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It was finally time for night call. The coach walked the hall, counting the bodies in the doorway. Jaebum and Youngjae stood there looking straight ahead, standing as if they were in the army. When the coach finally called lights out the two went into the room and closed the door. Youngjae walked over to his dresser and took out some boxers, and took our some grey sweatpants.
When jaebum turns around he sees a sight that was made by god himself. Youngjae in nothing but a baggy tee-shirt and those red lace undies. Jaebum gives youngjae a full body scan, licking his lips like a hungry dog. His eyes were immediately drawn to youngjae's ass. 'A peach that plump has GOT to taste good' jaebum thought. Youngjae shivered and turned around to find jaebum staring at him hungrily. "Yah! Dumb ass! What are you looking at?" Youngjae said, his voice a little shaky. It was obvious that youngjae was flustered and trying to act brave but if he wasn't careful with his words he knew he would regret it. "I'm using the bathroom first. Go use the community one. " Youngjae started walking towards the bathroom but was stopped by a hand grabbing onto his wrist. Youngjae stared wide eyed at the door handle as he felt his body flush against the captain's. "I know we had such a...... Rough past but i'm willing to make amends with you only if you're willing~" Jaebum spoke in his teammate's ear. Youngjae swallowed hard and try to calm his racing heart. "Of course i'm willing to make amends but HOW is the question." Jaebum chuckled and planted a soft kiss on youngjae's ear lobe, sending chills down youngjae's spine. "The only way i know how...." Something in youngjae told him no and he broke from jaebum's grip. "I'll take a shower first. Goodnight jaebum." Youngjae grabbed the handle and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. "I'll get that boy.... Somehow." Jaebum said quietly to himself.

"WOAH JAEBUM DID WHAT!!!!?????" Jackson screamed. Jinyoung and youngjae shushed him and covered his mouth. "He was hinting towards having sex with me. Either that or maybe he really want to make amends but knowing his reputation, that fuckboy is the very definition of 'Fuckboy' All he did in high school was sleep with literally anyone to get his good grades. Like he almost fucked a teacher once. That idiot has no brains what so ever. How the hell did he get into the best college in Korea? " Youngjae rolled his eyes and groaned as he took a sip from his coffee. "I don't know maybe he actually is really smart. He just seemed to be sleeping with a lot of people." Jinyoung shook his head. "I was jaebum's friend in high school. He Really is smart his IQ is almost 200 but he has something weird going on. He sleeps with people so he can make sure he doesn't get too attached to anyone." The two swimmers nodded. Youngjae sucked on his bottom lip and then hummed. "So what he's just trying to de-sensitize himself?" Jackson asked. "It makes sense the more i think about it. Jaebum never dated anyone in high school. I think he's trying to save himself from heart break so that he doesn't get hurt." Youngjae said. Jinyoung snapped is fingers and pointed at youngjae with an approving nod. "Bingo" Youngjae shrugged and took another sip of coffee. "He's not the only one with an IQ of almost 200."

"Okay! I want the older swimmers to go and do a 500 freestyle as a warm up. Swimmers in the next meet, start swimming a 500 im. Work on fly in a seperate lane. " After that the team broke up into two. Youngjae stretched a little, bending over and stretching his muscles in his legs. Jaebum walked behind the swimmer and groped his ass, earning a yelp from the boy. Youngjae ran after jaebum, the captain running away with a smile on his face. "Hey!! No running!! Watch out youngjae!!" Youngjae didn't see where he stepped and had ended up slipping. "Youngjae!!" Mark hopped out of the pool and ran towards youngjae, barely making it in time and grabbed youngjae into his arms, pushing their bodies towards the pool. The two of them sank to the bottom and mark scouped up youngjae bridal style and pushed off the ball of his feet to the surface. He coughed and gasped for air before looking down at youngjae who began coughing. A wave of relief washing over mark as the strawberry blonde slowly opened his eyes. Youngjae looked up at the pink haired swimmer, his vision now going into focus. "Oh my god youngjae... are you okay?" Youngjae nodded numbly and looked up at jaebum who had a whole new expression that was foreign to the captain. It looked like.... guilt. Mark swam up to the ledge and put youngjae on the hard ground with the gentleness of a new mother's voice. Mark hopped out of the pool and looked at jaebum. "What the hell were you trying to do jaebum!?" Mark yelled. Jaebum stumbled back at the sudden booming voice from his reserved friend. Jaebum blinked and looked at mark. "It's not like i meant to!! I just wanted to play around with him!!" Jaebum yelled back. "Well your playing around almost hurt one of the best swimmers on the team!" Mark yelled back. "Why do you even care!!!??? It's not like you're close with him!" Youngjae felt drained. He couldn't handle the yelling. "Please stop arguing. Let's just get back to practicing." Youngjae said ina raspy voice. Mark and jaebum heard the request and stopped. "Mark i want you to go and take youngjae to the nurse. Jaebum get practicing." The two of them nodded and mark helped the boy up and walked at a comfortable pace in through the locker room.

Jackson and jinyoung ran into the infirmary and saw youngjae laying on mark's lap. They both breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the room. "We got so worried. We thought youngjae had died. Who saved him? What happened?" Jinyoung asked him. "Him and jaebum were running arounf and he slipped and almost fell but i saved him from breaking anything." Jackson smiled at him. "You're a good kid mark thank you for taking care of our youngjae." Mark smiled and ran his fingers through the strawberry blonde's hair and looked at him. He smiled softly as youngjae hummed in response and he started to wake up. "Hey mark.. hey jackson, hey jinyoung... why are you guys at my practice? Why aren't we at practice?" Youngjae looked around and then looked down seeing that he was still in his swim trunks. He sat up straight and took a pillow, covering up his stomach. "Oh stop covering yourself up youngjae. You shouldn't be ashamed of such an amazing body." Jinyoung said blatantly. Youngjae blushed profusely and threw the pillow at jinyoung, causing them to burst into laughter. "What are we gonna do about jaebum?" Jackson asked. There was silence in the room for a good five minutes before youngjae popped up and smirked. "Do you guys know boys over flowers?" They all looked at each other with a devious look in their eyes.

They were certainly up to no good.

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