Chapter 5

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                     ~1 week later~
*Daisy POV*

How come my surroundings are all black? Why can't I see anything.

I freeze when I here a voice yell my name, giving me the urge to turn and run.

As soon as I try to run, it feels like my legs are in quicksand holding me in place. I feel my neck hairs stand on end when I see a light bulb light up in the distance revealing the tall figure. I hear a scream but it's sounds familiar.

That was my little sisters scream! By now I'm freaking out, where is she? Is she okay? Nobody hurts her, I need to protect her.

The dark figure walks toward me, I can't move so it's useless. He takes his hood off whispers seductively in my ear making me shiver, " She's gone, and I'm all yours tonight sweetheart."

I try to cry but I can't. I try to yell but I can't. I try to run but I can't.

The man yanks me up when I hear a familiar voice in the distance. The man starts to shake me.

I hear the voices clearly now realizing that I'm not 7 anymore. I have tears streaming down my face to find Phil with hands on my shoulders. "Sweetheart, you were screaming so loud. What's the matter?" He sounds calm, then Dan engulfs me into a hug crying himself.

Ever since I've settled down here, I've gotten better at not stuttering but these nightmares are going to bring it back.

*Phil POV*

I wake up at the sound of screaming. I lean up and realize that my daughter is screaming. So I wake up Dan who then becomes completely alarmed and we hurry into her room.

Daisy is face first into the pillow sobbing so I lean her up and clear the hair out of her face. Why isn't she waking up? So I decide to wake her up by lightly shaking her.

"Daisy! Wake up sweetie!"

My hands are still on her shoulders when she slowly opens her eyes up to reveal the most devastating blue eyes that no longer showed love and excitement, but they showed fear that broke my heart in an instant. I calmly speak to her, "Sweetheart, you were screaming so loud. What's the matter?" I hear Dan stand up from the bed silently crying, and pick up Daisy and bring her into a huge bear hug.

"I-i had a b-ba-bad dream" Daisy said between sobs. I shhhed her and wrapped my arms around her and Dan, and that's how we fell asleep.

It was the loveliest sight I've ever seen.

*A/N- Prepare yourself for some Phan action! <3*

*Dan POV*

I woke up and was confused to see that I was in my old room. I felt a small weight on my chest and looked down and saw Daisy, she had a tear stained face and now that I could see her arms and neck it looked rough. She had scars from cuts up her arms and fresh nail marks on her neck. She probably did that in her sleep. I look over to my left and see Phil. He looked so precious while he slept, his his hair went up into a quiff, and his arm around my waist. I was comfortable but at the same time I wanted food so I leaned down to Phil to whisper in his ear. " Wake up love, I'm going to get some breakfast. Get Daisy and lay her down." I see Phil smile," okay, love"

Oh crap, now he'll suspect something, I feel Daisy being lifted of of me. Then I feel something that causes me to jump.

*Phil POV*

Oh no, what have I done? Why did I just kiss him on the cheek like that without thinking? He jumped, he must have not liked it. He broke the silence. "Phil, how do you feel about me?" What was I supposed to say? I wrap Daisy's duvet around her and leave the room. I hear Dan follow me but what was I supposed to say, 'oh Dan I have been in love with you for years ha ha' or ' Dan I feel very strongly attached to you and I get jealous every time you do a collab with a guy without me'? No none of those will work. I didn't realize me and Dan were face to face and staring until he blurted something out, like he was a little kid holding a secret. "I really like you Phil, I always have. I have liked you since the first Philisnotonfire, when I said this is the most fun I ever had which led to you jumping on me and I kissed you. I said it was an accident but I felt that kiss and it sent shivers down my spine. Our Skype calls lasted for hours, I felt like you were the one for me Phil, I knew you were the one for me. You have never failed to make me smile and fangirling over you is something I don't regret. Remember, I'm Phil Trash #1."  His words made me smile like crazy, Dan Howell liked me back and its what  I have wanted my entire life and is finally true and not the fantasy inside my head. So this happened to me too, I just blurted it all out to him because why not? " Dan you make me so happy, and how I feel about you is so obvious that our fans shipped us. Without you I don't know what would come of me, we have achieved so much together, a book, a tour, three YouTube channels and one as a joke, we have the radio show, we have a homey flat and a beautiful daughter, Dan. I have shown love to you in all these ways. So to answer your question, my feelings are strong Dan, sometimes I can't tell if I have a crush on you or something else." And before I could finish, Dan interrupted me. " I guess we can find out then."

Before I know it Dan collides his lips with mine, it wasn't rough, nor passionate, it was more like a special first kiss but without the awkwardness. Out of nowhere we pull apart at the sound of a scream.

There stood a Daisy with her hands over her smiling face. " Oh n-no I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to ruin the moment I-I guess my inner Fangirl came out when I saw my favorite ship k-kissing." Dan laughed at our daughter. " It's fine and if you saw the whole thing then you should know we aren't a couple, yet ." I my face get red and headed to the kitchen. " I'm making breakfast guys" I was followed by oks from some hungry- not so happy morning people.

*Dan POV*

I was on the couch and I realized, Daisy doesn't have any new clothes. I look over to Daisy who seems to be in deep thought. " Hey sweetheart, h-" She cut me off looking me straight in the eyes and didn't studder a single word. "I need to talk to you and Phil. Its about the nightmare." I nodded my head. What was in that dream that scared her so badly.

Phil came into the lounge with our breakfast and sat it down. I then told him that Daisy needed to talk to us, so he sat beside me and we looked at her with concern. Then she spoke up.


"My mother died when I was three, she died while having my little sister. My dad gave me the nickname Daisy. When my sister turned two, he became an alcoholic and became addicted to drugs shortly after. On my 6th birthday, he raped me and beat my little sister. He continued to beat and rape me but only beating my sister until she died when I was 7, he had beat her too hard and he laughed and didn't care and that's the night he raped me and I was chained and beat. He left that night, I lived alone for many weeks and social services found me because I wasn't showing up for school. They took me and I told them that my father left and my sister died of cold and my mother died giving birth to my little sister, so they took me in and here I am now. Self harming- bullied, nothing but worthless teenager." I picked her up and put her in between us, she looked like she couldn't cry anymore. " Your not alone anymore Daisy, we won't let anyone hurt you, and if we ever make you uncomfortable or if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable you let us know alright? You don't need to go through this alone, we are here for you no matter what Daisy. We love you  and wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you."

She did something I didn't expect to happen...

To be continued...

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