Juu- kyuu

938 45 14

// Slight trigger warning for this chapter as it has themes of r^pe and murder. Feel free to skip to the 6th paragraph for a calmer part of the chapter//

It was a rather dark and rainy night that night. Youngjae can recall clearly as he and jaebum began their walk. His mind flashes back to the night that changed everything. It changed how he saw the world. It changed him.

The weather in gwangju had been shitty the entire week and obviously all the kids were not happy about it. Especially not youngjae since he had just started the musical for the year. Of course December was never his favorite month due to all the rain that it would bring. That particular December however... was one of the worst he's been through. 
Youngjae had stayed after school to practice on the play. He pulled out his phone to text his mom to ask if she could come and pick him up from school but of course she said no since she had been working later shifts. He sighed n texted jaebum asking him if he could send his mom to come pick him up but of course, no reply. Youngjae rolled his eyes as he put his phone away and paid attention to the musical director. There was rather cheerfulness in youngjae as he began to read off the script and out to the other main lead in the show. They were doing a production of west side story and he was playing Tony. Youngjae reveled at the praise he was getting and did really well at hitting the notes perfectly. The dancing gave him his energy back and the chemistry with the cast members gave him a brighter aura, he was almost blinding with sheer confidence and happiness. He glowed on stage an that's where he deserved to be. 

It was about 10:30 pm by the time the rehearsal got out and youngjae shivered a little. He held the umbrella tight to him as he let the rain fall down around it, protecting his little world he had created on rainy days like this. A slight chill ran down youngjae's spine as he felt like he was being followed. He pulled out his phone and sent his location to  his most recent contact and texting them the message "Emergency!! I'm being followed please find me!", not realizing who it was sent to. Youngjae began to walk quicker as he heard the footsteps get closer and closer. Soon enough youngjae looked back and in a flash, was almost tackled into an alley way by the two men. In a struggle, youngjae screamed, fighting off the men, biting them, kicking, scratching and thrashing around but to no avail. One of the men had his hands around youngjae's neck and another holding a gun against his temple. "Well well well look at what we have here. What a pretty little boy. You wanna go first?" He snarled in youngjae's face causing youngjae to flinch. "S-Someone is coming to get me!! you better get your sorry asses out of here before they come and call the cops!!" Youngjae yelled out. One of the men grabbed youngjae by the arm and smashed his face into the brick wall, using a knife to cut his pants off. "You're gonna regret saying those words you snotty little whore." Youngjae realized what was about to happen but could only scream at the piercing pain the knife had caused as the guy had accidentally cut his lower back. The guy had covered youngjae's mouth with his hand and used his other had to bring the knife up to his throat. "so much as a peep and you'll be dead." Youngjae nodded as minimally as he could in order to not cut his neck in any way. He began to sob silently, praying for someone to come save him but at almost 11 at night, he knew that there was going to be no one to save him. He knew. 

Out of nowhere he heard rushing footsteps coming towards where he was and saw a familiar figure standing at the entrance of the alleyway. It was almost like something out of a movie. His eyes seemed to almost be glowing a gold color as he walked forward towards the two men and youngjae. "Hey who the fuck are you cant you see we're busy here?" Jaebum's pupils constricted as he stepped forward, his presence hellishly overwhelming and the aura around his became murderous. In the blink of an eye, Jaebum rushed the guy with a gun and disarmed him, shooting him point blank in the head before looking at the other guy who had youngjae against the wall. The other guy came at jaebum with his knife only giving jaebum all the more reason to hurt him.  He managed to slash jaebum's shoulder before jaebum grabbed his arm and snapped it against his leg, taking the knife from him and stabbing it straight through the chest. Jaebum panted heavily before gagging a little at what he had just done and threw up in the near by dumpster before cleaning off the vomit from the corner of his mouth and going back to youngjae. "Hey.. Are you okay? What did they do to you?" Youngjae sat there frozen as he looked up and saw jaebum with blood on his hands, shirt and a few specks on his face. "I-I-I j-just w-wanna go home. p-p-please b-bummie." Jaebum nodded and picked youngjae up bridal style, carrying his backpack and umbrella on his back. 

