Chapter 14

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*Daisy POV*

It was a normal day in the Howell-Lester household. Dan and Phil were planning a new video, I'm sitting on my bed trying to pay attention to Katie play with her dolls. Louise got a dollhouse for her, it was kind of a wedding gift? I don't know how that works.

A little while ago, Dan, Phil, and I decorated my walls with some pictures. So my wall now has three rows of stringed photos from the wedding and other memories shared as a family. I am actually quite ok with Katie sitting and distracting me, now I have a less chance of my Dad's walking in and telling me to do my computer lessons.

Well maybe I was wrong. "Daisy, you need to start on your  lessons today. Don't use your little sister as a way to get out of it, you need to get it over with." Dan informs me as he walks in the door of my room.  " Ok, ok I'll start." "How about I see you get up and get the mac book please." I can tell Dan is starting to get impatient as I still sit on my bed.

I obediently stand up and walk over to my mac book, as I don't want to make Dan mad. I open it and hand it to him because I didn't remember the login."Phil! Come here." Dan yells to his husband who is probably in the next room. "What is it?" Phil sees the laptop being handed to him, "oh okay I'll put in."

My dad types it in and hands me the mac. "Get busy okay, phone please."
"Excuse me?" I retort.
"I said hand me the phone Delilah, no distractions." Phil looks me in the eyes
"Okay dad here." I hand him my phone as I cringe at the use of my name. Dan picks up Katie and they leave the room. Wow, who knew Phil would be so strict.

All I have to do is eight lessons, and I'm done for the day. Just eight lessons three times a week, can't be that bad.

*Third person POV*

Phil and Dan go to the lounge and sit down on the sofa with Katie in between them. Phil takes Dans hand and looks him in the eyes, " are we ready to tell the internet about all of this?" He says while looking at Katie and the wedding bands on their hands. "Yes I am if you are lion." Dan gives him a reassuring smile.

Their they were about to tell the internet about Katie and the wedding. Dan was in love with Phil,and just because he had a kid because he was dumb enough to not realize that Phil loved him the same way he did. He loved Katie the same.

"Hello internet. As of now you know the title of the video is coming out part 2." Dan starts.
"We are already out there, we just have extra news." Phil looks at him and lifts their linked hands.
"We are now married guys! And we have another child, her name is Katie and she is my actual child. She was not adopted. But the rumor of my secret family was half wrong. I do have a secret daughter just no wife-"
"But you have me as a husband, so that's always good." Dan cuts Phil off.
" hi hi!" Katie squeals from in the middle.
"Goodbye guys, I hope you like our little family."
"Gooooooodbye!" Phil says standing up and Katie waves to the camera.

*Dans POV*

Phil stands up and turns off the camera. He looks at me and I smile at him.

"What?" He laughs.
"I just love you so much." I tell him and he turns red. I really want Phil, it sounds weird but I love to kiss him and hold him and see him. It's just one hundred percent perfect every time I kiss him.
"Let me go take Katie to her room." He tells me.
"What about Daisy?"
"Ok Kate Kate you can't bother your sister, she's very busy. Just sit and be quiet. Here's a tablet." Phil tells our daughter.

They leave the lounge. Should we move out of the apartment? I mean, this is a small place for four people. Why can't we just get a bigger place?

I hear my phone ringing in the kitchen so I get up and go to it. I look on the counter and it's Phil's phone, it's my dad so why not answer?


"Dan? I need to speak with Phil, it's better for you to find out through him."

"What do you mean find out through him?"

"It's just hard to talk to you ok Daniel."

I feel a hand on my shoulder and mouth the words "it's for you."

"This is Phil," " oh I am so sorry."
" are you sure sir, is there anything I can do?" "Ok, we will be right over. Bye." Phil talks but I couldn't hear my dad.

He hangs up the phone and hugs me tight, and that's when I hear it. Phil is crying. "No Phil don't cry, what's the matter?" "You- your mum she- she died in her sleep" Phil cries, my mum was sick, but it was a cold.
"How? I don't understand?" Phil let's me go and holds me and arms length.

"We have to go to your parents house, your dad has to talk to us. We need to get Katie and Daisy, they have to come to." Phil tells me and kisses me on the cheek.

I grab my phone and keys and head out the door. I get to the car and get in the passenger side because if I drive I'll wreck the car. I still can't take the fact that my mum died this morning, she is gone. Me and her weren't close, but she was still my mother and I loved her. I didn't realize I was crying when Daisy asked if I was okay and hugged me tight. I nodded my head and we left.

We pull into my parents drive and Phil gets out of the car, along with Daisy. I don't get out of the car, which leads to Phil coming to my side and opening the door attempting to carry me bridal style while Daisy gets Katie.

"Phil please put me down." I ask him and he just ignores me then kisses me. Wow, how rude.

Dad opens the door and Phil puts me down. He motions for us to come inside and we come in.

"Dan, Phil. I need you to accompany this house. I'm going to live with Adrian in his new apartment." He looks at us both
"But, why us?"
"Because son, you have two little girls here and a husband. You need the extra space. For your growing family. I'm here by myself and that's no fun. Have it, it's all paid for."
I smile at my dad and hug him tightly.
"Okay, I hope to see you tomorrow to move in."
Daisy looks at me," dad, what about the apartment?" "Well it's going to have someone else before long."
"This is our home now." Phil finished for me and hugged Daisy.

So tomorrow we will move in to this house, me and my family. This will be a change. But me and Phil can get through it, like we always do.

Daisy♡{ adopted by Phan}Where stories live. Discover now