Ni- Jyuu || epilogue

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A loud beep echoed through the arena. The crowds of thousands, roar as they see the team of their choosing step up to the side of the diving block. Mark let out a shaky breath as he gets into the water. He sees the other swimmers get into the water with him and he swallows thickly. He positioned himself on the wall, grabbing a hold of the diving handles. The arena soon went silent. It felt like a ghost town but the pressure that the swimmers were feeling, it was almost bone crushing. Mark took a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

"Take your mark."

Everything was silent before hearing the buzzer ring. Mark bursted off the wall, his body managed to launch farther than most swimmers, staying underwater a little longer than most and coming it. He kept the Rhythm in his head as he began to stroke like his life depended on it. He could hear the other swimmers, causing him to swim faster. He watched as the flags above passed his vision and he turned into the wall,  bounding off of it once again. He flipped over and continued to swim, pushing his aching muscles over its breaking point until the pads of his hand smashed against the wall, the next swimmer going in to swim.

Jackson watched the younger come up and was already off the block when youngjae slapped the wall. He did a single dolphin kick before coming up for a breath. He extended his body and used his thighs to propel him forward ahead of the other swimmers by a long shot. He Chinese student finally got to the wall and did the wall exchange, pushing off with such a great force before making his way back to the wall. Once he practically ran into the wall with his hands, jaebum was on the exchange, jumping into the water as he starts to swim.

Jaebum lifts almost his entire upper body out of the water every two strokes he does, His arms doing most of the heavy lifting as the rotate 180 and pull down. He slows down by the third lap of butterfly causing him to lose their pacing to the team from america, but by the fourth lap, he gains his last drops of strength as he races forward ahead of the team, just enough leeway to give so that the final swimmer can take gold.

Youngjae gets ready to jump as he watches  jaebum come into the wall. There was a moment of nerves before he sees jaebum's hands reach and he's off. He starts to stroke but what he realizes is that the entire world is blurry. His goggles flew off his head as he dove in so he was swimming blind. He could hear the entire arena react to the tragedy as if it was gonna be the end for korea. Youngjae tried his best not to keep his eyes closed as he swam, even though the chlorine was killing his eyes. He got through two laps before slowly losing steam and letting the other teams catch up. He wasn't about to slow down and let his team down after everything they've went through. It was down to the last inch and finally his hand slapped the wall. 

The entire arena was silent as they started to rewatch the footage to see who actually hit the wall first. Youngjae's heart was beating out of his chest, panting heavily as he awaited the results on the big screen. Time seemed to slow down as they watched the 2nd place come up before the first place. But the moment the 1st place showed up, the entire arena erupted in cheers as they saw who came in first. Youngjae's ears were ringing from the water and loud cheering as he looked up at his team who were screaming, crying and jumping up n down. Youngjae blinked as he realized that they did it. They had won the summer olympics for the last time as a team. Youngjae got up out of the team and smiled brightly with tears in his eyes as he was surrounded by the people he loved most. He wiped away the tears as they gathered up there things and put their parkas on. 

Youngjae put his hands in the pocket of his parka and his a look of confusion spread across his face. Jaebum stayed behind the rest of the swimmers to see what was going on and mark and jackson turned to see why jaebum and youngjae were taking forever. 

"Hey jaebum hyung... what's going on?" Jackson asked as if jaebum could read his mind.

"I don't know, I'll see what's wrong just stay there." Jaebum walked toward youngjae who slowly began to pull out whatever it was that was in his parka pocket. He saw the black box and got even more confused before opening it up and seeing a black gold ring inside. He shut the box immediately and watched as jaebum walked over and get down on one knee.

"Yah- Im Jaebum!! What are you doing?" Youngjae said softly behind tears of joy. He knew what was coming next. Everyone else could. 

"You already know what i'm going to ask. But hear me out. We've been swimming since we were little kids. Ever since we've going through the motions of being teens and children you've somehow managed to be by my side. Whether it's in the pool swimming side by side, in school sitting in front of me, walking next to me on our way home from school, even being in the same college classes and swim team together. A couple years ago... the entire team including you went through something life changingly traumatic... I was being eaten alive by guilt and shame at the way i didn't  protected you. But we got through it, together. And that's what's important to me. That i have my family supporting me and that when we go to face hardships in life we do it together. I used to always think of swim. It was my whole life. But i realized that... swimming without going against someone... or even swimming alone is not something im used to nor do i want that. So youngjae," He took the box and took the ring out of the box, holding it up to youngjae who was crying his eyes out by now. 

"With this... my very FIRST olympic gold metal; I melt it down and show you just how important you are to me. NO amount of gold and silver medals could amount to how much you mean to me. So... with this ring, i ask one question.... Will you marry me?"

"youngjae... YOUNGJAE!!!" Youngjae shook his head as he snapped out of his thoughts, looking up at his team who were gesturing him to get onto the podium. He nodded and walked toward the stand, getting on the tallest podium with his team mates, big smile on his face as he was the last to receive the gold medal. The entire crowd cheered for the team as they bowed and waved to everyone in the stands and the cameras.

Once the ceremonies for closing were over, youngjae sighed softly as he walked on with his members to the vehicle to get the victory dinner. "It was a nice little day dream.. but this reality is much better." Youngjae says softly to himself as he watches his entire country's team celebrate by singing some korean trot song. He saw as jaebum waited by the bus door for him and instantly he felt his heart sing. He missed seeing jaebum smile like this. It was the best gift not even money could buy. He smiled up and kissed him before stepping onto the bus. 

"You ready for the gift giving tradition?" Youngjae says softly. Jaebum chuckles softly and rolls his eyes as he moves to follow youngjae. 

"Oh yeah. You're gonna love my gift." Jaebum says as he twirls a velvet black box in his jacket pocket.

// THATS THE END OF IM ANTI JAEBUM!!!! holy shit it's been such a whild ride and im sorry if it seemed hella rushed life has been beating my ASS lately but i hope you guys enjoyed this story! Thank you so much for almost 38K READS THATS FUCKING CRAZY!!! I love how much support this story gets and now that im not feeling as bad anymore, i'm updating a few stories tonight so be on the lookout for my other ones! I'm trying to be more active as i now am almost in college so it might get rough out here but other than that...

please continue to read my fanfics and spread the word! If you love them suggest them! Or don't bc yknow i feel that too.

But that's all folks!

The End...?

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