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Youngjae could remember a lot from that night.

The way he could feel his skin caught between jaebum's teeth.

How his moans echoed and bounced off the mirrored walls that surrounded them, sound traveling throughout the empty gym.

The way his breath would catch in his throat as he felt his captain's hands around his throat.

How nice the hot water had felt as it wash over each bruise, bite mark, and scratch.

What he doesn't remember was how he got wrapped in his captain's arms and how warm it had felt... How safe and how right it felt to just be there in his arms.

Youngjae's eyes fluttered open at the small beam of light coming through the window as he realized they were back at the dorm. His vision came into focus as he saw his own bed completely empty, better yet, completely untouched from when he had made it the morning before. A small hum came from the other side of him and he turned to be face to face with jaebum. Mentally he couldn't help but slap himself and wonder how the hell they ever got into this situation from absolutely and 1,000,000% hating each other's guts to having a very kinky one night stand.

As the room had turned a soft shade of grey, from the curtains blocking the sun, youngjae looked at the older male's features, slowly taking in the things he never noticed. He started with his hair, how it looked so soft and fluffy, the shade of red autumn leaves. Down to his eyes, his mono lids, the two moles right above his left eye. How when his eyes were closed, they looked like brush strokes on what was soon to be a masterpiece of the century. He noticed the mole that  happened to be towards the right side of his face. He could truly stare at this masterpiece forever if he really wanted to but with the sudden shuffling of the sheets, youngjae flipped himself to have his back turned towards his hyung, hoping he didn't see him stare at him. Out of nowhere he heard those words that he's been missing his whole life.

"I'm really sorry youngjae."

Youngjae froze now realizing that jaebum was fully awake. "I am really sorry for treating you like garbage all these years... I guess i was just jealous that you were able to be so.. happy with yourself. I got mad at how easily others were making you laugh and smile and it wasn't me.. i guess i just got too wrapped in myself to realize how much it was effecting you.. I know you wont hear any of this because you're asleep but... if you manage to catch this last part... Can you find it in your heart to forgive me for everything I've done? For every time I'd come over just treat you like a servant, for every time I pushed you down, tripped you, pushed you down the stairs....for every rude mean and snarky comment? It's a lot to ask for your forgiveness especially now after everything but it's just been hurting me more and more the longer i wait to apologize. You're probably asleep and i'm just being dumb an rambling to nothing but... i really am and always will be... sincere about my apology." The apology gave youngjae's heart a full grip, making it feel like it was being squeezed tightly. He never realized how regretful the boy had been over his actions. He kept his grudge up for so long but something else slowly started to replace that grudge. He didn't know what it was but it was annoying him to the max. He let out a yawn as he pretended to wake and he turned towards jaebum with a small sleepy smile. "Good morning jaebum." The captain just smiles, something youngjae's never seen before, and pulls youngjae close. "Good morning sunshine." Youngjae's eyes widen at the sudden nickname and time stands still. For a quick moment it seems still and quiet, the clocks, the sky, the sun, time itself had come to a complete stand still. Jaebum's morning voice made the latter's heart do something it's never done before and youngjae finds himself becoming nothing but jelly in the captain's arms. "We should probably get up and get to morning practice hyung... It's almost 6 am." Jaebum groans and hugs youngjae tighter than before. "I don't wanna i want to stay in bed." Youngjae just chuckles and rolls his eyes. "Yah- you lazy butt get up or coach will have us cleaning the whole school!" "Oh let him get miffed he can suck my dick for all i care." The swimmer snort and ends up getting up, his legs hanging off the bed and feet hitting the floor. "But captain, isn't coach allergic to shrimp?" Jaebum shot up and glared at youngjae. "What did you just say?" Youngjae got up and ran his hands through his hair with a smirk, "You heard me. Lil shrimp dick." "Oh so i'm shrimp dick now huh? That's not what you were saying last night~" "BE QUIeT You fucKIng DWEEB" "YAH- I AM YOUR CAPTAIN AND YOUR HYUNG YOU DON'T GET TO CALL ME A DWEEB YOU DWEEB""rEAL NICE COMEBACK JAEBUM." "FUCK YOU""You already did~"

