Chapter 10

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*Phil POV*

I hand Dan a list of things I want us to do today. But wait, there's a catch. Its hints, I'm not dumb enough to blow surprises. Or maybe I am, but that's not the point.
I cup his face and kiss the top of his head. His cheeks were red and warm from blushing, it was cute really.

"We have a big day ahead love" I tell him with loving eyes. I see Daisy smiling at the door, behind Dan his arms now wrapping around my neck and mine around his waist. This was truly the perfect moment.

I'm guessing he looked at the piece of paper because he made a noise, a noise that a three year old might have made if he didn't get something he wanted in the shop. "Phiiiilll. Why are you making me find things. Whyy?" Dan complains so dissapointed and I pull him back and hold him at arms length. "Bear, this is supposed to be a surprise. I can't just tell you where we are going. You need to think about it. First place isn't on the list though, let's go." I tell him making his face go from sad to happy to confused. Emotional rollercoasters we all are.

We go get Dan dressed and we get into my car. We take Daisy to Ariel's because well, no one knows what's going to happen later..

Me and Dan are still in the car 20 minutes later, him and I with our fingers intertwined.

"Uh, lion?"

"Yes bear?"

"When will we be there? We have been in here for a while, to much waiting."

"We are about there just wait."

As on cue, I see the beautiful garden. I turn into the small deserted garden, it has beautiful pinks, blues, purples, and some yellows of flowers and small bushes, there's even a small stream with a bridge over it. Its beautiful and perfect for my plan.


We pull up to this garden. Its absolutely beautiful, there's even some black flowers. Which made me happy, I mean something that smells good and a great color, its basically me.

Me and Phil step out of the car and he comes over to me and grabs my hand. He pulls me to this bridge and picks some pink, black, and blue flowers on the way. I try to question but only to be shussed by Phil.

We get on the bridge and he sets the flowers on the rail of the bridge, me being scared of them falling.

"We are gonna make flower crowns my love." Phil tells me taking a step forward, planting a kiss on my lips causing me to smile into the kiss. I try to deepen the wonderful kiss, but Phil parts our lips and puts a finger over my lips.

"Just wait because I have more planned for you bear."

"Well, I can't help it. Whenever I look into your eyes I fall in love with you all over again. You can't just kiss me like that and not expect me to kiss you like that."

"Well I could say the same. Let's make these and we will be on to destination number 2 out of 5." Phil says, he looks so happy. I wonder why he's doing all this. I'm glad I brought my 'man purse' with me. Phil calls it that because its basically a purse but I'm a man.. I don't know but its just a bag I carry.

We get done making the flower crowns and I have black and pink, and he has black and blue. It matches his hair along with his eyes, making him look perfect.

I take out my list and look at the number one.

"What place means alot, its a great place to have a nice beverage. A favorite beverage." I read aloud. Phil looks at me with a smile. He opens the car door for me and I get in. He looks at me.

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