Dedication (Foreword)

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I've spent the last year working on this light novel. While doing so, I have come to see the Internet as a very sad place. I suppose it is due to the anonymity that the Internet provides, but people seem to dump all of their sadness and hopelessness online. I read comments all the time about low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, suicide attempts and more.

When I read post like that, I always feel the need to offer some form of encouragement. As someone who has struggled with similar problems in the past, I feel I need to let people know that things will get better eventually. Honestly, I don't know how successful I am at encouraging people; all I can do is try.

Writing Secrets of Ether, I found myself wanting to tell a story about a sad individual overcoming seemingly impossible odds; someone learning from past hurts and growing as a person. While it seems farfetched, I sincerely hope that someone who is going through a hard time will read the story and find some encouragement. Maybe with some reflection, they'll see that life isn't so bad. I know that sounds idealistic, but that's my hope.

So I guess I'll end by saying:

I dedicate this story to those who feel that life has lost it's meaning, to those who are currently drowning in sorrow, to those who feel they are alone and to those that feel that life is hopeless. May you persevere to brighter days

January 2017

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