Jaebum opened the door to his apartment and saw his mother who was in the living room doing her notes. "Hi sweetie, how was your wal-" Mrs. Im looked up to see youngjae looked absolutely frozen and jaebum covered in fresh blood. She dropped her glass and rushed towards them looking at the two of them. "Jaebum what happened?" Jaebum shook his head, the two kids looking like their souls had left their bodies, both ghostly white and drenched from the rain. "Run youngjae a warm bath please. And get the rape kit out just in case." Mrs. Im's eyes widened as she heard the word rape come out of jaebum's mouth and suddenly put two and two together. "what happened to the people who did this?" Jaebum brought youngjae into the bathroom, turning his head to the side and pausing for a second before answering. "Let's just say... They wont be hurting anyone ever again." And with that, jaebum shut the door to the bathroom, his mother letting out a shaky breath before pulling herself together and grabbing the medical kit, following in right after jaebum.

Youngjae pulled his hoodie over his head as they began to walk through the cemetery.  He looked around at all the names that were on the tombstones, mentally paying his respects as he passed by each one of them. "Hey jaebum, Go on and find the graves. I gotta look for someone. I'll be back okay?" Jaebum nodded and gave him a soft smile before walking off, leaving youngjae alone. The young swimmer walked on through the cemetery as he continue to search for the one tombstone he's been looking for. Youngjae finally stopped in front of the tombstone and stared down at the name that seemed to had plagued his mind.

'Here Lies, Matthew Kim. Born 10/1992 - august 2017'

Youngjae set down a bouquet of flowers and a necklace that matthew had given him. He took a deep breath in and another deep breath out as he looked up at the blue, cloudless sky. "You can't hurt me anymore. All the evil things you've said and done to me..." He paused before looking over at jaebum in the distance and smiling warmly. "I know who i was meant to be with. And you would've never changed that. Nothing could ever change that." The black haired boy left out a shaky breath before standing up straighter and inhaling deeply.

"I forgive you matthew. I never hated you. I never will. So please rest easy and maybe i will be able to forget your scarring torment. Thank you for making me stronger. Im sorry your life had to end like this. But know that i forgive you. Sleep well." 

The raven haired boy soon walked over to his swim captain and huffed a little, wiping his tears away as he went to put down his second bouquet of flowers onto another tombstone. "It's been years since them.." Jaebum said. Youngjae nodded silently before sniffling softly and looking at the two names. "You know youngjae, you're probably one of the strongest people I've ever known." Youngjae stared at the tombstones silently, feeling the words jaebum said, hit him deeply, causing tears to slowly fall down his cheeks. "I still can't believe you killed them." Youngjae said. Jaebum hugged youngjae close and kissed the top of his head to reassure him. "I did what i had to do. I promised you i would keep you safe didn't I?" Youngjae chuckled before wiping his tears away. "You've done a great job hyung." The two of them stayed there for a few more minutes paying respects to the people jaebum had murdered all those years ago. Once done, the two of them started to walk back to jaebum's apartment, a comfortable silence surrounding them. "Who was the other grave you gave flowers to?" Youngjae looked down at the shadows on the sidewalk that the trees were casting, the his once dull lifeless eyes, gaining the tiniest bit of light. "An old friend." Youngjae said softly before giving jaebum a big smile and looked around. "Something about today just... makes me feel 10 pounds lighter. I think that visit did me some good." Jaebum nodded before wrapping an arm around the younger's shoulders. "That's good. That means the souls keeping your body captive have finally been able to move on." Youngjae closed his eyes as they stood in the sun and looked towards the sky. "Move on huh..? Looks like i'm free." Youngjae giggle before crossing the street with the elder and going down the block.

Looks like i'm finally free.

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