Chapter 6

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This is actually me and my best friend Kayla, we represent Daisy and Kayla. But none of this is actually real, we both have boyfriends and are not secretly in love with each other... had to get that out there...

*Phils POV*

My eyes widen with every word Daisy speaks, I can't believe someone would do that. People these days think that they can't just do what they want but they don't think about what the other person they are doing it to might think. Daisy stands up and says something I didn't expect.

"Here are the things I use to make me happy," she hands me 2 razors and a small bag of pills," I'll try to be more happy, you guys are my heroes and I will always love you. Whenever I felt alone or worthless, I would watch your videos and I would feel better. I was to busy laughing at what my life could look like if I weren't so depressed. And here I am now with the two guys I'm happy to call my parents." I see a tear fall off her face. I think we were all crying, it was a sad thought. She's proud of us to be her parents and not ashamed and that makes me happy. Dan takes the pills and razors and leaves the room, out of curiosity I follow. "Dan, what are you doing?" "Oh just putting these away Philly, why you ask?" He knows that makes me blush, that flirt. "You okay Phil, you seem a little red." Dan laughs, he knows why. I'm not dumb. So I just walk to the lounge and sit with my daughter. "So Daisy, would you like to do anything today?" "Actually I was thinking we could go shopping for her, she doesn't have much ya know" Dan practically yells. "Sure that should be fun, I'll go get ready." Daisy says as she hugs me. I love the feeling of being a parent.

*Daisy POV*

I make my way up to my room and pick out some black skinny jeans and a pastel pink jumper ( which is actually pretty old and smells like the orphanage) and my converse. I gave Dan and Phil those things because I was afraid, afraid of doing it again. I just know now, it won't happen and Kayla won't be around to make my emotions crumble. I probably won't see her again, and I know this sounds crazy but I want to see her again. I shake the thoughts out of my head and find my rings, well my lip rings. That's why no one ever liked me is for one my apearence, which was my brown hair usually messed up and with black eyeliner and my two lip rings and my eyebrow piercing. I know it sounds harsh for a 13 year old, but hey, ya got needles and bars, might as well put them to use. And secondly I studder to much and I give awkward eye contact and mostly avoid it.

I rush downstairs and see two guys known as my parents, should I call them dad? I guess I'll wait.

"You ready to go spend some money?" Dan asks, Phil and I just laugh as we walk out and onto the streets of London. Woah, into a car then driving. No way I am walking that much okay.

~le time skip to the whatever store~

We park the car and start walking. We walk past a store with a bunch of phones in it, I must have been staring because Dan noticed. "Would you like a phone?" "Oh no its fine" I reply. "Let's go and pick one out. If you ever need to text us and tell us something you won't be able to without a phone so come on." Phil said.

I am pretty sure this is the apple store because that's what everything is in here. My eyes come across a black one that says IPhone 7 on it. "Do you want it?" Dan asks and I tell him it's to expensive." It won't matter if your lost and we can't find you and your loosing signal because we bought you a crappy phone. We are getting it." "Hey guys, come here I found a cute case!" Phil seems to not care for embarrassment. We walk over and it's a case with pink and gold glitter with black stars and it's all on the inside moving, it's pretty cool.

After we set up my phone and get the case, Dan goes back and buys something and it's a rectangular box. "Did you get a mac book Dan?" I ask and he hands it to me,"It's all yours." I have never been happier and give him a hug, I feel kind of guilty with all this, it's all to much spent on me.

I suddenly run into someone. I didn't know who it was and I was falling and arms are wrapped around me stopped me from hitting the ground. My eyes were closed shut and I was afraid to open them. 

They start to talk to me, they sound familiar.

"Hey, open your eyes."

"Are you okay Daisy?"


I slowly open my eyes to see I'm in the arms of Kayla, I turn around and see Phils face in shock, but Dan is smiling like he knows something is about to happen. And it did. Kayla kissed the top of my head, and I finally spoke. "W-why, h-how d-did you know w-where I was?" "I'm about as suprised as you are to be honest." She says with a look and I know she's lying. I get myself out of her arms and just stand in front of her. "Kayla, did you run away?" She looked down "Yeah, kinda. I was just missing you." We were interrupted by two awhhs from Dan and Phil. I turn and smack them playfully with a smile on my face and turn back to Kayla. "I miss you to Kayla, but you can't run away. I don't want you to be put in the basement for punishment. You need to have good behavior to go to school like you wanted, but it's a hell whole and you may not like it but it's your desicion." She takes her hand in mine. "I will always be here for you Daisy, I think of you everyday. When I get out, I'll find you. I only want you and that's all that's important to me." She then leaned forward, and I wasn't ready for this. She kissed me. I heard a click of a camera. It was Dans phone and Phils Vlog camera. She smiled at me and I smiled back, I pulled her into an embrace and finally pulled apart. "You have to go back Kayla." I say to her calmly and give her a kiss on the cheek and she nods holding back tears and walks away. Dan speaks up "So, is that your girlfriend?" I wish. "No she's not. That was my first kiss actually. I never thought it would be by a girl, let alone the girl who bullied me, she has a lot of anger and I just happened to be around when she let it out." Phil smiles looking like a proud parent,"So, we should go and buy some clothes for you okay. We can talk about what just happened later at the flat." He smiles and we walk down the pavement into more stores. Today had a not so good start, but it got better, way better.

*Dans POV*

This Kayla girl seemed sweet.She had ice blue eyes similar to Phils and Daisy's, and a dimple on the left side below her lips. It was cute how Daisy smiled and stared into her eyes. She had blonde streaks with amber hair and black around the roots. She had a good sense of style too, she wore a muse shirt, joggers, and black vans. She also wore this flat bill hat that said Los Angeles Reckless on it. She smelled like flowers. Her and Daisy were a perfect match.

We have gotten Daisy a few things today. We bought her an iPhone 7 with a glitter case for it whish I'm absolutely jealous for. And a mac book and some beats headphones. When we went clothes shopping we passed this place I think is Claires and she saw some lip rigs and necklaces she wanted so I got them. We went and she had picked out 5 pairs of skinny jeans, black ones and a red pair and I think white ones with navy blue on them. Some more I can't remember. We also got her some vans and converse, seeing that her converse were worn and small on her feet. We got some jumpers and she picked all of us some flower crowns. I guess I look good in them because the phans seem to love it. She also got some black nail polish that she said she was going to use on me, which I don't care about.

I look over at the time and it reads 10:35. Phil comes into the bedroom with me followed by Daisy saying goodnight and leaves. So I decide to ask Phil the important question that's been wanting to pop out of my mouth all day. "P-phil?" "Yes Dan?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes I will Dan" Phil sounds so excited answering, he leans over me and kisses me. He fills it with passion as I kiss back it grows between us as his tongue wanders to my bottom lip. I grant him permission to enter and our tongues fight for dominance. I give in and he parts from me. We just stare into each others eyes.

His eyes are like a million diamonds shinning against the sunlight. They are as the blue as the ocean. They are deep and I can get lost in them every time, so I let myself. He was truly amazing in every way.

I love him.

Daisy♡{ adopted by Phan}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang