some clothes." "Oh okay." Youngjae smiles and punches jaebum in the shoulder. "Who the fuck said you're gonna be staying here you giant loser?" That sounded like an invitation and jaebum didn't want to and couldn't refuse it. He got up and grabbed his keys, then soon after, walking out of the house with youngjae, their hands intertwined without notice.

"There. He's here. Get into position. Looks like jaebum is with him. Make sure to waste him and dump his body somewhere okay?"
"I didn't hear that last part, over."
"If you don't listen your whole career will be over."
"Just remember that i can end your messy self over and , over."
"Fuck you and help me okay?"
"Roger Roger."

Youngjae laughs as he's walking hand and hand with jaebum to the dorm. It was a funny story of when jaebum went away for summer camp in america and how he had met mark through the dance and mixed martial arts academy. He couldn't help but feel full when around jaebum. His heart, his mind, (on the rare occasions his ass as well) and he really couldn't help but think or dream about having jaebum bully bother and pick on him for the rest of life. But it's not like he could pinpoint exactly what this feeling is. But all he knew was that he loved being around jaebum and he loved feeling this light.

"Heyyy — jaebum."

The two turned around and saw Matthew and one other person standing there. He gave J.seph a little nod and hesitantly, Jseph ran towards jaebum distracting him from what was really happening.

Matthew scooped the swimmer up, taking youngjae and running farther from the other two.

"Youngjae!!!!" Jaebum yelled out and try to push past J.seph but wasn't fast enough to. "Jaebum please just leave him. Give up. I really don't want to hurt you man." Jaebum stopped pushing against him and pulled away. "What's he gonna do to him?" J.seph took out a switch blade and looked at him. "Not that much. Just probably keep him gagged and tied up somewhere. He'll start the bad things if you fight back. And if you involve your friends family or the police.... he'll give youngjae a fate worse than death." Jaebum looked on as youngjae and Matthew weren't even off the campus yet he started running towards him but J.seph got in the way. "Jaebum!!!"
J.seph sighed and looked at jaebum.
"Can you act?"
Jaebum looked at him. "What?"
"I said can you act? Because i have an idea that might be able to save both you and youngjae.."
Jaebum nods and looks at him.
"Play dead."
Jaebum got confused until he felt the blade lightly pierce the skin and slice the side of his stomach. Jaebum was in immense pain but realized what J.s had meant. Play dead. He fell to the ground, grasping his side as he tried to stop the blood that was coming out. He closed his eyes to make it look real.

Youngjae watched as jaebum fell to the ground covered in blood. Through waves of tears a gut wretching scream came from the young swimmer as he was carried off and thrown into the back of a car where he proceeded to go limp. He lost the two most important things to him that day.

His freedom... and jaebum.

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