Youngjae and Jaebum walked into the locker room, hickies, bruises and scratch marks clearly visible on both men. "Jesus CHRIST WHAT HAPPENED?" Bambam pointed out quite loudly. Jaebum rolled his eyes as he started dressing down for morning practice. "We got into a fight." Jinyoung snorted as he snapped his goggles back. "Right. A fight." Youngjae stuck his tongue out and frowned.

After practice the seven of them walked out together to see an old friend standing in front of them. "Youngjae... I'm sorry. I want you back please just come back."  Jaebum, jinyoung and mark stepped up and were about to go off when youngjae walked through. "Y-youngjae baby please i want you to forgive me and come back. It's been almost 3 months please." Youngjae laughed and suddenly went scarily quiet, his face straight and soulless. "You're still hung up over me after almost 3 months? It's cute that my love, my body, what you could've had eats you inside, keeps you up a night, ruins your life. I've moved on from you. You played me and played with my feelings. Hope you now know i'm not a toy or someone that can be messed with. You swam your last event and lost miserably. Turn in the towel and quit it." The other six swimmers stared at their friend as he talked with wide eyes. The new attitude was a huge shock. Youngjae walked past Matthew and combed his hair with his fingers. "Have fun with your baseball career Mat. " With venom in his voice, the group left and went on to go to the laser tag arena since it was officially summer break. "Man youngjae... I never expected you to handle that so..... well. Youngjae-ish." Mark said. "Well if someone hurts me you can guarantee that i wont be the same with them." Mark gave youngjae a little kiss on the forehead and jaebum's gaze shot towards the two, a deadly glare being shot towards mark. "So ... teams?" Jinyoung sighed and shook his head. "I'm actually really tired so i'm going to head to the dorm. You guys can go ahead." The other six nodded and went on to play the game.


"See this is why we should've have had youngjae on our team."

" No you guys lost rock paper scissors fairly. You just suck."

"Losers gotta buy dinner~"

"youngjae it's like almost 12."

"Mcdonalds is open."

"Let's go."

The four of them ended up going to the nearest mickey D's and ate there till about 2 before returning to the dorm. "Come on youngjae. Let's get going." Youngjae shot jaebum a weird look. "Get going where? We have to go back to our dorm jaebum." Jaebum shrugged an looked at him with a small smile. "Well i live near by. You can meet my parents. Well not actually my parents they're my uncle and aunt but they treat me like their kid so i call them my parents." Youngjae's eyes widened and he chewed on his bottom lip. "Hyung... i-i don't know if i should meet them yet. What if they think we're dating?" Jaebum's eyebrows furrowed and his smile turned into a frown. "Is that a bad thing if they think that?" Youngjae sighed a little. "No but it's just that... I really don't want a relationship. I'm still healing over matthew and seeing him reopens that wound a little more each time i think it's close to closing. Just give me a chance to go and fuck the hurt out of my system, have a little fun and mess around. I don't want people assuming that we're dating just yet." Jaebum nodded, still a little hurt but yet fully understanding where the younger was coming from. "Yeah that's alright. You're still meeting my parents, friend, fuckbuddy or not. I need to prove to them that i have friends." Youngjae snorted and laughed, causing the older to shove him and almost fall over. "THEY DON'T BELIEVE YOU HAVE FRIENDS HAHAHAHAH" "Shut UP YOU INSOLENT LITTLE BRAT." He stuck his tongue out and jaebum's expression goes cold. "You better put that tongue back where it belongs." Youngjae thought for a second and flipped off the captain. "Yah!! Get back here!" The young swimmer laughs and shakes his head.

"If you want me you're going to have to catch me."

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