Chapter Eighteen

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Percy's (Chaos) POV 🐳🐳🐳

A few months later. . 

I was making breakfast. I sighed.

Nothing exciting had been happening over the last few months. I had to change that. . .

I had an idea.

Since I was up so early. . .

~A Few Hours Later~

I was sitting on the couch, waiting, watching the clock.

Steve was awake. He was sitting on another couch, looking at me weirdly because of the weird, crazy, and slightly evil smile that seemed to be stuck on my face.

A loud ringing began, shortly followed by a thud from a bedroom on a different floor above me, and a whole lot of muffled curses.

I heard the ringing stop and someone's rush downstairs. I was laughing by the time that Tony got downstairs, his hair a complete mess, sticking up at odd angles. He was still in his PJs (No, PJ does not stand for me). I fell to the ground laughing then.

"Who the—" he began.


"Did that?!" He finished, yelling.

I laughed harder, and he noticed me.

"You!" Tony yelled. "It was—"


Tony sent a glare at Steve. "It was you!"

"Of course it was me," I laughed. "Did you think it was Steve?"

Tony accepted my point. "What did I—"


"Do this time?!"

I shrugged. "Nothing. I was bored. So I pranked you. Maybe we could start a prank war."

Tony's anger turned to disbelief. "You—"


"Wanted a—"


"Prank war with me?" Tony finished after several interruptions from you-know-who (no, not Voldemort).

"Yes, I—"



Tony and all the other Avengers (including Loki) stared at me for my bad language.

"Siriusly, people," I muttered. "It's not like I don't know any—"


"Bad words. I mean, I've been all over the—"


"Universe. I know some poptarts bad words!"

"Poptarts?" Thor asked.

"It's a bad word on some other planet," I replied. Thor's mouth dropped open in horror.

"Also, Steve," I said, "Americans cuss all the time. So why can't you, Captain America?"

Steve didn't reply.

"You know," I said, "almost every word in the world is a bad word in another planet."

"That's news to me," Tony murmured.

I shrugged. "Just like the word—"


"Means poptarts on some other planet that I visited (and created) once. It's time like those that I'm glad that I know every language.

"Anyway, I'm getting bored again. Can we please just have a prank war now?"

Everyone shrugged and said 'yes', except for Tony, who said, "—yes!!" With Steve interrupting him once to say 'Language.' And then agree.

I grinned evilly. I floated, sitting criss-crossed, over a portal that I created on the floor.

"May the odds be ever in your favor," I cackled. "May the games begin."

I fell down into the portal, leaving the fading sound of my cackling, and seven people wondering whether or not this was a good idea, behind.

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