Chapter 26: Summertime

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○'Til we find our way in the dark and out of harm you can run away with me anytime you want

{Bandit's P.O.V}
I had found an old bar that looked like it had been shut down for a while so decided to try find a way in and sleep there for the night. There was a small window that had been popped open that I think must have been in the women's bathroom, wonder which lucky man got ditched on his wedding day, am I right? Anyways, so I slept last night curled up in a booth with the table hiding my small frame of a body from obvious sight. I felt a lot safer in here then on a bench or behind a group of trash cans. It was warmer and there were walls around me which seemed to put my anxiety at ease.

When I woke up this morning, I headed off to find the house I'd come for, so, to say the least, when I'd found it, I was more then relieved. It was practically just like any other house on any other street in any other area. Nothing much but the familiarity of being here like twice at most as a kid.

I walked up the crooked slabs of the path that stretched out to the front door where I stopped and knocked on the door waiting for whatever was about to happen, happen.

The door finally did swing open and there he stood. Odd coloured socks, dark skinny jeans and a plain black tshirt. A trimmed blonde beard and the double set of lip rings in the corner of his mouth topped with a slight mustache hanging down to the beard. Piercing blue eyes and a short mop of blonde hair straggling all over his forehead in any way it wanted.

It was none other then good old Bob Bryar.

"What?" He groaned.

"Hi Bob." I smiled gently.

"Hi- ran-dom -kid." He stretched confused as f*ck.

"I'm Bandit, im not random kid." I smirked slightly.

"Well good for you, bye now." He groaned again trying to close the door on me until I pushed my foot in the way, rude, I know but I really needed him.

"You hate my dad. I hate him too." I explained, my voice soft.



He pulled the door back and stood in front of me again. "Why d'you hate him?" He asked, jerking his head as he addressed me as 'you'.

"In a nut shell, he's a terrible father and so I ran to Frank's for a while until he brought dad to come get me. Now I'm running to you for a few nights tops, I promise -please?" I explained briefly.

"Don't you have Mikey or Ray instead?" He sighed.

"They'll turn me back to Gerard. Come on Bob, please? This is your revenge! Let me stay here for a little while and then I'll be gone with no trace behind. You'll never have to see my ugly a** face again! Please?" I begged.

"Your face isn't that bad." He admitted stepping to the side and letting me in.

{Frank's P.O.V}
We were going to fix this and we were going to find her. The other night, when Gerard went back to his place for the night and Asher back to his, I was sat with Miles on my lap, leaning back as I wrapped my arms round him tight hugging him. Jamia sat next to me, her arm wrapped round Lily and Cherry sitting to my other side. We watched random and weird kiddy cartoons.

"Daddy, are you going to find Bandit?" Miles whispered before cracking out a yawn.

"I'm going to try to Miles." I smiled hugging a little tighter.

"Dad, will you bring me back a t-shirt?" Lily piped up, her eyes still fixed on the screen of the TV.

"Sure, anything you want C?" I chuckled.

"I don't know, errr - a pen?" She answered resting her head in the noop of my neck.

"I think I can make that happen. How about you dude?" I smiled then began tickling the small boy in my arms.

"A dinosaur - no wait, erm, a shark - no, no a-a PIRATE!" He squealed through fits of laughter.

"A Pirate!"I repeated in his same excitable tone. "I'll try buddie." I then leant slightly to my side, bringing Miles and Cherry with me as I planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Anything you'd like m'lady?" I whispered in her ear gently.

"My niece." She whispered quiet enough for the kids to miss it. I answered with a sad smile and pushed my lips against hers.

As much as I want to have her back, she doesn't want to come back and that's what's important here. She left with no one knowing where she was heading to. Gerard wanted to file a missing persons report until Asher and I convinced him out of it, it's better if we found her and could talk to her and give her the choice of what she wanted to do then to drag in a bunch of cops that would drag her back kicking and screaming with no say for what was to happen.

The plan was for us to leave in the morning and search New Jersey. I was pretty sure she would have left the state so we wouldn't find her which meant we were going to head to airports and train stations first and see if she was seen at all. It would take a while but it was worth it for her.

~~~the next morning~~~

Gerard had come over around 6 this morning and together, we drove to pick Asher up despite Gerard wanting to leave him behind.

"Hi Ash." I greeted as he got in the car. This was going to turn out kinda funny with the hate levels just rising up in here.

"Yeah, hi Frank." He mumbled.

"Frank, I don't see why the kid has to come." Gerard admitted quietly as I pulled away from Asher's place.

This sure was gonna be fun.

"You're not as quiet as you think you're being." Ash admitted glaring out the window. Gerard just huffed in annoyance.

"Now, now children." I smirked.

"I didn't realize Jamia was coming." Gerard sassed.

"Oh f*ck you." I mumbled.

We headed to the airport about an hour away to see if anyone saw her using the plan to go from the furthest possible point to the closest back home.

When we got there, we decided to split up. Gerard went to baggage drop off, I went to security and Asher went to the ticket stands each of us with a photo in hand and hope filled eyes.

With no luck, we decided to try the train stations and followed the same plan, all splitting off and asking if she'd been seen at all. We did this at two other stations before we had to call it on this plan. We will find her, it's just kind of difficult to think where she would've gone.

{Asher's POV}
I knew she would tell me where she was when she got there. She promised. I for sure wasn't going to tell them that she'd tell me, they're the reason she's gone and they're the ones she doesn't want to be found by. I wanted to go with the guys because if they were going to find something, I needed to know.

We were at the second train station in town when I went to the woman at the desk and held up the photo.

"Hi ma'am, have you by any chance seen this girl?"

She assessed the photo for a few seconds before answering.

"Yeah, she was her for sure." She answered.

To say I was relieved was a total understatement. This woman knew where my Bee had gone which meant I would at least know one thing and hopefully, I could work out who she'd gone to.

"Where'd she go?" I asked keeping my voice low, hideing this from the guys.

"Took one out to California sir." She informed me.

"California." I repeated quietly to myself before adding, "Thankyou, thank you!" To her and turning back to Frank and Gerard looking like I hadn't just found our where the love of my life had ran too and infact played the pissed off boyfriend I had been since we started today. With Frank and Gerard totally buying it, we went to one last station before they called it a day. We booked into a cheap motel for the night so we could carry on searching.

Another short and cr*p one! Deal with it.
Tomorrow I'm getting drugged up *yay* good old laughing gas and dentists *woop* *woop*

I Hate The Ending Myself, But It Started With An Alright SceneWhere stories live. Discover now