Chapter 3

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*Phil POV*

I was kind of worried about adopting a child. Was I going to be a good father? I guess we will find out.

The thing is me and Dan are not a couple. I really like him, and I'm slowly falling in love with him. He just doesn't seem to be interested in a relationship like that. I'm not even sure if he's gay.

"Hey, are you alright mate?" Dan says pulling me back to earth.

"Yes I am alright I guess, Daisy would you like to tell us something about you, we would love to get to know you." I say hoping she will actually look at us. It made me feel as if she just was scared to say anything.

"I-i am Daisy Brendly. I r-really like p-pancakes. I-i also l-like to spend time a-alone because I really don't have any friends. S-so I would understand if y-you want to leave." Daisy says.

"We wouldn't leave you Daisy, you seem nice. I really find you interesting, especially the pancakes part. I love pancakes." Dan says laughing.

I walked away from them and to the desk and asked for Daisy's file. I read it and she was in and out of homes and she seemed to have been used. She never stayed longer than 2 months which worried me. But I decided to ask Dan if we should adopt her. I mean she's a beautiful young girl and very shy. I belive I could help her with whatever she's dealing with.

I want her.

*Daisy POV*

I am kind of worried. Why did Phil leave? What was he doing?

"Do you have siblings?" Dan says.

I reply with some confidence trying not to studder. " I, um, I did. But I, uh, something happened and I honestly don't want to sa..." I pause, tears are rolling down my face I try to stop them but I'm to late. I already saw it in my head the image of my little sister screaming. She was so young, why couldn't it have been me. I'm full out sobbing when I realize I have two arms around me and rocking me telling me I'm okay. It was Dan. He actually stayed. I look up and him. And calm down.

"I-i am uh s-s-sorry. I really am. I-i am a mess." I say feeling bad about him comforting me, but then again he was my hero and I felt safe.

"It's okay Daisy. I have times like this where I just cry and I can't stop. Trust me, I'm a mess." Dan says.

"Thanks, your just a-as nice in person."

I see Phil walk up and I lean off of Dan as he stands up and Phil asks to talk to him privately which then makes me nervous. I then say I'll be up in my room.

I wonder what they're talking about?

Are they leaving me?

Are they adopting me?

Dan and Phil? Adopt me? Not a chance.

*Dan POV*

I walk with Phil and I look back and hear Daisy as she says she's walking up to her room.

"So Dan, I was wondering something?" Phil said the end as if a question.

"What is it?" I say wondering what it might be. I hope we adopt her but what if he is asking me to be his boyfriend? Nevermind. Phil wouldn't ask me that. He straight, right?

"I want to know what you think of having Deli- I mean Daisy as our daughter and you know, watch her grow up and raise her as our own."

Me and Phil. Having a family would be perfect. He would be a perfect father. He is the light of my life and with her would make it brighter and then I would be complete. I love this idea. Me, Phil, and Daisy. My family.

"Of course I would! I mean she seems like a sweet girl, so why not." I say with confidence knowing I would soon walk into our flat having a daughter. Our daughter

*Daisy POV*

I walk into my room and lay back on my bed and look up at my ceiling and getting lost in my thoughts when I hear a knock on my door so I yell come in. She came in. But why was Kayla in my room?

"Hi. I-i am really sorry for being mean to you. I heard you downstairs and it sounds like they really love you. I just w-wanted to tell you something." Kayla says quietly looking at the floor. I'm confused. Why is she so nervous?

"W-what is it? T-that you hate me? Because you can j-just leave." I say really rude not meaning to. I just have natural attitude.

"I-its fine if you don't want to talk to me, just listen. I like you Delilah. And I know you hate that name but y-your name is just as beautiful as you. I just don't like labels like bi or lesbian or straight or pan, but I do know I am bi sexual. I'm really sorry Daisy, and you have every right to hate me." Kayla pauses and takes a deep breath."I really think you're making me fall for you with your black painted finger nails and perfect length hair and your crystal eyes. It's okay though. You're leaving now and I'll be here and knowing that you're my first crush. Goodbye." Kayla turns to walk out but with all my strength I yell.


Kayla turns to me and walks over to me sitting on my bed and puts her arms around me. I can't believe that she's doing this. Me? Her first crush? Wow.

"Kayla, I like you too."

Whoa now, cliffhanger. Ha, let's carry on shall we?

*Phil POV*

I have made the decision.

Me and Dan are going to have a family and he will be a great father I just know it.

We just need to finish signing some papers and we can take our daughter home.

Next step,

     Make Daniel James Howell mine.

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