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"So you're saying that some random ass guy just started messaging you?"

Youngjae nodded his head. "He wouldn't tell me his name which is very creepy. He said he knew me and knew what i looked like so that must mean he goes to the same school." The group of boys sat there thinking for a bit. Youngjae took out a lollipop and popped it into his mouth, the flavor hitting his tongue. He swirled the lollipop around with his tongue out of boredom and sucked on it before giving an almost pornographic pop. "Jesus youngjae why do you have that lollipop?" Jinyoung groaned. "Isn't that for like.. i don't know... little kids?" Youngjae scoffed and rolled his eyes. "It feels good on my tongue i like it. Plus Jinyoung aren't those sketchers for... i don't know... old people with bad feet?" The group sat there stunned by youngjae's words. "Damn youngjae who shoved their dick up your ass ?" Jackson snorts. "I've just got a really bad hangover so i'm not in the best of conditions." The two boys look at him with an offended look on their face. "I thought you said you had to study." jackson states. Youngjae sighed as he put the lollipop back in his mouth. "I did. I studied for a total of almost 12 hours. I was feeling super hungry and super stressed so i decided to go out to karaoke bar and release some of that stress." The boys looked at each other and then back at youngjae. "But i thought you didn't drink?" "I don't. But somehow jaebum found me at the karaoke bar and was like "Drink up you fuckin pussy" so that's how i ended up like this." The boys mouthed an 'Ahhhhh' and then looked back at youngjae. "So did you guys make out? Did you have sex?" Youngjae shook his head. "No but i still woke up with bruises on my back. I must've provoked the maniac because i woke up to bruises. And a red ring around my neck but it's faded now. Note to self, don't piss off jaebum when he's drunk." In that moment the pink haired swimmer came approaching the three boys with a tired expression. "Hangover?" The three asked. Mark nodded without saying a word and sat down next to youngjae, laying his head on the table and making an inaudible groaning sound. Jinyoung chuckled and then looked up, seeing a once daring and agitated college kid turn into a shy flubbering mess. Youngjae's face became flushed as heard his swim member's husky morning voice. He wanted to remember it forever. He wanted to wake up to that same voice forever. Damn this boy got youngjae WHIPPED. "So youngjae, how did your physiology test go?" Youngjae snapped out of his thoughts and looked at mark. "O-oh uh.. it went well actually. I got a 93 on the test which is lower than what i usually get." Mark stared at him wide-eyed. "Wow so you really study for these things huh?" Youngjae nodded proudly and smiled. "Hey... i know this is kinda a lot to ask especially since we don't really know each other that well but could you tutor me?" Youngjae's heart stopped beating, the air sucked from his lungs and his mouth running as dry as the summer air in California. Was this, angelic, sculpted from god's hands, talented, and highly attractive person asking for his help? Youngjae gave himself a little pinch on the leg and snapped himself out of his own thoughts. "o-Of course!! I would love to! Just say the date and time and i'll be there! Unless it's Fridays. Fridays i go and visit my family down in mokpo but other than that i'm free any time!" Mark's smile became even bigger. "Awesome!! SO how about twice a week? Any day or time doesn't matter for me unless it's really important. In which case i would notify you." Youngjae nodded. "Oh then can i get your number?" Mark nodded and brought out his phone as well as youngjae. They exchanged phone numbers and gave each other their phones back. "Great so when do you want to start?" Mark took a second to think. "I was thinking tonight or maybe tomorrow since i have a test." Youngjae nodded at the given information. "Then let's just do it both nights." Mark nodded and smiled "Alright sweet! Also you might have to help me with an assignment. If you don't mind." Youngjae gave a soft smile. "I don't mind!"

Mark: Hey! So i'm alone at my dorm room tonight, my roommate is out of town for a month so you can sleep over after studying.

Youngjae: Sweet! I'll pack some things then. Let me just tell jaebum i wont be here for a night or two.

Mark: Okay! See you soon then?

Youngjae: Mhm! see you soon mark!

Youngjae walked into the dorm where he found jaebum reading a book. Wow. That's a first. Youngjae began to pack some clothes, a swimsuit and other necessities. "Where are you going?" Jaebum asked. "I'm going to sleep over at mark's dorm after we study." Youngjae said innocently. Jaebum dropped his book in his lap and looked at youngjae. "You guys better not fuck or i swear to god-" "Swear to god what jaebum? You're not my dad you can't tell me what to do." Youngjae scoffed and rolled his eyes as he continued packing "I may not be your dad but i can certainly be your daddy~" Jaebum gave a wink at his roommate, causing the blonde to dry heave. "Sorry i'm not into that kinky shit. I don't fuck people either unlike you Mr. "I probably have chlamydia"" Jaebum took a rolled up news paper and got up, coming towards the other. "Try and hit me i dare you. Do it and i'll tell coach you're abusing your teammate." Jaebum stopped, a low growl leaving his throat. "I was just playing around jeez ." Youngjae frowned and took all of his stuff in hand. "Yeah what ever you say Im Leader. See you tomorrow maybe." And with that, youngjae left for mark's dorm.

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